It's good thing we have you around to show us the error of ways. You arrogant ass, I bet you can't manage your own life so you are going to to tell us how we should think and do. You've obviously run everybody off in your life, all you do is stay on this board all the time.
Get a life dude and start being nice to people, maybe someone will want to have something to do with you and you want have to stay on this board all day.
You're an idiot, but in Your defense, You're a very common idiot, it's not like You don't have company.
Aren't you a white night in shining f'in armor?Anybody with an open mind and half a functioning brain knows the loopholes need closing. Somewhere around 80% of Americans agree, even most gun owners agree.
I don't respect Your opinion on this because it's exactly The NRA's argument. They got Their talking points from the people they hired Who'd defended the tobacco industry even after there was clear proof they had conspired to lie for 30 years.
You don't think for Yourself, You're a puppet/parrot product of an advertising campaign.
I'm like most Americans, I'm sick of a mangy tail wagging Our great country at the expense of lives, treasure and peace of mind.
But,but,but.....just one more law will fix everything right? Won't it?I don't have an opinion for you not to respect. The laws are already in place, enforce them. Guns, gun shows, or private sales are not the issue. Criminals are the issue. Get tough and stop releasing these people. How did Rudy clean up NYC? It's simple, but some people have agendas and see the solution.
Aren't you a white night in shining f'in armor?
More like a snake imo.
Blah, blah,blah...,blah. Good grief.
He'll barely sleep before the alarm goes off to report to the government job. We'll never know, but I guarantee it. Paper pushing socialist, government piece of shit. Can't even discuss the other opinion. Amazing!!
You think as if this IS a fantasy Land, a dark one.
If You're really afraid Hillary might order gun confiscation, paranoia might be creeping in.
Again, Criminals don't follow laws, no need to make more, just enforce what is already there. Instead Obama's Justice Department is pro thuglife and believes gangbangers, thieves, and rioters are good boys.... Especially if they are black or here illegally.
just repeating what she said , she wouldn't say something she didn't mean, would she ?
Hey, let's stop forcing Americans to register vehicles. While We're doing crazy, let's stop criminalizing bank robbery. Banks are being robbed, so what good does it do to have laws ?
i didn't know registering vehicles was protected by the second amendment ! i know one thing , i have looked at your numerous post about gun control and determined you have no experience with guns ,hunting , gun shows , buying or selling guns and the nra , your info posted is from liberal sites and google . oh, i don't know why you would believe odumma when he says that he doesn't want to take our guns ( if you have any ) , his track record on honesty is not good !
I think you should check your facts more carefully about gun owners "overwhelmingly support" the actions of the POTUS. Name one incident where the murders of innocent children or theater attendees or the police officer just shot in PA would have been adverted by the POTUS proposed firearms policies. Have you ever attend a gun safety program put on by the NRA? I would encourage you to do your research a little more in depth before making comments about the NRA. If the country did not have an organization like the NRA in this country, what do you the statistics would be about regarding gun safety or defending us from a gun attack. Lastly, murder rates with guns are down 40% and those using guns in violent crime acts represent less than 1% of all gun owners. I have yet to see anyone including the media show a quantitive survey whereby NRA members were actually responsible for any of these murders. So tell me again why the NRA is led by zealots???The NRA is a small ideologically inflexible tail wagging a huge rational dog.
Even gun owners overwhelmingly support the types of actions The POTUS wants to take. It's completely ridiculous to resist closing the canyon sized loopholes that make it easy for criminals and mentally unstable people to procure guns.
The POTUS is 100% in the right on this issue.
The NRA is a small obstructionist organization led by zealots and the small arms industry.
I think you should check your facts more carefully about gun owners "overwhelmingly support" the actions of the POTUS. Name one incident where the murders of innocent children or theater attendees or the police officer just shot in PA would have been adverted by the POTUS proposed firearms policies. Have you ever attend a gun safety program put on by the NRA? I would encourage you to do your research a little more in depth before making comments about the NRA. If the country did not have an organization like the NRA in this country, what do you the statistics would be about regarding gun safety or defending us from a gun attack. Lastly, murder rates with guns are down 40% and those using guns in violent crime acts represent less than 1% of all gun owners. I have yet to see anyone including the media show a quantitive survey whereby NRA members were actually responsible for any of these murders. So tell me again why the NRA is led by zealots???
I don't have to check My facts, I know them.
I've already pointed out in NYC alone most of the guns used in crimes come from out of state, primarily in the south. That's because cave-people prevail in making policy in this region, as they have for 300 years.
There is absolutely no Constitutional grounds for not having mandatory registration on all guns. The only hold up is cowardly Congress persons who bow to a rather small ignorant minority.
the Australians i know would disagree with you , they rue the day it happened to them. why do you think the govt knows best , the people involved put there pants on just like we do , they are not brain thrust that are always right , so give us a break and get off this ' GOVT KNOWS BEST ATTITUDE . if you don't like the south , find some where else to live , that is if you really live in north carolina .
Wow, I really didn't think this person could go further left. I tried to find middle ground to no avail. Once an ideologue,always an ideologue. Can't see or even discuss the other opinion. Thankfully there's only 15% of them.
You are way off my friend. try reading "in-depth" as to their reason for fighting the left on gun laws. There are a lot of back door traps that these proposed common sense changes have. really sad that our politicians and judges can't be trusted.As a gun owner, Wayne Lapierre is the most soulless, scummy bastard on the planet, and the NRA is right behind. He's the kind of swine you just want to kick the shit out of. Even though I support responsible gun ownership, I can't get behind those idiots. They don't care about their members or gun owners. They are a lobby for gun manufacturers, and their sole purpose is to make sure the flow of guns is as high as possible. They fight against existing gun laws which they lie and say they want enforced.
You are way off my friend. try reading "in-depth" as to their reason for fighting the left on gun laws. There are a lot of back door traps that these proposed common sense changes have. really sad that our politicians and judges can't be trusted.
A quick check of polls reveals that most results show over 90% of registered voters who responded favor universal background checks. The lowest I saw was 85%.
That is a WHOLE lot of far left folks.
Easy answer, liberals don't fund anything.
It's easy because You use stock material that has no factual basis.
The truth is most red states are net takers of federal dollars, while the most progressive states are net senders of those federal funds.
Isn't it evidence enough they don't work that banks are still robbed and drunks still kill on Our high
Name a single opinion I've posted that is far left.
If I'm far left on this particular issue, 80% of Americans are as well.
People like You just have Your nose so far up these radical far right propaganda web sites, You come to think they represent the average American, they don't.
Seriously, half the time when one of You start a really out there thread, I can find where the seeds were sewn at one or more of those sites.
You need to check your facts. It was reported in the media last week when O'dumbass issued his EOs that the total percentage of all people that supported Universal Background Checks was 53%. Quit spouting 80% as that isn't close to correct.
You are full of it. The NRA is a cross section of average American citizens that are responsible and are self reliant. We do not want big brother taking our means of protection away leaving the criminals with the weapons to do their law breaking at will. If they could figure how to keep the criminals and liberals from getting guns we would not be having this discussion. 53% of people polled agreed with stricter guns laws, which is close to the number of government dependents in this nation.Not true, The NRA always has Their own polls where They ask questions in a loaded manner, but every poll I've seen has a minimum of 85% of registered voters in favor of universal background checks.
I don't pay attention to anything The NRA has Their sneaky, gun industry lobbyist hands in.
You are full of it. The NRA is a cross section of average American citizens that are responsible and are self reliant. We do not want big brother taking our means of protection away leaving the criminals with the weapons to do their law breaking at will. If they could figure how to keep the criminals and liberals from getting guns we would not be having this discussion. 53% of people polled agreed with stricter guns laws, which is close to the number of government dependents in this nation.
Big surprise huh? Talk about sneaky, obscure the facts and make false assumptions to further your cause, that is the progressive way.
Not true, The NRA always has Their own polls where They ask questions in a loaded manner, but every poll I've seen has a minimum of 85% of registered voters in favor of universal background checks.
I don't pay attention to anything The NRA has Their sneaky, gun industry lobbyist hands in.