''Appeasement' how has France or anybody else appeased terrorist ?
If you'd open you eyes you might see that most ISIS members weren't fighting Us before We invaded their country. Bagdadi, or whatever his name is was an unknown cleric in Iraq without a radical background, now he's their founder and most powerful leader.
Why can't some of you get it through your noggins that these people are radicalized by experiences. So now you want us to basically start killing without really knowing whether we're killing terrorist or just people caught in the wrong place.
I've said REPEATEDLY I'm for a coalition where We do our share and only target the guilty. I'm damn sure not for more bush like stupidity though.
Oh jeeze. Please just think before you post.
* The Islamic movement invaded Europe to spread their religion hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
* War after war has been fought between Christians and Islamic countries in the aftermath.
* ISIS is just another radical group of which there are hundreds, it was al Q just a few years ago.
* ISIS has no country therefore we never invaded anything of the sort. They became a problem because WE LEFT and PULLED OUT and gave them the country.
* Bagdadi was a lunatic, radical muslim the whole damn time. Please.
* These people are radicalized by virtue of their intolerant religion that teaches convert or die. They actually respect people who fight back far more than the weak and cowardly who bow down and won't defend themselves.
* War is unfortunate in that there is collateral damage. We fire bombed Japan, fire bombed Dresdan and Germany, carpet bombed both. Nuked Japan because they bombed Pearl and to save American lives. We may have never stopped fighting the underground fight in Japan had we not. Which of those activities are you now in favor of us not doing to defeat the Japanese and Germans who were both much, much, much more humane and reasonable than the forces of radical Islam. Yet we had to bomb the bejesus out of them to win and end the war. America is a beautiful country. We killed them to save our people and then made them into prospering, cultured states. Islam would kill every man, woman and child who didn't convert and turn our country into a horror.
Finally in retrospect George W Bush was a genius, dumb as he could be, compared to the "leadership" we have now. Our country was attacked by foreign forces and many more died 9-11 than died at Pearl Harbor and Bush went about seeing that it never happened again from the same folks. Never dreaming that the next president would give it all back and gift wrap a vacuum for an isis to grow in. What the hell is wrong with you? They never stopped bombing and trying to bomb Americans. They blew half of NY up during the Clinton years. And were planning 9-11 then. Way back before as well during the RR years. This is a zero sum deal, radical Islam will take your ice cream cone you sweetly offer and then hand you back a suit case bomb. Don't you get it? They take your sweetness as a sign of weakness and will blow you to kingdom come while praising Allah. Damnation man.