We currently have background checks on anyone who legally purchases a gun.Self reliant ? The NRA is made up of manipulators, manipulated, overly fearful, posers and dupes.
There isn't a rational reason to oppose universal background checks. It's telling that those Who are the most obsessed with gun rights are the most fearful the world around them.
this new intrusion makes gun sellers do background checks on people who already have approval through an FBI approved background check in the way of a Permit to carry a gun. This is the first step to head in the direction of denying someone who may have been depressed at some time their second amendment right and also start a data base on those who own guns for future confiscation from an overreaching government. When that occurs the first amendment will also be a thing of the past. This is not a delusional concept, just look through the course of history and see how government has strppied citizens rights for the "Good of all". Be careful of what you wish for. "A government big enough to provide you with everything you want, is big enough to take everything you own." -Gerald Ford