Incredible thread below where some defend a passive approach to an end of days Islamic plague

We'd be at war with 1,5 billion people, most of who have nothing at all to do with terrorism. If we attacked nations based on their opinions of us, we would have attacked most of Europe long ago, along with Russia, China and much of latin America.
Therefore your point is it is pointless to defend ourselves. And by your very definition all muslims are radical and we must destroy them all. I do not believe that to be the case btw. We should kill the radical ones along with Russia, China, and Europe. Against a determined effort by those countries the crazied murderers stand no chance.
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Defending yourself and your family is not killing like a barbarian. In fact it is killing like a hero. Once again you appear to be on the wrong side here. ISIS has truly brought the art of barbarian killing to life for us who had only read of it or heard of ritual killing by a tiny # if serial killers.

You're inventing things. Nobody is suggesting we not kill all terrorist and those who materially support them, which makes them terrorist as well.
If you want to make a case for killing people because of the religion they follow, please explain how that is what this country should stand for.
You're inventing things. Nobody is suggesting we not kill all terrorist and those who materially support them, which makes them terrorist as well.
If you want to make a case for killing people because of the religion they follow, please explain how that is what this country should stand for.

There terrorist because of the "religion" politics they follow
There terrorist because of the "religion" politics they follow

Most hate groups in this country consider themselves Christian solders. Would it be fair or wise to declare war on Christianity because of their beliefs and actions ?
There are 1.5 billions Muslims who have nothing to do with these terrorist.
Most hate groups in this country consider themselves Christian solders. Would it be fair or wise to declare war on Christianity because of their beliefs and actions ?
There are 1.5 billions Muslims who have nothing to do with these terrorist.

Oh Good grief. Seriously....which groups? what terror? I'll hang up and listen. Bless your heart. The only terror groups in the Country I know of is BLM and Occupy Wall Street clowns
There terrorist because of the "religion" politics they follow

Most hate groups in this country consider themselves Christian soldiers. Would it be fair or wise to declare war on Christianity because of their beliefs and actions ?
There are 1.5 billions Muslims who have nothing to do with these terrorist.
It should be destructive to the murdering muslimes. We save many innocent lives by being proactive, instead of always reacting like this administration.

You're conflating again. There is oceans between putting boots on the ground in Syria and declaring holy war against Islam.
The former is debatable, the later is insane.
It is a holy war weather we proclaim it as such or not. The muslimes will not rest until they have conquered the world or all died in the process. We should help them attain the latter.

I'm sorry if this bothers some, but it's hard to have a rational discussion with people who conflate a small segment of radical Islam with the entire religion. You just seem to have no capacity to use common sense on this subject. Maybe we should have attacked the Baptist after it was learned Timothy McVeigh was radicalized at A compound that referred to itself as City Of God or for Neo-NAZIs or The KKK, all of which proclaim themselves to be true Christians.
I think this sums it up pretty nicely...

Satire piece aimed at Liberals, from Faisal Saeed Al Mutar, an Iraqi born writer:

It must be incredibly frustrating as an Islamic terrorist not to have your views and motives taken seriously by the societies you terrorize, even after you have explicitly and repeatedly stated them. Even worse, those on the regressive left, in their endless capacity for masochism and self-loathing, have attempted to shift blame inwardly on themselves, denying the terrorists even the satisfaction of claiming responsibility.

It's like a bad Monty Python sketch:

"We did this because our holy texts exhort us to to do it."

"No you didn't."

"Wait, what? Yes we did..."

"No, this has nothing to do with religion. You guys are just using religion as a front for social and geopolitical reasons."

"WHAT!? Did you even read our official statement? We give explicit Quranic justification. This is jihad, a holy crusade against pagans, blasphemers, and disbelievers."

"No, this is definitely not a Muslim thing. You guys are not true Muslims, and you defame a great religion by saying so."

"Huh!? Who are you to tell us we're not true Muslims!? Islam is literally at the core of everything we do, and we have implemented the truest most literal and honest interpretation of its founding texts. It is our very reason for being."

"Nope. We created you. We installed a social and economic system that alienates and disenfranchises you, and that's why you did this. We're sorry."

"What? Why are you apologizing? We just slaughtered you mercilessly in the streets. We targeted unwitting civilians - disenfranchisement doesn't even enter into it!"

"Listen, it's our fault. We don't blame you for feeling unwelcome and lashing out."

"Seriously, stop taking credit for this! We worked really hard to pull this off, and we're not going to let you take it away from us."

"No, we nourished your extremism. We accept full blame."

"OMG, how many people do we have to kill around here to finally get our message across?"

Hat tip:
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More wrong headed thinking. Bagdadi was a cleric under Saddam's rule who nobody outside of his immediate area knew existed before We unleashed chaos in Iraq. He only organized Sunni murder squads and started terrorizing Shias with armaments we left for the taking when the nation stopped functioning.
We made him, just as we made Bin Laden and many other terrorist. Now you want to create more chaos, **** that.

Please explain this line of thinking. I was unaware we created UBL the terrorist. Enlighten me.
I'm sorry if this bothers some, but it's hard to have a rational discussion with people who conflate a small segment of radical Islam with the entire religion. You just seem to have no capacity to use common sense on this subject. Maybe we should have attacked the Baptist after it was learned Timothy McVeigh was radicalized at A compound that referred to itself as City Of God or for Neo-NAZIs or The KKK, all of which proclaim themselves to be true Christians.

Hmmm ... well you just referenced 4 possible "christian" terrorists / organizations. Now, quickly think of 4 muslim terrorist / organizations. You probably did that pretty quick didn't you. Now, I want to enlighten me on the support the "christian" terrorist received (from other groups and from others praising them and teaching others these things were right) as opposed to the support the muslim terrorists receive. Then I want you to look at each religions holy texts, and I want you to tell me which one has murder, violence and destruction as central tenets of their belief system.

You're comparison of the acts supposedly committed by "christians" with those of muslims is flawed. Christian teaching, and christian tradition (I've been told, I'm no Christian) is peaceful and inclusive ... Islam is violent and compulsory. Muslims "extremists" are not extremists they are muslims ... and damn good muslims because they are following their murderous prophet to the letter.
Hmmm ... well you just referenced 4 possible "christian" terrorists / organizations. Now, quickly think of 4 muslim terrorist / organizations. You probably did that pretty quick didn't you. Now, I want to enlighten me on the support the "christian" terrorist received (from other groups and from others praising them and teaching others these things were right) as opposed to the support the muslim terrorists receive. Then I want you to look at each religions holy texts, and I want you to tell me which one has murder, violence and destruction as central tenets of their belief system.

You're comparison of the acts supposedly committed by "christians" with those of muslims is flawed. Christian teaching, and christian tradition (I've been told, I'm no Christian) is peaceful and inclusive ... Islam is violent and compulsory. Muslims "extremists" are not extremists they are muslims ... and damn good muslims because they are following their murderous prophet to the letter.

Many of the things posted here could be taken as advocating terrorism against innocent Muslims. Morality, and the lack of morality is universal. When you advocate jihad against Muslims, it's no different than what THEIR terrorist supporters advocate.

I wouldn't view an American murdering innocent Muslims one bit differently than those murdering our innocents.
I'm sorry if this bothers some, but it's hard to have a rational discussion with people who conflate a small segment of radical Islam with the entire religion. You just seem to have no capacity to use common sense on this subject. Maybe we should have attacked the Baptist after it was learned Timothy McVeigh was radicalized at A compound that referred to itself as City Of God or for Neo-NAZIs or The KKK, all of which proclaim themselves to be true Christians.
That is not a christian group of followers, and I spoke out against that type of hateful perversion of Christianity.
Many of the things posted here could be taken as advocating terrorism against innocent Muslims. Morality, and the lack of morality is universal. When you advocate jihad against Muslims, it's no different than what THEIR terrorist supporters advocate.

I wouldn't view an American murdering innocent Muslims one bit differently than those murdering our innocents.
It's advocating survival of the non-muslimes!
That is not a christian group of followers, and I spoke out against that type of hateful perversion of Christianity.

After Your claim Muslims don't condemn terrorist I listed 9 major Islamic organizations that have condemned them very openly and clearly. If You choose to ignore it, that says something about you. The text of those large organizations' statements condemning terrorist can be downloaded, unless you prefer your version more. I'd be impressed if you admitted you were wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
That is not a christian group of followers, and I spoke out against that type of hateful perversion of Christianity.

After Your claim Muslims don't condemn terrorist I listed 9 major Islamic organizations that have condemned them very openly and clearly. If You choose to ignore it, that says something about you. The text of those large organizations' statements condemning terrorist can be downloaded, unless you prefer your version more. I'd be impressed if you admitted you were wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
We need to do the exact opposite. If we send men to war. No rules. Kill them until they're tired of dying or until the population is tired of dying and losing their homes. Haven't heard a peep from Japan.
That's actually a brilliant observation. We haven't heard a peep from Japan. In fact, they are our friends, allies, and business partners now. Really good point,
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That's actually a brilliant observation. We haven't heard a peep from Japan. In fact, they are our friends, allies, and business partners now. Really good point,

No it's not. It's incredibly stupid which now suffices in this country for "brilliant observation". Comparing world war 2 to a guerilla war is intellectually dischonest. More people died in the bombing of Hiroshima than are fighting for Isis but carry on. Japan and its allies were clearly recognizable. Who are Isis's allies? Saudi Arabia could be argued as one but also could be argued as fighting them. You think we fought Japan the same way we fought the north Vietnamese? Or the Ira? This is also a moral civil war betweenshia and Sunni within the same religion. Just like Japan and ww2 right? Uhh, no.

This type of thinking is not smart. It's simple. It's a punchline. It's dumbed down thinking for a dumbed down country that we are now. War is different now. Much more complex in the web of allies. So are the Kurds, the Turkish, or the Iranians our allies? There is no great single enemy or evil to fight. If you blow the entire country up (Afghanistan, Iraq) you are back fighting them in ten years because there is no moral incentive or will of the people to submit to disarming. Propping up governments has worked incredibly poorly for the us in the past in the region (see Iran). Japan also is a small water surrounded country. How are you going to land lock 1.5 billion Muslims in what 50 countries now? Isis is in Somalia and Egypt and all of North Africa as boko haram you know.
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After Your claim Muslims don't condemn terrorist I listed 9 major Islamic organizations that have condemned them very openly and clearly. If You choose to ignore it, that says something about you. The text of those large organizations' statements condemning terrorist can be downloaded, unless you prefer your version more. I'd be impressed if you admitted you were wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
They have not come out against the muslime terrorist. There may have been one muslim cleric that came out. I think if that happened it would be big news, once again show me where they spoke out against their good little soldiers if islam.
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No it's not. It's incredibly stupid which now suffices in this country for "brilliant observation". Comparing world war 2 to a guerilla war is intellectually dischonest. More people died in the bombing of Hiroshima than are fighting for Isis but carry on. Japan and its allies were clearly recognizable. Who are Isis's allies? Saudi Arabia could be argued as one but also could be argued as fighting them. You think we fought Japan the same way we fought the north Vietnamese? Or the Ira? This is also a moral civil war betweenshia and Sunni within the same religion. Just like Japan and ww2 right? Uhh, no.

This type of thinking is not smart. It's simple. It's a punchline. It's dumbed down thinking for a dumbed down country that we are now. War is different now. Much more complex in the web of allies. So are the Kurds, the Turkish, or the Iranians our allies? There is no great single enemy or evil to fight. If you blow the entire country up (Afghanistan, Iraq) you are back fighting them in ten years because there is no moral incentive or will of the people to submit to disarming. Propping up governments has worked incredibly poorly for the us in the past in the region (see Iran). Japan also is a small water surrounded country. How are you going to land lock 1.5 billion Muslims in what 50 countries now? Isis is in Somalia and Egypt and all of North Africa as boko haram you know.
Start the bombing early and the mission will be completed sooner.
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Start the bombing early and the mission will be completed sooner.

We've already done over 6,300 bombing missions with bombs dropped over the past two years against Daesh. I would keep that going but this is a different war than ww2. They're just not comparable.
We've already done over 6,300 bombing missions with bombs dropped over the past two years against Daesh. I would keep that going but this is a different war than ww2. They're just not comparable.

I disagree. It's that kind of defeatist attitude that has got us to where we are today... blah blah blah... we have to fight this differently; we don't want to injure the innocent civilians, the very ones who support isis. Blah, blah, targeted aggression, low profile tactics, we don't want to piss off 1.2 billion other Mooslims. No one is talking about 1.2 billion except the libs.
You're right in one respect though, the Nazi nor Japs brought it to your doorstep as Isis is planning; 900 investigations currently going on in 57 US States.
And you libs are part of the problem with your demented, naive thinking... let's show them more love attitude. Gawd, y'all are so gullible when it comes to eating up the liberal, left-wing, candyass media mantra. You're weak minded and easily manipulated, evidently.
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I disagree. It's that kind of defeatist attitude that has got us to where we are today... blah blah blah... we have to fight this differently; we don't want to injure the innocent civilians, the very ones who support isis. Blah, blah, targeted aggression, low profile tactics, we don't want to piss off 1.2 billion other Mooslims. No one is talking about 1.2 billion except the libs.
You're right in one respect though, the Nazi nor Japs brought it to your doorstep as Isis is planning; 900 investigations currently going on in 57 US States.
And you libs are part of the problem with your demented, naive thinking... let's show them more love attitude. Gawd, y'all are so gullible when it comes to eating up the liberal, left-wing, candyass media mantra. You're weak minded and easily manipulated, evidently.

when did I say anything about showing them more love? I don't know who you are arguing here with. Clearly, not me as everything you just said above doesn't relate to anything I have said or proposed. Maybe you're mixing me up with someone else. I want out of the region. I don't want my family members sent back over there again. I can see though from the way you speak you don't have any loved ones being sent to fight, that is clear.

Fighting a guerilla war as if it's the same as ww2 will lead to defeat. Our military has learned this mostly. See afghan, Iraq, and to a lesser extent Vietnam. Bush1 won iraq1 sort of, but thinking that any of these wars are anything similar to ww2 is one of the reasons we haven't won a war since ww2. Imperialism and colonialism are over. Been over. Ask the British anout the Ira. Similar deal. Have to fight differently.
We've already done over 6,300 bombing missions with bombs dropped over the past two years against Daesh. I would keep that going but this is a different war than ww2. They're just not comparable.
The difference between now and then is the right leadership to let the Generals and soldiers fight the war. Today our soldiers are so hemmed by our own prescribed rules they are at a disadvantage from the start. I agree bombs alone will not be successful. We need good intel, good support and let our soldiers do what they do best.
when did I say anything about showing them more love? I don't know who you are arguing here with. Clearly, not me as everything you just said above doesn't relate to anything I have said or proposed. Maybe you're mixing me up with someone else. I want out of the region. I don't want my family members sent back over there again. I can see though from the way you speak you don't have any loved ones being sent to fight, that is clear.

Fighting a guerilla war as if it's the same as ww2 will lead to defeat. Our military has learned this mostly. See afghan, Iraq, and to a lesser extent Vietnam. Bush1 won iraq1 sort of, but thinking that any of these wars are anything similar to ww2 is one of the reasons we haven't won a war since ww2. Imperialism and colonialism are over. Been over. Ask the British anout the Ira. Similar deal. Have to fight differently.

They have spent days advocating Jihad against all Muslims, now They want to disown Their own words.
You'd think Iraq would be enough to inform anybody, but hard heads are tough to get through to.
They also have convinced themselves ISIS has the support of local populations, so it's ok to massacre women and children. They ignore the fact millions of Muslims have left everything they own to get away from them.
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The difference between now and then is the right leadership to let the Generals and soldiers fight the war. Today our soldiers are so hemmed by our own prescribed rules they are at a disadvantage from the start. I agree bombs alone will not be successful. We need good intel, good support and let our soldiers do what they do best.

How about we support and lead a coalition of un, Russians, Iranians, Iraqis and Syrians to defeat them? That's what is going to happen. The problem is the aftermath. Who gets the territory? Who can hold it militarily other than the us keeping troops in the territory forever (which is what many here have criticized Obama for doing-removing troops from Iraq). This isn't going to be Japan post ww2 where we pseudo occupy their country and provide military protection eith Japan having no military. Just won't work. If we get involved completely (i.e. 10,000 or more boots on the ground) they will never leave and be killed by ieds mercilessly like Afghanistan. We'd have two, arguable three with Iraq, afghanistans. Which will lead to another-probably Jordan and then back to war with Iran. The people of the region need to fight it out and we need to get out of a proxy war between Sunni and Shia because both of them hate us. The region is so f'ed up that at the end of the day our best allies will be Iran and Russia against Isis. (You know the big French bombing deal yesterday involved a total of 11 jets right? Lol). Crazy
It's easy for the Muslim organizations to claim to condemn, then still
funnel money to them. It's almost a joke.

You just made a claim with no evidence whatsoever.
I'm betting those well known organizations are put under a microscope by our intelligence personnel, yet they have found no wrong doing.
Aren't you just a bit ashamed of making unproven accusations ?
when did I say anything about showing them more love? I don't know who you are arguing here with. Clearly, not me as everything you just said above doesn't relate to anything I have said or proposed. Maybe you're mixing me up with someone else. I want out of the region. I don't want my family members sent back over there again. I can see though from the way you speak you don't have any loved ones being sent to fight, that is clear.

Fighting a guerilla war as if it's the same as ww2 will lead to defeat. Our military has learned this mostly. See afghan, Iraq, and to a lesser extent Vietnam. Bush1 won iraq1 sort of, but thinking that any of these wars are anything similar to ww2 is one of the reasons we haven't won a war since ww2. Imperialism and colonialism are over. Been over. Ask the British anout the Ira. Similar deal. Have to fight differently.

It's the liberal mentality in general, not you alone. If you want me to address you specifically no problem, I will; I'm just tired of reading fools words as you try to lecture in an asinine way.

Fighting a guerilla war as if it's the same as ww2 will lead to defeat. Our military has learned this mostly. See afghan, Iraq, and to a lesser extent Vietnam. Bush1 won iraq1 sort of, but thinking that any of these wars are anything similar to ww2 is one of the reasons we haven't won a war since ww2. Imperialism and colonialism are over. Been over. Ask the British anout the Ira. Similar deal. Have to fight differently.

This I agree with. We must kill, in the Isis help territory, indiscriminately. Take the gloves off our military and let them do what they do. And, fyi, I do have a 20yr old nephew who may have to go if we put boots on the ground.
They have spent days advocating Jihad against all Muslims, now They want to disown Their own words.
You'd think Iraq would be enough to inform anybody, but hard heads are tough to get through to.
They also have convinced themselves ISIS has the support of local populations, so it's ok to massacre women and children. They ignore the fact millions of Muslims have left everything they own to get away from them.

You contradicted yourself, HH... millions have left to get away from them, so I shouldn't assume the remaining support Isis?? As always, you haven't a clue as to what your spouting.

Did we not bomb, indiscriminately, Germany & Japan into submission?
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You contradicted yourself, HH... millions have left to get away from them, so I shouldn't assume the remaining support Isis?? As always, you haven't a clue as to what your spouting.

Did we not bomb, indiscriminately, Germany & Japan into submission?

That is a truly DA leap, even for You. So Your conclusion is everybody who didn't jump on a leaky boat with their old, sick, new born babies' etc' etc must be terrorist ? That is outrageously stupid.
The cost alone would prohibit millions from leaving.
As for carpet bombing and fire bombing cities in WWII. Even many of our own leaders considered it terrorism. We have made many changes in our ideas of decency since then. We no longer have Jim Crow among many more enlightened progressive improvements.
That is a truly DA leap, even for You. So Your conclusion is everybody who didn't jump on a leaky boat with their old, sick, new born babies' etc' etc must be terrorist ? That is outrageously stupid.
The cost alone would prohibit millions from leaving.
As for carpet bombing and fire bombing cities in WWII. Even many of our own leaders considered it terrorism. We have made many changes in our ideas of decency since then. We no longer have Jim Crow among many more enlightened progressive improvements.
Sick new born babies on sinking boats?
Nazi's. Beside that, there was a poll a while ago that showed
Guys like you are so naive , We don't really have much choice. See the are AT WAR with us. Now our POS President is a lot like you, he is more worried about offending muslims and destroying the Country than defending it.

No one wants war. But sadly we're in the middle of one. Maybe you think we should send them flowers and mix tapes of POSOTUS speeches.....The Queen seemed to enjoy it..

Well, naïve is better than stupid, which describes 95% of your posts on this board. If you're so eager for another senseless bloodbath in the Middle East, then we'll look for you and your children on the front lines. As for Muslims, I couldn't give a damn about their feelings. I care far more about the thousands of dead Americans who will die for nothing and achieve absolutely nothing of substance except another mess, just like the Iraq war veterans. I'm not the cold, callous, hateful death zealot that you are. I have no interest in the US becoming a pariah by slaughtering millions of Muslims, as if that's going to have the desired effect that you stupidly think it will. Then we're facing tens of millions of radicals instead of 10,000. I'm sad to say it doesn't surprise me we have people on this board recommending that we slaughter tens of millions of Muslims across the Middle East. How you even look your children in the eye, much less yourself in the mirror is beyond me.
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We need to do the exact opposite. If we send men to war. No rules. Kill them until they're tired of dying or until the population is tired of dying and losing their homes. Haven't heard a peep from Japan.

LOL! Here's that stupidity I'm talking about. You're comparing the Japanese to ISIL and terrorists. Good God Almighty! Why even bother trying to have a discussion.
LOL! Here's that stupidity I'm talking about. You're comparing the Japanese to ISIL and terrorists. Good God Almighty! Why even bother trying to have a discussion.

Rolo, what about the role of Jesus in ISIS propaganda? In some videos I've seen, ISIS clerics claim that an anti-Messiah known as Dajjal, will lead an infidel army from Iran to fight the caliphate at Jerusalem but Jesus will return to earth to lead the Muslims to ultimate victory. Sounds crazy, but I'm reporting what I have seen and read.
They have spent days advocating Jihad against all Muslims, now They want to disown Their own words.
You'd think Iraq would be enough to inform anybody, but hard heads are tough to get through to.
They also have convinced themselves ISIS has the support of local populations, so it's ok to massacre women and children. They ignore the fact millions of Muslims have left everything they own to get away from them.
Most hate groups in this country consider themselves Christian solders. Would it be fair or wise to declare war on Christianity because of their beliefs and actions ?
There are 1.5 billions Muslims who have nothing to do with these terrorist.
The biggest hate groups in this country as we speak are liberal based, student groups and so forth. And various black militant groups such as Farrakhan's openly espousing murder of whites org, Black lives matter group and New Black Panthers.

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