Reasons Trump Should Feel Confident Going Into Early Voting

Again, go back and read about the nominating process.

Biden dropped out. He didn't have to.

You can't make people support a candidate they don't want to support.

You'd have a much bigger point if there was a large swath of Democrats complaining about Harris being the nominee. That didn't happen. Democrats are not angry that she's been chosen. Republicans are. Why is that?
Beating a candidate that's only been running a few weeks and that most of you think is weak, should be easy. Why is it not?

Dem polices have been crippling the US for over three decades now. In the mean time I've seen my conservative friends somehow figure out a way to prosper. Since I've been of voting age: Dem as President: 20 years, Rep. as President: 12 years.
I have attempted to sit silent on this post other than a quick comment on election integrity.

There are heads of parties and there are leaders of parties.

Biden was a head. For many reasons incapable because of cognitive issues, but he was a figurehead placed there to meet the required need of a presidential name. In much of politics, this is the case.

Biden wasn’t making decisions, the party powerbrokers were. The Dem party wasn’t waiting on Biden to lead them, he was just filling a required slot position.

Trump fits a leader description. While you might not like his decisions, ne makes them. He isn’t an order taker.

And this is singly why the political establishment hates him. He leads based on what he thinks is right or wrong. He calls it as he sees it and looks to invoke policy he believes is the best option. Not saying it is, but it is what leaders do.

If anyone sees Kamala as a leader, they are fooling themselves. She has played the political game all through her career and is really only the candidate because she is an attractive brown skinned woman who espouses liberal views that the Dems believe will connect with liberal voters. She isn’t and has never been considered a great leader of decision and strength.

Trump leads and has done so at every level of his career. Good or bad, like him or not, he is a leader and the establishment is scared of what he is capable of doing to the establishment.

Figurehead or leader? I didn’t care for Obama, but he led as president, he wasn’t led.

Kamala is a political ad in an attempt to maintain political agenda by the party. So yes, the whole Shiite Biden out of the way process is quite uncomfortable and insulting to the US citizen.
Again, go back and read about the nominating process.

Biden dropped out. He didn't have to.

You can't make people support a candidate they don't want to support.

You'd have a much bigger point if there was a large swath of Democrats complaining about Harris being the nominee. That didn't happen. Democrats are not angry that she's been chosen. Republicans are. Why is that?
Beating a candidate that's only been running a few weeks and that most of you think is weak, should be easy. Why is it not?

Dem polices have been crippling the US for over three decades now. In the mean time I've seen my conservative friends somehow figure out a way to prosper. Since I've been of voting age: Dem as President: 20 years, Rep. as President: 12 years.
Actually Black Lives Matter and the Palestinian wing of the Democratic Party, even AOC, spoke out against the selection of Harris. It’s amazing how those voices matter tremendously to Dems at times and then at other times they conveniently don’t.

If you believe that Joe Biden and Jill Biden weren’t forced out by threat of blackmail and the 25th amendment, then I have a nice oceanfront condo in Nebraska I’d like to sell you.

Regardless of who you say has prospered or who hasn’t, inflation and rising prices have impacted everyone but particularly the people that Dems claim to be champions for and the ones they pander to the most.

The world is less safe, the country is less secure, and day-to-day life is less affordable for Americans thanks to Democrats. Period. And don’t dare say inflation is coming down, inflation is cumulative and it has skyrocketed in the last 3.5 years and prices aren’t budgets and wages aren’t keeping pace. Let them raise the corporate tax rate to 28% and start taxing unrealized gains and things will get even worse economically
I have attempted to sit silent on this post other than a quick comment on election integrity.

There are heads of parties and there are leaders of parties.

Biden was a head. For many reasons incapable because of cognitive issues, but he was a figurehead placed there to meet the required need of a presidential name. In much of politics, this is the case.

Biden wasn’t making decisions, the party powerbrokers were. The Dem party wasn’t waiting on Biden to lead them, he was just filling a required slot position.

Trump fits a leader description. While you might not like his decisions, ne makes them. He isn’t an order taker.

And this is singly why the political establishment hates him. He leads based on what he thinks is right or wrong. He calls it as he sees it and looks to invoke policy he believes is the best option. Not saying it is, but it is what leaders do.

If anyone sees Kamala as a leader, they are fooling themselves. She has played the political game all through her career and is really only the candidate because she is an attractive brown skinned woman who espouses liberal views that the Dems believe will connect with liberal voters. She isn’t and has never been considered a great leader of decision and strength.

Trump leads and has done so at every level of his career. Good or bad, like him or not, he is a leader and the establishment is scared of what he is capable of doing to the establishment.

Figurehead or leader? I didn’t care for Obama, but he led as president, he wasn’t led.

Kamala is a political ad in an attempt to maintain political agenda by the party. So yes, the whole Shiite Biden out of the way process is quite uncomfortable and insulting to the US citizen.
I prefer you silent.

Biden chose to drop out. He could have run with little support. He chose to drop out for the good of the country.

Again, you can't force people to give money to a campaign they don't fully support.

Explain where I'm wrong. You don't have one shred of proof. Just as Will called you out the other day. You try to act as if you are a voice of reason here when you believe almost every conspiracy theory out there.
Again, go back and read about the nominating process.

Biden dropped out. He didn't have to.

You can't make people support a candidate they don't want to support.

You'd have a much bigger point if there was a large swath of Democrats complaining about Harris being the nominee. That didn't happen. Democrats are not angry that she's been chosen. Republicans are. Why is that?
Beating a candidate that's only been running a few weeks and that most of you think is weak, should be easy. Why is it not?

Dem polices have been crippling the US for over three decades now. In the mean time I've seen my conservative friends somehow figure out a way to prosper. Since I've been of voting age: Dem as President: 20 years, Rep. as President: 12 years.

Biden was forced out when dims realized they would lose. You are making an mockery of honesty. It matters not that dims are willing to stomp on democracy just so they can maintain power. It was still not "democratic".

The only reasons its close are, 1. The media reports 100% positive for the idiot and 100% negative for trump. 2. Lots of people aren't very smart and would vote for a communist instead of a republican. 3. Some not bright people vote on personality not policy. 4. Dimocrats are lying cheaters.

Clinton was a decent president other than his morals. He was a real centrist that had a republican controlled congress that kept him in check. Americans are resourceful and have survived dim policies and made the best of it. Dim idiocy is driving the country to the brink of destruction with all the open boarder, gay agenda, DEI bull skate. Add on top of that the communistic policies of the harris/walz ticket, the price controls, the tax on unrealized gains, increased death taxes, govt over reach, you will start to see it yourself even though you are blind and no nothing about polices as you so eloquently stated not caring anything about. Uninformed uneducated voters are exactly what keeps the dimocrat party in existence in todays world. This is not the democrat party of JFK. This dimocrat party is nothing but a bunch of America hating big government socialist/communist.
Actually Black Lives Matter and the Palestinian wing of the Democratic Party, even AOC, spoke out against the selection of Harris. It’s amazing how those voices matter tremendously to Dems at times and then at other times they conveniently don’t.

If you believe that Joe Biden and Jill Biden weren’t forced out by threat of blackmail and the 25th amendment, then I have a nice oceanfront condo in Nebraska I’d like to sell you.

Regardless of who you say has prospered or who hasn’t, inflation and rising prices have impacted everyone but particularly the people that Dems claim to be champions for and the ones they pander to the most.

The world is less safe, the country is less secure, and day-to-day life is less affordable for Americans thanks to Democrats. Period. And don’t dare say inflation is coming down, inflation is cumulative and it has skyrocketed in the last 3.5 years and prices aren’t budgets and wages aren’t keeping pace. Let them raise the corporate tax rate to 28% and start taxing unrealized gains and things will get even worse economically
Again, show me where there was mass anger over it? And it's funny how those voices are laughed at by Republicans, but when they want them to be influential, they are not.

Sell me the ocean front property then. I will tell you again, Biden could have ran if he wanted to. Would he have done it with even the majority of the part wanting him to step aside? Yes. But there was no way they could force him out. Of course, what good is it to run when your party doesn't want you to?

You got this candidate because you chose him. He's not a strong candidate. I see so many here say it's the lesser of two evils. But, if so, you chose evil for your side. Sometimes we have to live with our mistakes.
There has already been a staff member argue crime stats. From your side. I didn’t report him to radi. Tell him to stay in his lane, or anything else. I am not going to call him out here. I am not sure what side of the isle he is on. He didn’t declare it, but he said crime is down in America according to the stats. Then stayed to argue after several of us told him not to listen to lefty numbers. They are never accurate. The numbers are skewed these days on purpose because crime isn’t prosecuted. We could hit up a target tomorrow you and I if we needed to with no repercussions. The last thing I said was the job reports were supposed to be accurate as well. This person still works for the site. No one reported him. This happened on the vent and moved to the chat. You might be surprised where most of them stand.
Yes "Listen to us, not those lying people who give facts we don't like."
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Again, show me where there was mass anger over it? And it's funny how those voices are laughed at by Republicans, but when they want them to be influential, they are not.

Sell me the ocean front property then. I will tell you again, Biden could have ran if he wanted to. Would he have done it with even the majority of the part wanting him to step aside? Yes. But there was no way they could force him out. Of course, what good is it to run when your party doesn't want you to?

You got this candidate because you chose him. He's not a strong candidate. I see so many here say it's the lesser of two evils. But, if so, you chose evil for your side. Sometimes we have to live with our mistakes.
The whole country will be living with mistakes if Kamala gets elected. Errors that could lead to major military conflicts involving US soldiers, an exodus of capital from the country, and the emboldening and strengthening of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea as an alliance.

Despite his personality flaws, I'd rather have the guy in office who kept us out of conflicts and brought economic stability.
Again, go back and read about the nominating process.

Biden dropped out. He didn't have to.

You can't make people support a candidate they don't want to support.

You'd have a much bigger point if there was a large swath of Democrats complaining about Harris being the nominee. That didn't happen. Democrats are not angry that she's been chosen. Republicans are. Why is that?
Beating a candidate that's only been running a few weeks and that most of you think is weak, should be easy. Why is it not?

Dem polices have been crippling the US for over three decades now. In the mean time I've seen my conservative friends somehow figure out a way to prosper. Since I've been of voting age: Dem as President: 20 years, Rep. as President: 12 years.
Biden dropped out LOL!

Canadian Lol GIF
I prefer you silent.

Biden chose to drop out. He could have run with little support. He chose to drop out for the good of the country.

Again, you can't force people to give money to a campaign they don't fully support.

Explain where I'm wrong. You don't have one shred of proof. Just as Will called you out the other day. You try to act as if you are a voice of reason here when you believe almost every conspiracy theory out there.
awwww poor baby! Go find a safe space with your blankey.

Nancy Pelosi admitted she pushed him out, so did Joe. You believe what you want to believe, no different than anyone else here.
As I said, I mistakenly thought you were still employed here. My bad.

Actually Black Lives Matter and the Palestinian wing of the Democratic Party, even AOC, spoke out against the selection of Harris. It’s amazing how those voices matter tremendously to Dems at times and then at other times they conveniently don’t.

If you believe that Joe Biden and Jill Biden weren’t forced out by threat of blackmail and the 25th amendment, then I have a nice oceanfront condo in Nebraska I’d like to sell you.

Regardless of who you say has prospered or who hasn’t, inflation and rising prices have impacted everyone but particularly the people that Dems claim to be champions for and the ones they pander to the most.

The world is less safe, the country is less secure, and day-to-day life is less affordable for Americans thanks to Democrats. Period. And don’t dare say inflation is coming down, inflation is cumulative and it has skyrocketed in the last 3.5 years and prices aren’t budgets and wages aren’t keeping pace. Let them raise the corporate tax rate to 28% and start taxing unrealized gains and things will get even worse economically
So Biden was forced out by blackmail and not the fact that his funding dried up and he lost the public support of a many and the private support of even more of his prominent backers, both inside and outside the Beltway? Good to know I can place you firmly in the conspiracy theory camp with PW and others on here.

I understand anyone who feels all abortion is murder voting GOP regardless of who the candidate is and we know that the ultimate goal for that group is a national abortion ban, which you certainly won’t get from Harris or any other Dem candidate. So let’s park that issue for a moment.

Trump tried to overturn the results of the last election. We all watched it happen. That’s why a truly unprecedented number of GOP leaders, his former cabinet, otherwise reliably conservative commentators, and most recently 730 former military, ambassadors and others (including 230 former generals and admirals) have stated they are supporting Harris because Trump is an established threat to our democratic ideals and the Constitution. Two his former Secretaries of Defense say the same thing.

In the history of our country, we have never seen this kind of position taken by so many regarding the threat that a candidate represents. Just as we had never seen a sitting POTUS attempt to steal an election that he lost.

Regarding policy, I’m not sure tariffs and reducing the potential workforce by 10m are going to get you what you want, but the issues are bigger than that regardless.

You should just acknowledge that policy and curtailing abortions are more important than the Constitution and the foundations of our representative republic, because that’s the choice you are making.

The whole country will be living with mistakes if Kamala gets elected. Errors that could lead to major military conflicts involving US soldiers, an exodus of capital from the country, and the emboldening and strengthening of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea as an alliance.

Despite his personality flaws, I'd rather have the guy in office who kept us out of conflicts and brought economic stability.
And if that's the way you all felt, you should have made your voices be known and got another candidate running as a Republican. Haley would have the hay in the barn at this point. But no, your base had to have orange man. "He's the only one who can save us." And you will lose.
The whole country will be living with mistakes if Kamala gets elected. Errors that could lead to major military conflicts involving US soldiers, an exodus of capital from the country, and the emboldening and strengthening of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea as an alliance.

Despite his personality flaws, I'd rather have the guy in office who kept us out of conflicts and brought economic stability.
In no way did Trump “bring economic stability”. Every economic indicator was trending positively when he took office, and he used a massive tax cut that added to the deficit to juice the trends that were already establish.
Yep, no conspiracies here bro. Go back and search for your cat eating stories.
Dude, everyone and their brother knows he was forced out. They turned off the money , they threatened him w 25th Amendment and I would venture to guess they would let Hunter go to jail as well.

You have got your head so far up your rectum you dont know whats real anymore, Stage 5 TDS.
Dude, everyone and their brother knows he was forced out. They turned off the money , they threatened him w 25th Amendment and I would venture to guess they would let Hunter go to jail as well.

You have got your head so far up your rectum you dont know what real anymore, Stage 5 TDS.
Right, and they know immigrants are eating cats in Ohio.
As I said, I mistakenly thought you were still employed here. My bad.

So Biden was forced out by blackmail and not the fact that his funding dried up and he lost the public support of a many and the private support of even more of his prominent backers, both inside and outside the Beltway? Good to know I can place you firmly in the conspiracy theory camp with PW and others on here.

I understand anyone who feels all abortion is murder voting GOP regardless of who the candidate is and we know that the ultimate goal for that group is a national abortion ban, which you certainly won’t get from Harris or any other Dem candidate. So let’s park that issue for a moment.

Trump tried to overturn the results of the last election. We all watched it happen. That’s why a truly unprecedented number of GOP leaders, his former cabinet, otherwise reliably conservative commentators, and most recently 730 former military, ambassadors and others (including 230 former generals and admirals) have stated they are supporting Harris because Trump is an established threat to our democratic ideals and the Constitution. Two his former Secretaries of Defense say the same thing.

In the history of our country, we have never seen this kind of position taken by so many regarding the threat that a candidate represents. Just as we had never seen a sitting POTUS attempt to steal an election that he lost.

Regarding policy, I’m not sure tariffs and reducing the potential workforce by 10m are going to get you what you want, but the issues are bigger than that regardless.

You should just acknowledge that policy and curtailing abortions are more important than the Constitution and the foundations of our representative republic, because that’s the choice you are making.

Ah yes, site an organization run by lifelong politicians and bureaucrats as a great endorsement. This should frighten you even more! She has been endorsed by the IRS, CIA, and Dick Cheney.... That tells me all I need to know.

Why do you think the funding dried up on Biden? Why do you think the support fell off? Because they realized their charade was up and the American people weren't stupid, so Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, and megadonors went in together and said, nope he's done. Anything else is just being naive.

If Trump was guilty of insurrection, why hasn't he been charged with it? Lord knows they've charged him with everything else that they would never ever charge a candidate with or any other citizen with quite frankly. The lawfare and the corruption on the left is disgusting
Ah yes, site an organization run by lifelong politicians and bureaucrats as a great endorsement. This should frighten you even more! She has been endorsed by the IRS, CIA, and Dick Cheney.... That tells me all I need to know.

Why do you think the funding dried up on Biden? Why do you think the support fell off? Because they realized their charade was up and the American people weren't stupid, so Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, and megadonors went in together and said, nope he's done. Anything else is just being naive.

If Trump was guilty of insurrection, why hasn't he been charged with it? Lord knows they've charged him with everything else that they would never ever charge a candidate with or any other citizen with quite frankly. The lawfare and the corruption on the left is disgusting
All of this doesn't matter. Weak candidates lose elections. He will lose. If he was gonna win, it wouldn't be close. Heck, it may not be close a loss.
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Again, show me where there was mass anger over it? And it's funny how those voices are laughed at by Republicans, but when they want them to be influential, they are not.

Sell me the ocean front property then. I will tell you again, Biden could have ran if he wanted to. Would he have done it with even the majority of the part wanting him to step aside? Yes. But there was no way they could force him out. Of course, what good is it to run when your party doesn't want you to?

You got this candidate because you chose him. He's not a strong candidate. I see so many here say it's the lesser of two evils. But, if so, you chose evil for your side. Sometimes we have to live with our mistakes.
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All of this doesn't matter. Weak candidates lose elections. He will lose. If he was gonna win, it wouldn't be close. Heck, it may not be close a loss.
This is pure arrogance and I hope all Democrats feel then way.

Notice I'm not saying one way or another who will win. Because ultimately we don't know.

Also, I know this above all. God establishes who leaders will be and does so for His purpose. The result may not be what I want or you want, but God will use it for His glory.

Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding

So regardless which tremendously flawed person (hint: we are all) get elected, I'll pray for them and the country and then will pray for a God to raise up the next leaders who will be better people and much more in line with the teachings of the Word. And no, I'm not talking about a theocracy or mixing church and state, so nobody get your panties in a wad. I'm talking about civility, decency, and doing the 3 things that the Bible establishes for Governments to do: Protect the citizenry, enforce laws, and protect the weakest in our society.
Yeah, I think you need to read this. Essentially it's saying he lost support and that was due to the media and big leaders in the Democratic party. You can't force the media to cover you the way you want and you can't force people who don't want you as their candidate, to act like they do.

She didn't say that he was blackmailed and forced to get out. She expressly said it wasn't a coup and Harris was very supportive of Biden.

I'm not trying to tell you that Joe Biden wanted to step down. He didn't. But he did because he saw that he probably couldn't win when the party wasn't fully on board with him. That's a different thing than being forced out.

Nixon resigned. Was it forced? No. But he knew if he didn't, he would get impeached and the Senate had the votes necessary to vote him out of office.

Let's be honest here, you guys thought this was all gonna go horribly wrong for the Democrats. Trump and his staff did too and it's one of the worst mistakes made in politics. They should have never had a debate with Biden until the convention was over. It will always be looked at as a stupid decision on Trump's part.
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Yeah, I think you need to read this. Essentially it's saying he lost support and that was due to the media and big leaders in the Democratic party. You can't force the media to cover you the way you want and you can't force people who don't want you as their candidate, to act like they do.

She didn't say that he blackmailed to get out. She expressly said it wasn't a coup and Harris was very supportive of Biden.

I'm not trying to tell you that Joe Biden wanted to step down. He didn't. But he did because he saw that he probably couldn't win when the party wasn't fully on board with him. That's a different thing than being forced out.

Nixon resigned. Was it forced? No. But he knew if he didn't, he would get impeached and the Senate had the votes necessary to vote him out of office.

Let's be honest here, you guys though this was all gonna horribly wrong for the Democrats. Trump and his staff did too and it's one of the worst mistakes made in politics. They should have never had a debate with Biden until he the convention was over. It will always be looked at as a stupid decision on Trump's part.
Its obvious that you didnt read it either, because at the end she says what happened. I know reading is hard, but give it a shot sometimes.

TrY HardEr.
This is pure arrogance and I hope all Democrats feel then way.

Notice I'm not saying one way or another who will win. Because ultimately we don't know.

Also, I know this above all. God establishes who leaders will be and does so for His purpose. The result may not be what I want or you want, but God will use it for His glory.

Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding

So regardless which tremendously flawed person (hint: we are all) get elected, I'll pray for them and the country and then will pray for a God to raise up the next leaders who will be better people and much more in line with the teachings of the Word. And no, I'm not talking about a theocracy or mixing church and state, so nobody get your panties in a wad. I'm talking about civility, decency, and doing the 3 things that the Bible establishes for Governments to do: Protect the citizenry, enforce laws, and protect the weakest in our society.
I'm not a Democrat, but I've seen elections.

There's a postive vibe with Harris that Trump doesn't have.
Of course you don't feel that way. Die hard Democrats didn't feel that way about Reagan either. Republicans didn't feel that way about Obama. But younger people are registering to vote in large numbers. Not good for Republicans. Trump has never received 47% of the public vote. Romney got that even though he got his butt kicked in the electoral vote. Lichtman's keys heavily favor Harris and people are starting to believe the economy is in much better shape than they did a few months ago. Licthman's keys have only been wrong once, and that's when Gore lost by a few hundred votes in Florida. The keys even predicted Trump's win in 2016.

I thought at one time it was gonna be as close as 2020 or 2016. I don't think it will. Not gonna be a landslide in this divided country, but feel she'll win more swing states than Biden did. N. Carolina is very much in play now.

Trump is mostly on negativity and that doesn't win. As bad as he was in 2016, he did have a little positivity with it. There's hardly any now. It's basically, "I'm not them and immigrants cook cats and dogs".
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Its obvious that you didnt read it either, because at the end she says what happened. I know reading is hard, but give it a shot sometimes.

TrY HardEr.
No, I did. But let me see if you know what she said or if you are filling in blanks. Shine a little lite on it dawg. Help me.
I'm not a Democrat, but I've seen elections.

There's a postive vibe with Harris that Trump doesn't have.
Of course you don't feel that way. Die hard Democrats didn't feel that way about Reagan either. Republicans didn't feel that way about Obama. But younger people are registering to vote in large numbers. Not good for Republicans. Trump has never received 47% of the public vote. Romney got that even though he got his butt kicked in the electoral vote. Lichtman's keys heavily favor Harris and people are starting to believe the economy is in much better shape than they did a few months ago. Licthman's keys have only been wrong once, and that's when Gore lost by a few hundred votes in Florida. The keys even predicted Trump's win in 2016.

I thought at one time it was gonna be as close as 2020 or 2016. I don't think it will. Not gonna be a landslide in this divided country, but feel she'll win more swing states than Biden did. N. Carolina is very much in play now.

Trump is mostly on negativity and that doesn't win. As bad as he was in 2016, he did have a little positivity with it. There's hardly any now. It's basically, "I'm not them and immigrants cook cats and dogs".
I think the vibes that will be felt the most will be the vibes that people feel when they go to the grocery store. When they go to the gas pump. When they look at their bank accounts. When they try to buy a home.

So we'll see. It will be fascinating to see the outcome
I'm not a Democrat, but I've seen elections.

There's a postive vibe with Harris that Trump doesn't have.
Of course you don't feel that way. Die hard Democrats didn't feel that way about Reagan either. Republicans didn't feel that way about Obama. But younger people are registering to vote in large numbers. Not good for Republicans. Trump has never received 47% of the public vote. Romney got that even though he got his butt kicked in the electoral vote. Lichtman's keys heavily favor Harris and people are starting to believe the economy is in much better shape than they did a few months ago. Licthman's keys have only been wrong once, and that's when Gore lost by a few hundred votes in Florida. The keys even predicted Trump's win in 2016.

I thought at one time it was gonna be as close as 2020 or 2016. I don't think it will. Not gonna be a landslide in this divided country, but feel she'll win more swing states than Biden did. N. Carolina is very much in play now.

Trump is mostly on negativity and that doesn't win. As bad as he was in 2016, he did have a little positivity with it. There's hardly any now. It's basically, "I'm not them and immigrants cook cats and dogs".
The positive vibe has gone away. Ask the Teamsters what they think of her.

All of this drivel is part of your Democratic fever dream you live in.

Oh and btw, you keep telling us youre not a Democrat, maybe its time to quit lying.
Yes "Listen to us, not those lying people who give facts we don't like."
If the left ever posted facts that actually turned out to be facts it would be great. That would make things so much easier. What is a fact is after every crime stat or job report posted two weeks later a correction has come out. This is how incompetent the group you are supporting are.
Ah yes, site an organization run by lifelong politicians and bureaucrats as a great endorsement. This should frighten you even more! She has been endorsed by the IRS, CIA, and Dick Cheney.... That tells me all I need to know.

Why do you think the funding dried up on Biden? Why do you think the support fell off? Because they realized their charade was up and the American people weren't stupid, so Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, and megadonors went in together and said, nope he's done. Anything else is just being naive.

If Trump was guilty of insurrection, why hasn't he been charged with it? Lord knows they've charged him with everything else that they would never ever charge a candidate with or any other citizen with quite frankly. The lawfare and the corruption on the left is disgusting
It’s funny that so many on the right accuse anyone on the left, particularly those that stridently oppose Trump, of hating the country (not saying you did here). And yet here you are accusing 230 generals, along with many, many others who have served this country with honor and distinction, of being the real problem in our country because they oppose Trump. Trump, the guy who has been an objectively awful human being with no character and bad morals, since as long as he’s been a public figure.

That does not make any sense at all and it’s the result of a very intentional undermining of confidence in our system. The lies about election fraud (and you do admit they are lies, right?) are the most obviously example but it goes far deeper than that. Its right out of the authoritarian playbook to lead people to believe that everything is corrupt and broken, and the only man who can fix it is one of the most corrupt and broken men to ever occupy the WH.

The funding dried up on Biden because he crapped the bed during the debate and it was blindingly clear he was too old to serve another four years. I don’t know exactly what led up to that moment and neither do you.

I said Trump tried to subvert the will of the people by stealing the election, which he has most certainly been charged with at the federal and state level in multiple cases. Beyond the indictments, we all watched it happen. We watched him start to lie about voter fraud months before the election, we watched his legal team embarrassed in court over sixty times, we watched him tell his followers to come to the Capitol on the day of certification to help save the country, we watched him openly trying to pressure Pence to block certification and we continue to watch him praise and justify J6, praise the rioters as great patriots and promise to pardon them.

You can ignore all of that, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
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I think the vibes that will be felt the most will be the vibes that people feel when they go to the grocery store. When they go to the gas pump. When they look at their bank accounts. When they try to buy a home.

So we'll see. It will be fascinating to see the outcome
Well, you might be surprised. Or maybe not. Maybe you're just hoping.
If the left ever posted facts that actually turned out to be facts it would be great. That would make things so much easier. What is a fact is after every crime stat or job report posted two weeks later a correction has come out. This is how incompetent the group you are supporting are.
There are no facts buddy. Not for you if you don't agree with them. Facts are what you want to be real. This election is slipping away fast and you guys are in denial. And likely you're gonna say it was stolen again and blah, blah, blah.
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journalists source their material.

on this site, the under bloggers misname everything a misnomer.
Here are your sources

Pennsylvania will not count misdated ballots. They also will no longer count ballots without a signature match.

Luzerne County has gotten ride of drop boxes.

Georgia is hand counting all votes in every precinct and making sure they match the totals on the electronic voting machines.

Clark County in Nevada cleaned up 100,000 voters off its rolls in August

Virginia is all paper ballots and removed 6,000 non citizens from its voter rolls.

GA, NC, & PA mail in voting are all way down and a larger percentage of white voters so far.

Trying to find the best source to compile it all together but Georgia mail in voting is down 85%. NC and PA have seen a major uptick in Republican mail-in voting

Anything could happen. Harris could certainly still win, but Trump is better positioned than he’s ever been to win. Now it’s just turning people out.

Virginia early voting has already been very red!
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civility, decency, and doing the 3 things that the Bible establishes for Governments to do: Protect the citizenry, enforce laws, and protect the weakest in our society.
Trump, his coterie, his family, the current republican party and his fans in no way reflect these values

you can't be this blind to that fact.

but you do you.
There are no facts buddy. Not for you if you don't agree with them. Facts are what you want to be real. This election is slipping away fast and you guys are in denial. And likely you're gonna say it was stolen again and blah, blah, blah.
Never said anything was stolen. Quite the contrary. So if nothing you say is a fact, I can consider everything you say bullshit. Got it.

Example of facts not being facts. Crime is down according to the stats in Atlanta. Proesecuted crime is down. Crime is actually rampant and unchecked. Which is why part of Atlanta tried to secede itself from itself. But keep believing crime is down.
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Trump, his coterie, his family, the current republican party and his fans in no way reflect these values, and your religiosity has clearly blinded you to the fact.

but you do you.
In no way do I think either candidate embodies what I'd like. The policies of the GOP are much much more aligned with the 3 principles I listed. If you think Democrats have protected citizens, enforced laws, or protected the weakest in society (including children & the unborn) you're just way off base.
Never said anything was stolen. Quite the contrary. So if nothing you say is a fact, I can consider everything you say bullshit. Got it.

Example of facts not being facts. Crime is down according to the stats in Atlanta. Proesecuted crime is down. Crime is actually rampant and unchecked. Which is why part of Atlanta tried to secede itself from itself. But keep believing crime is down.
Source? I’m not saying you are wrong, but you’re remaking a statement of fact that would leave me to believe you have irrefutable proof. As I’m still paying taxes in Atlanta, I’d like to see that.
So closing the border immediately isnt protecting the citizenry and enforcing the laws? Jeezus man.
no. it's not.

closing the border would be both rule by fiat and economic suicide - but of course no one who proposes this ever has any idea what it would look like, so it's not worth arguing.

enforcing the laws is what we've done - but the laws are broken, which is why we need legislation and have for a couple decades now. Trump killed the latest push, as we all know.
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