I have a woman who works for me as an independent contractor

Ty TyDawg

Diehard supporter
Apr 1, 2013
She does her own 1099. One child, single parent. She is getting $8K for her taxes. How do they do that. She hasn't paid any.
Cause you ain't payin her enough EITC

It's a bitch
Re: Cause you ain't payin her enough EITC

She takes home ~ $2K a month and works part time.
Re: Cause you ain't payin her enough EITC

She might be pulling that scam that the illegals are ripping a hole through, that being that they're claiming child tax credits for who they claim are nieces and nephews still living in Mexico. The IRS isn't batting an eye and are paying it to them. I saw a news report video that showed some poor old undocumented workers getting "tax returns" over over $20,000.

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