Trump surging in polls

Go listen to Donald J. Trump's answer re: childcare in front of the Economic Club if NY and tell me what you hear.

This is the transcript:

He was saying the economy is going to grow and people will be able to afford childcare without government interference. The government has no business messing with childcare that’s the parents job.
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dumb. his 401 K, presuming he has one, which he may not, if indexed as most are is soaring during the past four years.

dumb. his 401 K, presuming he has one, which he may not,

dumb. his 401 K, presuming he has one, which he may not, if indexed as most are is soaring during the past four years.
Apparently you did not read what I said?! I was referencing TODAY!!! Can you not see the word “TODAY” in my post when referencing the posters feelings! I was not talking about his feelings the past 4 years! I’m well aware of what the market has done over the past years and I don’t pretend to be smart enough to explain its performance, but I’m confident that we’ve been in recession for the last year. The lib media has done well in masking that as well! And I also thought you libs were good at restraint (dumb) when it comes to personal insults?! You and your “like” partner. Read the damn post next time! I was referencing TODAY! Not the past 4 years!