Incredible thread below where some defend a passive approach to an end of days Islamic plague


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
* A passive approach of pretending it doesn't exist.

* A passive approach of throwing up our hands and crying "we can't do anything more than what we are doing, we just can't, can't, can't"

* A passive approach frankly hidden in a political agenda. The disaster that is turn the other cheek and welcome the Python into our living room, the rattlesnake into our bed and feed and pet him and he too shall change his behavior. "Understanding and education are all these snakes need". I direct you to the many if not most of the serpents who have struck and then been caught who are university students and or highly educated and well paid sponsors of murderous "final solutions" of suicide bombing, beheading, rape, live burials, burning at the stake.

* This agenda simply means the people who are bleating give peace a chance while swimming in blood think more of their political agenda/party than they do of the safety, security and yes survival of their families, children and loved ones. Which leads me to believe that they don't have family, children and loved ones. Oh they surely have some relatives but how many in the "loved ones" category is the question. Either that or they know what they are espousing doesn't really matter anymore.

* I think what they really are about is defending a bankrupt and discredited school of thought represented by an ultra left movement that has facilitated the rise of Islamic terrorism. Terrorism that has matured into a movement that is now managing to threaten the existence of peace loving peoples of the world. Because they bought into such thought so strongly that it left zero wiggle room for change once it was found to be foolish and delusional.

* So what is the response of some of the more defensive ones. At least the ones who are not in hiding. Doubling down on the name calling (does NAZI and FINAL SOLUTION ring a bell), upping the anti on the projecting ("SO" you want to nuke 'em all) while refusing to discuss the real issues and any real solutions since to do so would legitimize the idea of the failure of their agenda.

So far I have not seen any serious discussion by any world leader or major voice in any civilized country of any stripe bringing any of that (nuking and final solutions) to the table. Only the defensive and discredited agenda driven who are out of hiding are shilling to that extent. Finally Hollande (a card carrying member of the soft soaping left) appears to be taking a stand. Is it to cover his azz since he has been a player in setting the stage for the internal destruction of his great nation? Really doesn't matter at this point. What matters is the coming together of an honest approach. By both sides. To mutually stamp out this cancer on humanity. So I am proud of Hollande today. He does appear to be getting it and taking his pledge to protect Paris and France seriously. Sooner or later all free people will. Since this thing is well past any agendas now.
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The OP sure wrote a long fiction, a very convoluted and paranoid fiction.

No sane adult with triple digit IQ thinks declaring war on a religion is a good idea, it has nothing to do with any political agenda or left vs right.

Maybe some of you will grow up eventually and realize We're not playing some school boy video game.

I've read some of a lamest, most adolescent fanaticizing about killing every Muslim who might not be crazy about our Mid-East policies, nuking them, etc, etc in the past few days on this board. I suspect much of it is trolling, there couldn't be that many people so far out there...could there?
The sooner people like you realize we're never going to defeat terrorism like a traditional enemy with a traditional military, the better. Constant wars in the Middle East won't solve anything except bankrupting our economy and radicalize more Muslims. We keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

I don't have the answers like you seem to think you have, but the Iraq and Afghanistan wars didn't solve or curb terrorism. What makes you think another war in the Middle East is going to? We already tried your agenda with two separate wars, and we failed.
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The OP sure wrote a long fiction, a very convoluted and paranoid fiction.

No sane adult with triple digit IQ thinks declaring war on a religion is a good idea, it has nothing to do with any political agenda or left vs right.

Maybe some of you will grow up eventually and realize We're not playing some school boy video game.

I've read some of a lamest, most adolescent fanaticizing about killing every Muslim who might not be crazy about our Mid-East policies, nuking them, etc, etc in the past few days on this board. I suspect much of it is trolling, there couldn't be that many people so far out there...could there?
Same story, 897th verse. Name call. Nanny nanny boo boo. Deflect, project, blah, blah, blah. Any port in a storm I suppose. But this is not about you, you are a harmless loser as it relates to this subject. You and your kind have egg on your face, much better than ISIS caused blood running down your headless torso, but this story has went beyond the pitiful but, but, but stammering of those who can't let go of a discredited agenda. This thing is hundreds and hundreds of years long at this point and the few of you who would simply hug it all out and sing kumbaya with your Islamist killer friends need to go back under your collective rocks. Since you have no solutions short of cat calling and throwing out tired old bad names. And get this, you are not offended or concerned by ISIS. You direct your angst and childishness toward those who are. Your fellow Americans. Now if you have any ideas or solutions short of killing these criminals (I don't) I'd like to hear about them. Of course you don't since your thought process is so inane that those of us who do want to go get them are the problem, not ISIS in your single track mind. So I expect ZERO in the way of how to deal with them. Because in your mind THEY (ISIS) are not the problem, your fellow AMERICANS and those DEAD PARISIANS are. Incredible.
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The sooner people like you realize we're never going to defeat terrorism like a traditional enemy with a traditional military, the better. Constant wars in the Middle East won't solve anything except bankrupting our economy and radicalize more Muslims. We keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

I don't have the answers like you seem to think you have, but the Iraq and Afghanistan wars didn't solve or curb terrorism. What makes you think another war in the Middle East is going to? We already tried your agenda with two separate wars, and we failed.
Don't know where your head was at sport model but the war was over in Iraq. We had the ground, military bases and access to anywhere we wanted to go in the ME to root out any terrorist activity. And the hardware to do it with. Who knows, maybe they could have developed their economies and cultures the same way Japan and Germany have. Sad fact of life but there you go. Been that way since mankind has occupied this ole planet. Let me give you one simple factoid. Western Europe, Russia, China and the Americas want peace with these people, they want you dead. And me and my children. I have a problem with that and my solution is to defend myself and mine. WHAT pray tell is yours short of cursing the folks in the same boat as you? BTW, the Chinese just called for international help dealing with their Islamic issues, Putin and Russia are making a stand. They (ISIS and radical Islam) have had you passive people on the run but I can assure you most Americans are not with you. So the world can and will defeat this. At some point you are going to have to make a choice here.
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Can't agree more. Sometimes innocent people get caught in the crossfire. It's clear that the majority of "refugees" are taking advantage of western ignorance and an unwillingness to upset the PC apple cart. They're turning the refugee program into their own personal Trojan Horse. To that point, there's absolutely no plausible argument to allow a single Muslim refugee into any western nation. I'd even take that one further - they should round up the ones who have slipped through and send 'em back. Our borders should've been shut down long ago. It's time for our government to finally do what's necessary and protect our borders, people, and way of life.
* A passive approach of pretending it doesn't exist.

* A passive approach of throwing up our hands and crying "we can't do anything more than what we are doing, we just can't, can't, can't"

* A passive approach frankly hidden in a political agenda. The disaster that is turn the other cheek and welcome the Python into our living room, the rattlesnake into our bed and feed and pet him and he too shall change his behavior. "Understanding and education are all these snakes need". I direct you to the many if not most of the serpents who have struck and then been caught who are university students and or highly educated and well paid sponsors of murderous "final solutions" of suicide bombing, beheading, rape, live burials, burning at the stake.

* This agenda simply means the people who are bleating give peace a chance while swimming in blood think more of their political agenda/party than they do of the safety, security and yes survival of their families, children and loved ones. Which leads me to believe that they don't have family, children and loved ones. Oh they surely have some relatives but how many in the "loved ones" category is the question. Either that or they know what they are espousing doesn't really matter anymore.

* I think what they really are about is defending a bankrupt and discredited school of thought represented by an ultra left movement that has facilitated the rise of Islamic terrorism. Terrorism that has matured into a movement that is now managing to threaten the existence of peace loving peoples of the world. Because they bought into such thought so strongly that it left zero wiggle room for change once it was found to be foolish and delusional.

* So what is the response of some of the more defensive ones. At least the ones who are not in hiding. Doubling down on the name calling (does NAZI and FINAL SOLUTION ring a bell), upping the anti on the projecting ("SO" you want to nuke 'em all) while refusing to discuss the real issues and any real solutions since to do so would legitimize the idea of the failure of their agenda.

So far I have not seen any serious discussion by any world leader or major voice in any civilized country of any stripe bringing any of that (nuking and final solutions) to the table. Only the defensive and discredited agenda driven who are out of hiding are shilling to that extent. Finally Hollande (a card carrying member of the soft soaping left) appears to be taking a stand. Is it to cover his azz since he has been a player in setting the stage for the internal destruction of his great nation? Really doesn't matter at this point. What matters is the coming together of an honest approach. By both sides. To mutually stamp out this cancer on humanity. So I am proud of Hollande today. He does appear to be getting it and taking his pledge to protect Paris and France seriously. Sooner or later all free people will. Since this thing is well past any agendas now.
Great synopsis and well thought out unlike the response from HH.
The OP sure wrote a long fiction, a very convoluted and paranoid fiction.

No sane adult with triple digit IQ thinks declaring war on a religion is a good idea, it has nothing to do with any political agenda or left vs right.

Maybe some of you will grow up eventually and realize We're not playing some school boy video game.

I've read some of a lamest, most adolescent fanaticizing about killing every Muslim who might not be crazy about our Mid-East policies, nuking them, etc, etc in the past few days on this board. I suspect much of it is trolling, there couldn't be that many people so far out there...could there?
Why don't we just throw our hands up and say "welcome all you angry muslimes and bring them all over here, and maybe 25% go to Israel as well". I can not think of a better analogy to show how insane your lack of a sane solution would be. In case you do not realize it, islam had declared war on all other non islamic peoples and religions. We can either fight for our survival or welcome our deaths by capitulating and giving them what they want. obama created this problem in Syria and the rest of the world is trying to respond to put down the threat. You are to caught up in your own ideology to see the truth.
The OP sure wrote a long fiction, a very convoluted and paranoid fiction.

No sane adult with triple digit IQ thinks declaring war on a religion is a good idea, it has nothing to do with any political agenda or left vs right.

Maybe some of you will grow up eventually and realize We're not playing some school boy video game.

I've read some of a lamest, most adolescent fanaticizing about killing every Muslim who might not be crazy about our Mid-East policies, nuking them, etc, etc in the past few days on this board. I suspect much of it is trolling, there couldn't be that many people so far out there...could there?

Frankly, just tell us how you deal with a group that will cut your and your kids heads off if given a chance. You don't reason with it, one way or another you kill it, or submit.
Hollande is doing something but I hope it's not him just trying to cover his a$$ by hitting a few easy targets. Their immigration policy has a created a climate where it's citizens can no longer enjoy the liberties that a truly free society should be able to do. I hope the next election in France will bring some political change where a right leaning candidate will go in, but I seriously doubt that that would happen. At least, he is showing some leadership right now.

And yet, the genius that we have in the Whitehouse is using European policies as a blueprint for our immigration plan. If you don't allow all of these Muslim immigrants into the country now, then you will not have to deal with them on our soil at a future date. States rights should count for something. I certainly would not want them dumped in my community.

I would not want to be the governor that agrees to take these refugees in, although the Feds will probably over-ride any decisions by the state and ram it down our throats.
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When will liberals learn there is only one way to deal with this? They stick their collective head's in the sand and project love in the hopes they will be killed last, I guess.

Some of the stated strategies of the Muslim brotherhood:
1)Expanding the Muslim presence by birth rate, immigration, and refusal to assimilate;
2)Occupying and expanding domination of physical spaces
3)Ensuring the Muslim Community knows Co-opting key leadership;
4)Forcing compliance with shariah at local levels;
5)Fighting all counter terrorism efforts;
6)Subverting religious organizations;
7)Employing law for the offensive use of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits;
8)Claiming victimization / demanding accommodations;
9)Condemning slander against Islam.

A five minute education from Brigitte Gabriel for Liberals (particularly HH) and Moderate Mulims:

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When will liberals learn there is only one way to deal with this? They stick their collective head's in the sand and project love in the hopes they will be killed last, I guess.

Some of the stated strategies of the Muslim brotherhood:
1)Expanding the Muslim presence by birth rate, immigration, and refusal to assimilate;
2)Occupying and expanding domination of physical spaces
3)Ensuring the Muslim Community knows Co-opting key leadership;
4)Forcing compliance with shariah at local levels;
5)Fighting all counter terrorism efforts;
6)Subverting religious organizations;
7)Employing law for the offensive use of lawsuits and threats of lawsuits;
8)Claiming victimization / demanding accommodations;
9)Condemning slander against Islam.

A five minute education from Bridget Gabriel for Liberals (particularly HH) and Moderate Mulims:

Wow, she hit the nail on the head !
To your point about protecting an ideology, I read a column yesterday from a Euro-lib that I started out thinking would be a sensible solution based piece. He started off talking about Europe's border problems and influx of radicals. He wondered about ways to curb violence and even pointed out that Belgium is most likely lost. However, the article ended up being a warning to the open border supporters that a solution better be crafted or the horrible right wingers, who have been right all along, would rise to power.

There are a lot of folks here and across the pond that just can't deal with the idea that being nice to a barbarian will not turn him into a civilized being. Obviously, we aren't rounding up a billion folks, dropping them off in the middle of the desert and dropping a nuke, but we better darn sure realize that importing people that HATE the diverse lifestyles freedom allows is a recipe for disaster.
The OP sure wrote a long fiction, a very convoluted and paranoid fiction.

No sane adult with triple digit IQ thinks declaring war on a religion is a good idea, it has nothing to do with any political agenda or left vs right.

Maybe some of you will grow up eventually and realize We're not playing some school boy video game.

I've read some of a lamest, most adolescent fanaticizing about killing every Muslim who might not be crazy about our Mid-East policies, nuking them, etc, etc in the past few days on this board. I suspect much of it is trolling, there couldn't be that many people so far out there...could there?
So, what's your solution, Einstein? You always criticize conservatives,, but you never propose a solution. Typical arrogant, snobbish lib.

So long as you can somehow blame W is all that matters to you. You love to preach yet you're awfully quick to attempt to silence legitimate opposing points of view. Personally, I see no way out of this mess without boots on the ground, notwithstanding the American public's weariness of war. But, I can promise you that will quickly change when (not if) ISIS attacks the homeland. And, it's coming despite Obama's foolish comment over the weekend that ISIS can't strike here. Another incredibly stupid statement by a small and arrogant man.

The question is whether Obama has the ability to cobble together a coalition. I don't think he can. First, I think he has no desire. Second, I don't think the rest of the world respects him. If we're going to get the Arab countries along with Turkey and others to put troops on the ground, they've got to know the US will be there to win.

But, I can confidently say this won't go away on its own and it won't go away without US leadership. That doesn't mean we have to put the largest number of troops on the ground, but it does require a full commitment to all out war because that's what it's going to take.
Same story, 897th verse. Name call. Nanny nanny boo boo. Deflect, project, blah, blah, blah. Any port in a storm I suppose. But this is not about you, you are a harmless loser as it relates to this subject. You and your kind have egg on your face, much better than ISIS caused blood running down your headless torso, but this story has went beyond the pitiful but, but, but stammering of those who can't let go of a discredited agenda. This thing is hundreds and hundreds of years long at this point and the few of you who would simply hug it all out and sing kumbaya with your Islamist killer friends need to go back under your collective rocks. Since you have no solutions short of cat calling and throwing out tired old bad names. And get this, you are not offended or concerned by ISIS. You direct your angst and childishness toward those who are. Your fellow Americans. Now if you have any ideas or solutions short of killing these criminals (I don't) I'd like to hear about them. Of course you don't since your thought process is so inane that those of us who do want to go get them are the problem, not ISIS in your single track mind. So I expect ZERO in the way of how to deal with them. Because in your mind THEY (ISIS) are not the problem, your fellow AMERICANS and those DEAD PARISIANS are. Incredible.

I never make it about me, I just try to make reasonable people see how FOS and wrong headed some of these postings are, yours in this thread being prime examples.
You are the one living in a fantasy world, but if too many people come to think like you it wont be harmless. Republicans are taking polls before doing most anything these days. If one person comes to see how absurd these calls for a war on Muslims or using nukes is, I'll have succeeded.
And if one life is lost over a policy you support, I am to assume YOU will be the cause?

Far more than a single life will be lost regardless of what path We chose.
That doesn't add up to The US declaring holy war being a sane option.

You all ever see this clip from Homeland? I'm pretty sure this is relatively accurate. Muslims do not understand negotiation until they get a 2x4 upside the head first.
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Don't have any great answers...I just know what has been done since 2001 hasn't worked or stopped the issues of terrorism and attacks. Bin Ladin and Saddam are gone and that didn't stop them from continuing to organize and reform groups to train and slaughter.

Hell, there are training camps here in Ga and around the US...we ain't doing anything about em either...

So if there is gonna be a solution to the problem...if you want to cure the common cold, or stop yourself from catching one, then there has to be preventative measures. Stop it before it starts

Translated, prevent the causes that cause a cold, prevent the terrorists that cause the terror. The only way to prevent that is to eliminate the causes, which means eliminate...and if eliminated prior to the cause taking place, then there is no cold, eliminate the terrorist before he causes terror means there is no terror caused. It's not cutting the head off the snake, it getting rid of the whole snake.

There is no other way at this point...
Don't have any great answers...I just know what has been done since 2001 hasn't worked or stopped the issues of terrorism and attacks. Bin Ladin and Saddam are gone and that didn't stop them from continuing to organize and reform groups to train and slaughter.

Hell, there are training camps here in Ga and around the US...we ain't doing anything about em either...

So if there is gonna be a solution to the problem...if you want to cure the common cold, or stop yourself from catching one, then there has to be preventative measures. Stop it before it starts

Translated, prevent the causes that cause a cold, prevent the terrorists that cause the terror. The only way to prevent that is to eliminate the causes, which means eliminate...and if eliminated prior to the cause taking place, then there is no cold, eliminate the terrorist before he causes terror means there is no terror caused. It's not cutting the head off the snake, it getting rid of the whole snake.

There is no other way at this point...

You're not taking into account the very real Medusa effect. Cut off a head, 2 grow back.
I wish this was a zero sum game where each terrorist We kill reduces their number.
Many of those fighting Us are Iraqis, that wasn't the case prior to Our invading their country.
The terrorist before 9-11 were mostly from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yeman and all were Sunni.
I think We have to target active terrorist, while keeping peripheral damage as low as possible.
The answer is simplistic. The Muslims must resolve their internal civil war. But, the US must compel the Muslim countries to do so. Hell, the largest Muslim country is Indonesia. Tell them it's time to rid the world of this scourge and we should be using every economic penalty available to encourage them. We've tried lavishing them with money and weapons, but that doesn't work. Time to move in a different direction.
Far more than a single life will be lost regardless of what path We chose.
That doesn't add up to The US declaring holy war being a sane option.

There's a reason why the Muslims do not want any education for the females or children. The ignorance of the entire group
is the highest order of blind leading the blind. But it is relentless. I will give them credit for stubborn refusal based on another
crazy religious ideology. Imagine a world with billions of Westboro Baptists. That's the way I see Islam and the Muslims.
They are a medieval mindset that is right on the same level as the Klan but possibly lower. They want all infidels dead.
You and me included. So while we argue semantics and finer points they are training, infiltrating, breeding, and committing acts
of overt war and violence against men, women and children. I am an isolationist but I do not see MY way working on this.
I am admitting it.
You're not taking into account the very real Medusa effect. Cut off a head, 2 grow back.
I wish this was a zero sum game where each terrorist We kill reduces their number.
Many of those fighting Us are Iraqis, that wasn't the case prior to Our invading their country.
The terrorist before 9-11 were mostly from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yeman and all were Sunni.
I think We have to target active terrorist, while keeping peripheral damage as low as possible.

As usual, you're wrong. Keeping peripheral damage as low as possible is playing a political game to protect politicians. It's helps certain leaders sleep at night, knowing they're at least doing something. Basically, covering their own asses is what they're doing. Nothing more, nothing less. We have them contained- BO. Bahahahahaha! There are active investigations in all 50 (or should I say 57) states in regards to ISIS.

We should pound these miscreants, human cockroaches, into the ground with extreme prejudice.
There's a reason why the Muslims do not want any education for the females or children. The ignorance of the entire group
is the highest order of blind leading the blind. But it is relentless. I will give them credit for stubborn refusal based on another
crazy religious ideology. Imagine a world with billions of Westboro Baptists. That's the way I see Islam and the Muslims.
They are a medieval mindset that is right on the same level as the Klan but possibly lower. They want all infidels dead.
You and me included. So while we argue semantics and finer points they are training, infiltrating, breeding, and committing acts
of overt war and violence against men, women and children. I am an isolationist but I do not see MY way working on this.
I am admitting it.

I think most everybody sees We have to target those who are active terrorist, I include all tangible supporters.
Where I jump off the train is when people state a desire to broaden our attacks to include non-terrorist, just because they are Muslim. THAT would be wrong on every level.
As usual, you're wrong. Keeping peripheral damage as low as possible is playing a political game to protect politicians. It's helps certain leaders sleep at night, knowing they're at least doing something. Basically, covering their own asses is what they're doing. Nothing more, nothing less. We have them contained- BO. Bahahahahaha! There are active investigations in all 50 (or should I say 57) states in regards to ISIS.

We should pound these miscreants, human cockroaches, into the ground with extreme prejudice.

As usual you're as wrong as wrong can be. It has NOTHING to do with politics, it's just wrong, and not smart either.
You're a posturing fool, in THIS case at least.

I'm not here to impress anyone and truly believe our strategery towards Isis isn't working. How do you contain an ideology hell bent on destroying the Western World? Answer- you don't, you can't. We must destroy their will to fight. Strength is all these 8th century miscreants understand. JV team, Pfffft. We currently have investigations in all 50 states; what happens when these cells get the call to proceed with their jihad? Or, is that what your concerned about. We strike them, which leads them to strike us?
I'm not here to impress anyone and truly believe our strategery towards Isis isn't working. How do you contain an ideology hell bent on destroying the Western World? Answer- you don't, you can't. We must destroy their will to fight. Strength is all these 8th century miscreants understand. JV team, Pfffft. We currently have investigations in all 50 states; what happens when these cells get the call to proceed with their jihad? Or, is that what your concerned about. We strike them, which leads them to strike us?

If strength impressed these radical Islamist, I doubt We'd see so many springing from the ashes of ruin.
Regardless of what else We may think of them, they are true believers with a complete willingness, even eagerness, to die for the cause.
We have to kill those who are beyond reasoning with, or scaring. The hard question even Rumsfeld acknowledged is how to avoid creating new terrorist while dealing with those already radicalized.
If strength impressed these radical Islamist, I doubt We'd see so many springing from the ashes of ruin.
Regardless of what else We may think of them, they are true believers with a complete willingness, even eagerness, to die for the cause.
We have to kill those who are beyond reasoning with, or scaring. The hard question even Rumsfeld acknowledged is how to avoid creating new terrorist while dealing with those already radicalized.

Obviously, we haven't shown them the proper amount of strength. Agree?
Obviously, we haven't shown them the proper amount of strength. Agree?

I don't agree in the sense of some of the things being suggested on this board the past few days. We can't beat their culture into submission.
I do think We need to get on board with a coalition with France, Russia, Britain and Mid-East powers though.
Russia is a big question mark though. Putin is fighting anti Syrian government personnel more than they are ISIS. That means We probably need to hold Our noses and get The Syrian government to focus on defeating ISIS till they are no longer active in Syria.
The sooner people like you realize we're never going to defeat terrorism like a traditional enemy with a traditional military, the better. Constant wars in the Middle East won't solve anything except bankrupting our economy and radicalize more Muslims. We keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

I don't have the answers like you seem to think you have, but the Iraq and Afghanistan wars didn't solve or curb terrorism. What makes you think another war in the Middle East is going to? We already tried your agenda with two separate wars, and we failed.
What were the rules of engagement in those two failed wars?
The OP sure wrote a long fiction, a very convoluted and paranoid fiction.

No sane adult with triple digit IQ thinks declaring war on a religion is a good idea, it has nothing to do with any political agenda or left vs right.

Maybe some of you will grow up eventually and realize We're not playing some school boy video game.

I've read some of a lamest, most adolescent fanaticizing about killing every Muslim who might not be crazy about our Mid-East policies, nuking them, etc, etc in the past few days on this board. I suspect much of it is trolling, there couldn't be that many people so far out there...could there?
Okay, how's this for a policy? #1 - Explore, drill, frack, do whatever we need to do to harvest our own oil, and discontinue all ME oil purchases #2 - Pull ALL military personnel out of the Middle East #3 - Cut off ALL financial assistance to ME governments, and #4 - Warn said governments that any terror activities undertaken on our soil or that of our allies and traced back to those governments will result in a lengthy low tech air campaign on their country (think Vietnam's Rolling Thunder) whereby we will attempt to end all life in that country. In addition, any perpetrators who are caught will watch as we kidnap every one of their family members, execute said family members,and then torture them to death. How's that?
Obviously, we haven't shown them the proper amount of strength. Agree?
Outstanding point! I'm a Southerner and Georgian, but Sherman showed the way. He damn sure defeated an "ideology". And he did it by being ruthless.
And wasn't Nazi ism an ideology. Again defeated. But in both cases, the U.S. was led by men with strong leadership and the balls to do what was necessary to protect the United States.
So we haven't used enough strength. Take Sherman's tactics to the ME. There will be no more ISIS. But, we haven't come close yet. And we won't under current President. Probably not ever as our country has now become overrun with weakness, political correctness, "diversity", etc.
Okay, how's this for a policy? #1 - Explore, drill, frack, do whatever we need to do to harvest our own oil, and discontinue all ME oil purchases #2 - Pull ALL military personnel out of the Middle East #3 - Cut off ALL financial assistance to ME governments, and #4 - Warn said governments that any terror activities undertaken on our soil or that of our allies and traced back to those governments will result in a lengthy low tech air campaign on their country (think Vietnam's Rolling Thunder) whereby we will attempt to end all life in that country. In addition, any perpetrators who are caught will watch as we kidnap every one of their family members, execute said family members,and then torture them to death. How's that?

Some decent ideas mixed with some truly off the rails crazy shit, maybe you should run for office, you'd fit right in.
Outstanding point! I'm a Southerner and Georgian, but Sherman showed the way. He damn sure defeated an "ideology". And he did it by being ruthless.
And wasn't Nazi ism an ideology. Again defeated. But in both cases, the U.S. was led by men with strong leadership and the balls to do what was necessary to protect the United States.
So we haven't used enough strength. Take Sherman's tactics to the ME. There will be no more ISIS. But, we haven't come close yet. And we won't under current President. Probably not ever as our country has now become overrun with weakness, political correctness, "diversity", etc.

You people are clueless, truly bat chit clueless.
If you haven't learned anything from the past 15 years of history, you likely never will.
Far more than a single life will be lost regardless of what path We chose.
That doesn't add up to The US declaring holy war being a sane option.
It is a holy war weather we proclaim it as such or not. The muslimes will not rest until they have conquered the world or all died in the process. We should help them attain the latter.
It is a holy war weather we proclaim it as such or not. The muslimes will not rest until they have conquered the world or all died in the process. We should help them attain the latter.

''THE MUSLIMS'' that thinking is far too inexact to be useful, but it can be damn destructive.
I challenge you to go to the front page of CNN.COM, look to the right hand side for Muslims condemn Paris attacks.
Maybe you prefer not to so you can keep claiming Muslims never speak up against terrorism.
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