The Chronicles of Wrongnia, Chapter 2 - Masks!


Hairy Cooontex
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
We continue on our journey down the rabbit hole of the repeated wrongness of the public health establishment, as part of the challenge from @RoyDawgMercer

Tonight - masks.

For 10 years before COVID the science was consistent that masks were ineffective at stopping the spread of respiratory viruses. Fauci repeated this in March of last year before a hard flip flop.

CDC director followed up on this last year by saying masks "could be better than a vaccine!", and states and local governments mandated them.

Since then people have literally screamed at others for failing to wear masks because we listened to our wise government sages who said the only reason people were dying was (in large part) your failure to mask.

But what has actually happened in the real world?

Answer: masks have apparently not done anything meaningful other than divide us against one another.

Best proof is Texas and Mississippi (I call them "Neanderthal Nation"), which dropped their mask mandates six weeks ago and have seen cases drop a bunch while masked up Michigan and the NE have seen case rises.

And then Texas had the nerve to host a sold out baseball game with most folks not in masks. What happened? Nothing.

But there are international examples as well. Check Chile. So hard core on masks they fined their president $3,500 for not wearing a mask in a photo. Medical grade mask requirement in all public settings since January. Result? COVID cases dropped, right? Nope. Massive spike in cases:

Never forget your president didn't just raise a question about mask mandates. He literally called you a Neanderthal for questioning the theology on masks. Keep that in mind when you consider the other pronouncements by him and Fauci. They have both been magnificently and spectacularly wrong on this subject, among others.

More to follow en la mañana...
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Today's update on mask "science".

The mistake the public health theocrats made on Texas and Mississippi is that they were so loudly and publicly condemning, topped off by Biden"s "Neanderthal" comment. It has made it impossible for them to hide or memory-hole their wrongness.

But they have been just as wrong over and over again on so many issues around this, so badly it is hard to believe they have been that wrong- except they have.
