Incredible thread below where some defend a passive approach to an end of days Islamic plague

Well, naïve is better than stupid, which describes 95% of your posts on this board. If you're so eager for another senseless bloodbath in the Middle East, then we'll look for you and your children on the front lines. As for Muslims, I couldn't give a damn about their feelings. I care far more about the thousands of dead Americans who will die for nothing and achieve absolutely nothing of substance except another mess, just like the Iraq war veterans. I'm not the cold, callous, hateful death zealot that you are. I have no interest in the US becoming a pariah by slaughtering millions of Muslims, as if that's going to have the desired effect that you stupidly think it will. Then we're facing tens of millions of radicals instead of 10,000. I'm sad to say it doesn't surprise me we have people on this board recommending that we slaughter tens of millions of Muslims across the Middle East. How you even look your children in the eye, much less yourself in the mirror is beyond me.

You think there are only 10k radicals. And you call me stupid? LMAO. Another priceless post from the moonbat section
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LOL! Here's that stupidity I'm talking about. You're comparing the Japanese to ISIL and terrorists. Good God Almighty! Why even bother trying to have a discussion.

Bless ur heart. My guess is you're just not very smart and don't understand or know your history. But then you're a liberal. So calling you stupid would be redundant ..
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Rolo, what about the role of Jesus in ISIS propaganda? In some videos I've seen, ISIS clerics claim that an anti-Messiah known as Dajjal, will lead an infidel army from Iran to fight the caliphate at Jerusalem but Jesus will return to earth to lead the Muslims to ultimate victory. Sounds crazy, but I'm reporting what I have seen and read.
Well damn, common ground. We are in agreement. Its just nuts.
You just made a claim with no evidence whatsoever.
I'm betting those well known organizations are put under a microscope by our intelligence personnel, yet they have found no wrong doing.
Aren't you just a bit ashamed of making unproven accusations ?

Yes because our government is so on top of things in the past 7 years (Even before then). Look at the handling of fema money for an easy example.Cash for clunkers was a huge success (Laugh). I am pointing out anytime you want an inefficient,poorly run program hand it over to the government and let them put their unique spin of need more money to get inferior results.
I am saying I do not trust our current administration to tell the truth. If you like your plan you can keep your plan,This will be the most transparent administration in history, the attack in Benghazi was an impromptu demonstration over a video. The gentleman that made that video was even imprisoned for a while. There are so many more to list, it is really sad.
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Rolo, what about the role of Jesus in ISIS propaganda? In some videos I've seen, ISIS clerics claim that an anti-Messiah known as Dajjal, will lead an infidel army from Iran to fight the caliphate at Jerusalem but Jesus will return to earth to lead the Muslims to ultimate victory. Sounds crazy, but I'm reporting what I have seen and read.

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