If it weren't for the NRA, you wouldn't have any guns.
How was the kool Aid ?
If it weren't for the NRA, you wouldn't have any guns.
The NRA is a small ideologically inflexible tail wagging a huge rational dog.
Even gun owners overwhelmingly support the types of actions The POTUS wants to take. It's completely ridiculous to resist closing the canyon sized loopholes that make it easy for criminals and mentally unstable people to procure guns.
The POTUS is 100% in the right on this issue.
The NRA is a small obstructionist organization led by zealots and the small arms industry.
I'm sorry but the loopholes you are talking about don't exist. Unless, of course, you are talking face to face sales not going through an FFL. And guess what?...If you ban FTF transactions you will only drive it underground and the criminals and mentally unstable still won't give a ****.
The face to face sales in private and at gun shows ARE the loopholes. If You think it's ok to leave that massive end around in place, You have clearly drank the NRA kool aid.
It's border line nuts to think any other measures will work when anybody can drive from Chicago to Kentucky, buy all the guns they can haul, then sell them on the streets of Chi-Town without any traceable route to the gun runner.
The face to face sales in private and at gun shows ARE the loopholes. If You think it's ok to leave that massive end around in place, You have clearly drank the NRA kool aid.
It's border line nuts to think any other measures will work when anybody can drive from Chicago to Kentucky, buy all the guns they can haul, then sell them on the streets of Chi-Town without any traceable route to the gun runner.
what prez did won't amount to a " hill of beans " , the only thing that might help is to concentrate on the mentally ill and terrorist . i really think this just opens the door for more attacks on the second amendment , for example , the politician in georgia that has a bill to keep people going through a divorce to be denied the right to buy a weapon . recently the same type " crap " was happening with historical monuments and flags , take one down and where does it stop ! you have your opinion on the nra ; but here are millions of good citizens that disagree with you .
This is such a ridiculous argument. How many people do you know that have been murdered with a lawfully handgun. I know of zero. Politicians want to know who has guns so if the shat hits the fan they know who to come get them from. That's all this is about. It's not about protecting anybody.
If I was a politician and I was afraid of what the populace might do to me when they find out what's really going on in DC, I would want to take our guns away too. I think that's what it's really about. It's not like this hasn't happened before in history.
Do the the politicians know what the words, shall not infringe" mean?
"universal" background checks is their goal, because they know it amounts to de facto registration
Paranoid???Universal background checks would be fine with Me.
Then again, I'm not the paranoid type.
You simply have way too much trust that big government really cares about our safety and well being. They are only concerned with staying in power and ruling the minions with ever freedom squashing laws and regulations. Look at the money trail, what sector is the richest class of jobs? Politicians, lobbyist and the adjacent job titles that work in that sector. They talk about the widening gap in income equality, but never mention themselves of course.Universal background checks would be fine with Me.
Then again, I'm not the paranoid type.
People rarely use a legally gotten gun for crime,,,,but the left likes to just make themelves feel better.
Trump/Cruz will over turn it and destroy planned parenthood in retaliation.
I bought my wife a new Sig 380 for Christmas in Sandy Springs, GA. Did a background check and paid for the gun. What more do you want from the "Southern States"? They're adhering with the law. Your argument is weak. The laws are already there. Murder is illegal, shooting a human is illegal, buying a firearm by a felon is illegal. What more do you want?
Yep what we need is another law to make what is already illegal even more illegal. That oughtta fix it!
It's a good thing drugs are illegal, otherwise crazy people would be able to buy them! Wait a minute...
Heulenhund is the master of dividing by zero.With your logic, we should regulate the private sale of anything that could kill someone. Really, does that make sense to you? Think before you answer.
Heulenhund is the master of dividing by zero.
With your logic, we should regulate the private sale of anything that could kill someone. Really, does that make sense to you? Think before you answer.
Hey, let's stop forcing Americans to register vehicles. While We're doing crazy, let's stop criminalizing bank robbery. Banks are being robbed, so what good does it do to have laws ?
No diapers again yet. Hopefully, I won't need them again. Enjoying aging after building and selling several companies. I'm no ideologue, we probably agree on immigration and the death penalty. However, we'll probably disagree on gun control and taxes. It's the political left and right that are the problem. And mindless supporters of either side always go to comments like you just made. Sad, I'll pray for you.
Especially gasoline. Heulenhund does know that one of the largest mass murders in US history was committed with a gallon of gas and a match right?With your logic, we should regulate the private sale of anything that could kill someone. Really, does that make sense to you? Think before you answer.
It's probably coming. In hindsight, my mistake was probably trying to actually have a dialogue with him. He seems to be very one sided with no need for a differing opinion. Oh well, live like that and be dependent or make your own choices and decisions and be prosperous. His loss, not mine.
Especially gasoline. Heulenhund does know that one of the largest mass murders in US history was committed with a gallon of gas and a match right?
No diapers again yet. Hopefully, I won't need them again. Enjoying aging after building and selling several companies. I'm no ideologue, we probably agree on immigration and the death penalty. However, we'll probably disagree on gun control and taxes. It's the political left and right that are the problem. And mindless supporters of either side always go to comments like you just made. Sad, I'll pray for you.
You couldn't be that naïve..could you ?
It's illegal for an individual to KNOWINGLY sell a firearm to a criminal.
A person selling a gun in Georgia doesn't have to gather any personal information or do a background check if they don't have a license though, so it's only a law on paper.
I guess You couldn't sell to Your Brother if He is a felon, but maybe You could. You could sell to ANY person You don't know without having any information in case the gun was used in a crime.
So the chain of provable ownership would come to a dead end.
You people are willing stooges for The NRA.
Hey now....get out of here with that "diaper" logic of yours.So you're saying an honest average joe from the south will buy a gun legally here and go up north to sell it and make some good money? That would be like doing business with an unknown drug dealer, chances are the gun buyer will rob or kill the average joe. Your concept is weak and stupid. Most gun buyers buy for their own use and would not want ANY weapons in the hands of criminals, period!
The face to face sales in private and at gun shows ARE the loopholes. If You think it's ok to leave that massive end around in place, You have clearly drank the NRA kool aid.
It's border line nuts to think any other measures will work when anybody can drive from Chicago to Kentucky, buy all the guns they can haul, then sell them on the streets of Chi-Town without any traceable route to the gun runner.
Oh and while we are at it, show me in the Constitution where it says you have the right to operate a motor vehicle on the highways.Hey, let's stop forcing Americans to register vehicles. While We're doing crazy, let's stop criminalizing bank robbery. Banks are being robbed, so what good does it do to have laws ?
Oh and while we are at it, show me in the Constitution where it says you have the right to operate a motor vehicle on the highways.
The second amendment concerns a person's right, not privilege.
He's asleep. 9am government dependent job is calling.
It's good thing we have you around to show us the error of ways. You arrogant ass, I bet you can't manage your own life so you are going to to tell us how we should think and do. You've obviously run everybody off in your life, all you do is stay on this board all the time.You're an idiot, but in Your defense, You're a very common idiot, it's not like You don't have company.