That satanic, evil, goat blood drinking, devil worshiping Taylor Swift

It’s the least shocking news ever, and changes nothing about the election.

Go cry on the Vent some more about “homophobic” comments 😆
gay kiss GIF
It's a business decision in her world to align with dems,...the fact that it took 2 months before the election for her to endorse the dem candidate speaks to the horror of dem candidates this year,...

When they drug Harvey Weinstein to jail for rape years ago, Harvey promised to release a movie on Trump with secret info about trump for the sake of clemency,...but it didn't work,...but it's the hail Mary to throw in Hollywood when one faces rape charges
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Just endorsed Kamala Harris. 😂😂😂
Pack it up Donny.
LMAO…Just another billionaire that has no care for how everyday Americans live..Are they now going to try and get 12 yr old girls to vote because that’s would be her influence block. They might as well, they are trying to get as many illegal aliens to.
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LMAO…Just another billionaire that has no care for how everyday Americans live..Are they now going to try and get 12 yr old girls to vote because that’s would be her influence block. They might as well, they are trying to get as many illegal alive as to.
1. Like Trump?

2. They were 12 in 2010. You clearly have no clue the age of the majority of her fans.
1. Like Trump?

2. They were 12 in 2010. You clearly have no clue the age of the majority of her fans.
I really coukd give two shi+s less the age of her fans….lol…and the fact that you think her endorsement is going to make that big of a difference …you reak of the “everybody gets a trophy generation”
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