Think of the investment to secure our borders and keep masses of people from draining our government from "free goodiesthe current 'short' wall costs us 10 million...PER build. think about that for a minute. and this is no investment. it's a pure expense and will require unbelievable amounts of annual maintenance, and dont even mention the fact that the next step would be tunnel mitigation, which would cost another 20 million per mile.
the Great Wall of Murrca would bankrupt us ... for what? and who the heck would spread the pinestraw after that? who would bring me my chimichangas? who would build our houses? our roads?
do you really think the messicans take out more than they give? there's a reason they're coming here....there's work for them to do
I am not name calling I am calling you out. There is a difference.stop namecalling and labeling everybody that doesn't agree with your dogma as a lib...if you want to be taken seriously, that is