Incredible thread below where some defend a passive approach to an end of days Islamic plague

It should be destructive to the murdering muslimes. We save many innocent lives by being proactive, instead of always reacting like this administration.

So what, We put 20 million Americans in the field killing Muslims, is that your idea ? That might be enough since we'd be killing a lot of slow children and cripples.
Far more than a single life will be lost regardless of what path We chose.
That doesn't add up to The US declaring holy war being a sane option.
You know so far the only idjit talking about nukes and holy wars is.....YOU........Just some more of your agenda driven blame America first, blame the folks who are alarmed and call for constructive actions to cut the malignancy on humanity off before it overwhelms civilization. As the European numbskull warned his fellow libs about doing something before the conservatives take charge, the left fears responsible people more than end of days killers. These people are the NAZI's on steroids. Hitler X 1000 and the best thing they have going for them is the softness of western left libs. That is where they attack the underbelly. The extreme lib section of an extreme lib city is where they just struck. Even Jewish people who feared living in a surrounded Israel are now fleeing Paris because of the danger. Belgium is lost, France is on life support. Primarily because of the libs in their countries but the world crisis lays at the feet of people who voted for B Obama. Had we had the sense to have put Mitt Romney in office when we had the chance the world would be a far more optimistic place.
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You people are clueless, truly bat chit clueless.
If you haven't learned anything from the past 15 years of history, you likely never will.

Wtf, HH? Why don't you enlighten us?! Obviously, playing tiddlywinks (lib solution) with these clowns isn't getting it done. France's policy of appeasement is clearly not working.

A scorched earth policy is the only solution to a complicated issue. We must break their will. How do you not realize this? You're over thinking this.

Wtf, HH? Why don't you enlighten us?! Obviously, playing tiddlywinks (lib solution) with these clowns isn't getting it done. France's policy of appeasement is clearly not working.

A scorched earth policy is the only solution to a complicated issue. We must break their will. How do you not realize this? You're over thinking this.

''Appeasement' how has France or anybody else appeased terrorist ?
If you'd open you eyes you might see that most ISIS members weren't fighting Us before We invaded their country. Bagdadi, or whatever his name is was an unknown cleric in Iraq without a radical background, now he's their founder and most powerful leader.
Why can't some of you get it through your noggins that these people are radicalized by experiences. So now you want us to basically start killing without really knowing whether we're killing terrorist or just people caught in the wrong place.
I've said REPEATEDLY I'm for a coalition where We do our share and only target the guilty. I'm damn sure not for more bush like stupidity though.
nice dodge helen, no response to the actual points made on how to win?

I've made my points over and over. Don't blame me for your lack of comprehension.
One thing's for sure. Running wild like rabid animals won't solve anything.
''Appeasement' how has France or anybody else appeased terrorist ?
If you'd open you eyes you might see that most ISIS members weren't fighting Us before We invaded their country. Bagdadi, or whatever his name is was an unknown cleric in Iraq without a radical background, now he's their founder and most powerful leader.
Why can't some of you get it through your noggins that these people are radicalized by experiences. So now you want us to basically start killing without really knowing whether we're killing terrorist or just people caught in the wrong place.
I've said REPEATEDLY I'm for a coalition where We do our share and only target the guilty. I'm damn sure not for more bush like stupidity though.
Oh jeeze. Please just think before you post.
* The Islamic movement invaded Europe to spread their religion hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

* War after war has been fought between Christians and Islamic countries in the aftermath.

* ISIS is just another radical group of which there are hundreds, it was al Q just a few years ago.

* ISIS has no country therefore we never invaded anything of the sort. They became a problem because WE LEFT and PULLED OUT and gave them the country.

* Bagdadi was a lunatic, radical muslim the whole damn time. Please.

* These people are radicalized by virtue of their intolerant religion that teaches convert or die. They actually respect people who fight back far more than the weak and cowardly who bow down and won't defend themselves.

* War is unfortunate in that there is collateral damage. We fire bombed Japan, fire bombed Dresdan and Germany, carpet bombed both. Nuked Japan because they bombed Pearl and to save American lives. We may have never stopped fighting the underground fight in Japan had we not. Which of those activities are you now in favor of us not doing to defeat the Japanese and Germans who were both much, much, much more humane and reasonable than the forces of radical Islam. Yet we had to bomb the bejesus out of them to win and end the war. America is a beautiful country. We killed them to save our people and then made them into prospering, cultured states. Islam would kill every man, woman and child who didn't convert and turn our country into a horror.

Finally in retrospect George W Bush was a genius, dumb as he could be, compared to the "leadership" we have now. Our country was attacked by foreign forces and many more died 9-11 than died at Pearl Harbor and Bush went about seeing that it never happened again from the same folks. Never dreaming that the next president would give it all back and gift wrap a vacuum for an isis to grow in. What the hell is wrong with you? They never stopped bombing and trying to bomb Americans. They blew half of NY up during the Clinton years. And were planning 9-11 then. Way back before as well during the RR years. This is a zero sum deal, radical Islam will take your ice cream cone you sweetly offer and then hand you back a suit case bomb. Don't you get it? They take your sweetness as a sign of weakness and will blow you to kingdom come while praising Allah. Damnation man.
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Oh jeeze. Please just think before you post.
* The Islamic movement invaded Europe to spread their religion hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

* War after war has been fought between Christians and Islamic countries in the aftermath.

* ISIS is just another radical group of which there are hundreds, it was al Q just a few years ago.

* ISIS has no country therefore we never invaded anything of the sort. They became a problem because WE LEFT and PULLED OUT and gave them the country.

* Bagdadi was a lunatic, radical muslim the whole damn time. Please.

* These people are radicalized by virtue of their intolerant religion that teaches convert or die.

* War is unfortunate in that there is collateral damage. We fire bombed Japan, fire bombed Dresdan and Germany, carpet bombed both. Nuked Japan because they bombed Pearl and to save American lives. We may have never stopped fighting the underground fight in Japan had we not. Which of those activities are you now in favor of us not doing to defeat the Japanese and Germans who were both much, much, much more humane and reasonable than the forces of radical Islam. Yet we had to bomb the bejesus out of them to win and end the war. America is a beautiful country. We killed them to save our people and then made them into prospering, cultured states. Islam would kill every man, woman and child who didn't convert and turn our country into a horror.

Finally in retrospect George W Bush was a genius, dumb as he could be, compared to the "leadership" we have now. Our country was attacked by foreign forces and about as many killed as died at Pearl Harbor and Bush went about seeing that it never happened again from the same folks. Never dreaming that the next president would give it all back and gift wrap a vacuum for an isis to grow in. What the hell is wrong with you? They never stopped bombing and trying to bomb Americans. They blew half of NY up during the Clinton years. And were planning 9-11 then. Way back before as well during the RR years. This is a zero sum deal, radical Islam will take your ice cream cone you sweetly offer and then hand you back a suit case bomb. Don't you get it? They take your sweetness as a sign of weakness and will blow you to kingdom come while praising Allah. Damnation man.

More wrong headed thinking. Bagdadi was a cleric under Saddam's rule who nobody outside of his immediate area knew existed before We unleashed chaos in Iraq. He only organized Sunni murder squads and started terrorizing Shias with armaments we left for the taking when the nation stopped functioning.
We made him, just as we made Bin Laden and many other terrorist. Now you want to create more chaos, **** that.
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So what, We put 20 million Americans in the field killing Muslims, is that your idea ? That might be enough since we'd be killing a lot of slow children and cripples.
No, but we will have to put troops on the ground. I don't know the number, but I would assume it will take 400,000. How many will be US is anyone's guess. I think the majority need to be Arab/Kurd/Turk followed by the EU followed by the US. I agree that we need to lead but keep a lower profile. It needs to at least look like the rest of the world is contributing more than us.
No, but we will have to put troops on the ground. I don't know the number, but I would assume it will take 400,000. How many will be US is anyone's guess. I think the majority need to be Arab/Kurd/Turk followed by the EU followed by the US. I agree that we need to lead but keep a lower profile. It needs to at least look like the rest of the world is contributing more than us.

400,000, get that cock out of your brain dude.
The number being discussed is 98 to 100K, with 8,000 being Americans. I might could see Us putting 8k into Syria if there was a clear plan and We aren't expected to be a long term occupying force. If it came to that, it should be NATO or The UN.
Problem is...don't know who is a secret terrorist and who is a legit decent takes a difficult decision to exterminate...when I exterminate an ant hill...I get them all...even the ones surrounding the hill..check this link out if you think we are safe..RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES PEOPLE!

Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps in the U.S. (Video)

Posted by sharia unveiled on August 7, 2013

Posted in: Uncategorized. Tagged: ADL, America, American Defence League, Christian, Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps in the U.S. (Video), Islam, islamic, JAMA 'AT UL-FUQARA, Jihad, Koran, Muhammad, muslim,muslim brotherhood, Muslims of America, Obama, OIC, Qur'an, Sharia, Sharia Law, terrorism, Women. 64 Comments


Here is a list of 30 Locations Inside the United States…

1. Marion, Alabama

2. Baladullah, California

3. Oak Hill, California

4. Squaw Valley, California

5. Tulare County, California

6. Buena Vista, Colorado

7. Tallahassee, Florida

8. Commerce, Georgia

9. Jessup, Georgia

10. Springfield, Massachusetts

11. Hagerstown, Maryland

12. Hyattsville, Maryland

13. Coldwater, Michigan

14. Binghamton, New York

15. Deposit, New York

16. Hancock, New York (National Headquarters)

17. Talihina, Oklahoma

18. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

19. Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania

20. York, South Carolina

21 Dover, Tennesee

22. Houston, Texas

23. Waco, Texas

24. Fairfax, Virginia

25. Falls Church, Virginia

26. Meherrin, Virginia

27. Red House, Virginia

28. Roanoke, Virginia

29. Bethany, West Virginia

30. Onalaska, Washington
Problem is...don't know who is a secret terrorist and who is a legit decent takes a difficult decision to exterminate...when I exterminate an ant hill...I get them all...even the ones surrounding the hill..check this link out if you think we are safe..RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES PEOPLE!

Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps in the U.S. (Video)

Posted by sharia unveiled on August 7, 2013

Posted in: Uncategorized. Tagged: ADL, America, American Defence League, Christian, Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps in the U.S. (Video), Islam, islamic, JAMA 'AT UL-FUQARA, Jihad, Koran, Muhammad, muslim,muslim brotherhood, Muslims of America, Obama, OIC, Qur'an, Sharia, Sharia Law, terrorism, Women. 64 Comments


Here is a list of 30 Locations Inside the United States…

1. Marion, Alabama

2. Baladullah, California

3. Oak Hill, California

4. Squaw Valley, California

5. Tulare County, California

6. Buena Vista, Colorado

7. Tallahassee, Florida

8. Commerce, Georgia

9. Jessup, Georgia

10. Springfield, Massachusetts

11. Hagerstown, Maryland

12. Hyattsville, Maryland

13. Coldwater, Michigan

14. Binghamton, New York

15. Deposit, New York

16. Hancock, New York (National Headquarters)

17. Talihina, Oklahoma

18. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

19. Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania

20. York, South Carolina

21 Dover, Tennesee

22. Houston, Texas

23. Waco, Texas

24. Fairfax, Virginia

25. Falls Church, Virginia

26. Meherrin, Virginia

27. Red House, Virginia

28. Roanoke, Virginia

29. Bethany, West Virginia

30. Onalaska, Washington

I just have to ask. Have you ever been to squaw valley California? It's clear you haven't or didn't look at your list there. I've skied there for many, many years and there is not a jihadist training camp there. Maybe a yuppie, nor cal douche bag fest with a heard of ski bum hippies but no Islamist jihadis. Hell the valley is only about four miles long and the whole thing is a ski resort with ski condos, which I might add, are quite expensive for jihadi training. Whoever put squaw on there hasn't been to squaw.
''Appeasement' how has France or anybody else appeased terrorist ?
If you'd open you eyes you might see that most ISIS members weren't fighting Us before We invaded their country. Bagdadi, or whatever his name is was an unknown cleric in Iraq without a radical background, now he's their founder and most powerful leader.
Why can't some of you get it through your noggins that these people are radicalized by experiences. So now you want us to basically start killing without really knowing whether we're killing terrorist or just people caught in the wrong place.
I've said REPEATEDLY I'm for a coalition where We do our share and only target the guilty. I'm damn sure not for more bush like stupidity though.

Their policy of appeasement towards all Muslims. Their policy of kindness. It isn't working. Why are you so blind to the obvious?

Why can't you get it through your noggin that this just didn't start when we invaded "their country". Your selective memory is appalling and offensive. I'm tired of you libs blaming Bush when you know it wasn't his Iraqi Policy. It was Clinton's Policy and you know it. Furthermore, you're disgusted at Bush's policies but then call for exactly the same policy of creating a coalition. Then throw in an escape clause (no bush stupidity). You're a fake, a phony. You have no strategy. Then you have the gall to lecture us who do; albeit, it is a brutal strategy, it is our only strategy going forward. And if you can't get on board then you're part of the problem.

We must break their will to fight and the only way to do that is to kill indiscriminately. Exactly as we did during WWII.
Their policy of appeasement towards all Muslims. Their policy of kindness. It isn't working. Why are you so blind to the obvious?

Why can't you get it through your noggin that this just didn't start when we invaded "their country". Your selective memory is appalling and offensive. I'm tired of you libs blaming Bush when you know it wasn't his Iraqi Policy. It was Clinton's Policy and you know it. Furthermore, you're disgusted at Bush's policies but then call for exactly the same policy of creating a coalition. Then throw in an escape clause (no bush stupidity). You're a fake, a phony. You have no strategy. Then you have the gall to lecture us who do; albeit, it is a brutal strategy, it is our only strategy going forward. And if you can't get on board then you're part of the problem.

We must break their will to fight and the only way to do that is to kill indiscriminately. Exactly as we did during WWII.
Most fake, phony personna's are based upon being some sort of misfit and or offended individual whose desire for revenge against those who are achievers is remarkable. Even our president has shown some of those traits. More than one poster here are obviously of that stripe.
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I've made my points over and over. Don't blame me for your lack of comprehension.
One thing's for sure. Running wild like rabid animals won't solve anything.
The only points you have made HH are you are angry and desire revenge. And have gotten yourself practiced at the art of NEVER EVER providing a smidge of evidence that any of your illogical ideas hold just a dab of substance. You do know dodging, deflection, projection and childish name calling. Simply because that is all you have. But it is such fun pointing it out that you would be sorely missed here if you suddenly left. The perfect foil.
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The sooner people like you realize we're never going to defeat terrorism like a traditional enemy with a traditional military, the better. Constant wars in the Middle East won't solve anything except bankrupting our economy and radicalize more Muslims. We keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

I don't have the answers like you seem to think you have, but the Iraq and Afghanistan wars didn't solve or curb terrorism. What makes you think another war in the Middle East is going to? We already tried your agenda with two separate wars, and we failed.

Guys like you are so naive , We don't really have much choice. See the are AT WAR with us. Now our POS President is a lot like you, he is more worried about offending muslims and destroying the Country than defending it.

No one wants war. But sadly we're in the middle of one. Maybe you think we should send them flowers and mix tapes of POSOTUS speeches.....The Queen seemed to enjoy it..
You're not taking into account the very real Medusa effect. Cut off a head, 2 grow back.
I wish this was a zero sum game where each terrorist We kill reduces their number.
Many of those fighting Us are Iraqis, that wasn't the case prior to Our invading their country.
The terrorist before 9-11 were mostly from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yeman and all were Sunni.
I think We have to target active terrorist, while keeping peripheral damage as low as possible.

We need to do the exact opposite. If we send men to war. No rules. Kill them until they're tired of dying or until the population is tired of dying and losing their homes. Haven't heard a peep from Japan.
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I think most everybody sees We have to target those who are active terrorist, I include all tangible supporters.
Where I jump off the train is when people state a desire to broaden our attacks to include non-terrorist, just because they are Muslim. THAT would be wrong on every level.

Lord, Strawman much?
Did you earn computer privileges? It's not a straw man, it's a response to the many wild post advocating total war against Islam.

Islam is at war with us. You have to destroy them completely, so badly they lose the will to fight. Islam is not a religion, its a political movement.
We need to do the exact opposite. If we send men to war. No rules. Kill them until they're tired of dying or until the population is tired of dying and losing their homes. Haven't heard a peep from Japan.

No , We need to retain Our national soul, besides it would be counter productive to kill like barbarians.
Islam is at war with us. You have to destroy them completely, so badly they lose the will to fight. Islam is not a religion, its a political movement.

No, a very tiny percentage of Islamic people are attacking Us.
The fact most of ISIS leaders and soldiers are Iraqis should inform you of a cause and effect relationship. None of the terrorist were Iraqi prior to the destruction of their homeland.
No , We need to retain Our national soul, besides it would be counter productive to kill like barbarians.

Oh the "not our values" Yea sure, Tell that to the ppl of Dresden, Nagasaki or Hiroshima......I've always said liberals are like kids and soundbites are the shiny objects that control them.
Guys like you are so naive , We don't really have much choice. See the are AT WAR with us. Now our POS President is a lot like you, he is more worried about offending muslims and destroying the Country than defending it.

No one wants war. But sadly we're in the middle of one. Maybe you think we should send them flowers and mix tapes of POSOTUS speeches.....The Queen seemed to enjoy it..

gawga actually has a depth of understanding of religious zealotry most posters don't grasp.
Was a very small % of Germans that were Nazi's. Beside that, there was a poll a while ago that showed the majority supported these savages.

Germany was 100% nationalist. We knew we could capture land and end the war. This is nothing like what we faced in WWII.
Besides, declaring war on a 1.5 billion people, most of which have nothing whatsoever to do with these zealots, would be incredibly counter productive.
gawga actually has a depth of understanding of religious zealotry most posters don't grasp.

Not really, that's a major problem with liberals. They repeat things they think sounds smart, when if fact is just gobley goop BS. He like most liberals don't have a clue how the real world works. He probably picked it up off the twitter feed of one of the Morons at Mizzu.
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Not really, that's a major problem with liberals. They repeat things they think sounds smart, when if fact is just gobley goop BS. He like most liberals don't have a clue how the real world works. He probably picked it up off the twitter feed of one of the Morons at Mizzu.

Pot meet kettle, yet again.
Yea, you're right, its a wonderful religion of peace.....the only religion outside of Climate Change liberals defend.

Nobody is defending those who are at war with us.
It takes a bit more depth of thinking to see the folly in declaring war on a religion than most posters have displayed here.
Why? what will happen, they'll try and kill us?

We'd be at war with 1,5 billion people, most of who have nothing at all to do with terrorism. If we attacked nations based on their opinions of us, we would have attacked most of Europe long ago, along with Russia, China and much of latin America.
We'd be at war with 1,5 billion people, most of who have nothing at all to do with terrorism. If we attacked nations based on their opinions of us, we would have attacked most of Europe long ago, along with Russia, China and much of latin America.
So if we declare war on the ideology would that make you happy?
So if we declare war on the ideology would that make you happy?

We are at war with those who attack us, who happen to harbor a radical ideology. That is the bottom line, are they terrorist ? if so, we're at war with them, if not, we don't need to fight those who are not fighting us.
No , We need to retain Our national soul, besides it would be counter productive to kill like barbarians.
Defending yourself and your family is not killing like a barbarian. In fact it is killing like a hero. Once again you appear to be on the wrong side here. ISIS has truly brought the art of barbarian killing to life for us who had only read of it or heard of ritual killing by a tiny # if serial killers.

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