Reasons Trump Should Feel Confident Going Into Early Voting

Much of it depends how many illegals vote and fraudulent votes in those key states. Anyone who didn’t think some illegal crap happened in Fulton and Dekalb co last election isn’t based in reality. When thousands of homeless list the same shelter as their home who do you think filled out all those ballots? And how were they even confirmed to be Georgia residents. Drop boxes should only be allowed like they were in Florida. They were monitored by two people and only outside voting locations and available during voting hours only. They had verified chain of command start to finish. It’s the only way to do drop boxes otherwise harvesting illegal votes will happen.
My mom knew several people that requested absentee ballots but didn’t receivethey went to vote in person and were told they already voted. Bet I can guess which party their illegal ballot was cast for. They had to vote provisional and didn’t know if it would be counted but they told them then wouldn’t remove their “other” vote. This was in Houston Co not a metro area.
I prefer you silent.

Biden chose to drop out. He could have run with little support. He chose to drop out for the good of the country.

Again, you can't force people to give money to a campaign they don't fully support.

Explain where I'm wrong. You don't have one shred of proof. Just as Will called you out the other day. You try to act as if you are a voice of reason here when you believe almost every conspiracy theory out there.
The truth hurts, Kamala doesn’t know anything but how to lie. Name one thing that she has done for this country, face the facts, she was a superior border czar 😵‍💫 that’s why we have a country that is now filled with fentanyl from gangs infiltrating our country. Terrorist from every communist country ready to have another 911, get rid of police, and just as bad no policies of her own. She can’t even make sense when she has to. She is an embarrassment to my country. The other thing is that she has said herself that she is and wants everyone to be WOKE. Don’t you people think about your children, grandchildren, etc.
She makes me nauseous. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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