Trump tells Christian group to vote this year, and you won't have to again in four years


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2008
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
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Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
Out of context. Well food this is your first offense so you get let off with a warning. This is the reason why no one believes the media or lefties anymore. You take your parroting que and run with it. Take the very worst meaning from any statement and go with that. Rinse. Repeat.
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
Get a grip dude. Do you really believe that?!?
So what did he mean?

Is he saying that we will win so big in four years you won't have to vote?

That doesn't make much sense, folks don't usually tell their supporters they don't need to vote.

Does he mean he won't be able to run, so he doesn't care who wins next time.

Are you saying he did not say that, it has been reported by multiple sources

If I'm so off base here, what does he mean?

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So what did he mean?

Is he saying that we will win so big in four years you won't have to vote?

That doesn't make much sense, folks don't usually tell their supporters they don't need to vote.

Does he mean he won't be able to run, so he doesn't care who wins next time.

Are you saying he did not say that, it has been reported by multiple sources

If I'm so off base here, what does he mean?

If you listen to all his words instead of just 2 or 3 he is saying that things will be fixed so well that the dim party will be relegated to cold sore status. Just an ugly painful reminder that they are disgusting baby murdering, child sexualizing, perverted communist sympathizers.
12 year old Gainesville girl returned ot her parents after being taken by a 37 year old Guatemalan immigrant she met online. More out of context from the media. They aren’t calling him illegal. They are saying he is a Guatemalan resident. 🤦‍♂️
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
Yeah, he will start a new reign of terror in his mid-80s.
12 year old Gainesville girl returned ot her parents after being taken by a 37 year old Guatemalan immigrant she met online. More out of context from the media. They aren’t calling him illegal. They are saying he is a Guatemalan resident. 🤦‍♂️
Guess how many media people will ask him all of that question? Zero. Why would we care about the future of our children in about Americans being kidnapped and murdered?

Guess what, Kamala will absolutely be asked about? Her killer dance moves, and how Taylor Swift is a fan of hers.

But the media is fair and objective
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
In fairness to Trump, earlier in the speech he mentioned his audience tended to have low turnout, so this was in the context of “do it once for me”.

Even so, it was a major strategic blunder to use those words in a close election. You can bet that clip is going to be played over and over in ads going after the short attention span undecided voters.

The Republican ticket would be in a much stronger position now if they had nominated Hayley. If Trump keeps making mistakes like this one, he will lose. Then he will concoct another story about it being rigged.
People who worry about this should worry about top-down appointments from the other side to facilitate a vp candidate in 24 hours,...or did they ever read John Locke, the federalist papers?,....people get moved this day on 15 second video clips, and not reading things
In fairness to Trump, earlier in the speech he mentioned his audience tended to have low turnout, so this was in the context of “do it once for me”.

Even so, it was a major strategic blunder to use those words in a close election. You can bet that clip is going to be played over and over in ads going after the short attention span undecided voters.

The Republican ticket would be in a much stronger position now if they had nominated Hayley. If Trump keeps making mistakes like this one, he will lose. Then he will concoct another story about it being rigged.
This is good context. But this is what's known as a dog-whistle. If he didn't want to say it and have it understood that way, he wouldn't have said it that way. He's no novice.
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So what did he mean?

Is he saying that we will win so big in four years you won't have to vote?

That doesn't make much sense, folks don't usually tell their supporters they don't need to vote.

Does he mean he won't be able to run, so he doesn't care who wins next time.

Are you saying he did not say that, it has been reported by multiple sources

If I'm so off base here, what does he mean?

Beware of short clips. They are most often used to mislead.

To get this, you would have to know that several minutes earlier he was giving the audience a hard time about the relatively low turnout that is typical of Christian voters in our country. He talked about how much impact and influence they could have if they would get out and vote in large numbers. He talked about the critical nature of this election and implored them to actually get out and vote, for a change. Just this once.
So what did he mean?

Is he saying that we will win so big in four years you won't have to vote?

That doesn't make much sense, folks don't usually tell their supporters they don't need to vote.

Does he mean he won't be able to run, so he doesn't care who wins next time.

Are you saying he did not say that, it has been reported by multiple sources

If I'm so off base here, what does he mean?

did you ever watch the entire clip and figure it out?
So what did he mean?

Is he saying that we will win so big in four years you won't have to vote?

That doesn't make much sense, folks don't usually tell their supporters they don't need to vote.

Does he mean he won't be able to run, so he doesn't care who wins next time.

Are you saying he did not say that, it has been reported by multiple sources

If I'm so off base here, what does he mean?

The context is that Trump earlier said that he was going to sign executive orders protecting Christians' rights since they are being trampled on throughout a world lurching progressively (regressively) Left. He was saying, "Just come vote this one time and I'll take care of putting protections in place, and you won't have to vote again with that concern as a pretext for your vote." Of course, Christians will always have to vote, and this is where Trump messes up often--he's not a great articulator at all. He often conflates his messaging with points from earlier in the program or even previous speeches, and the Left, being the Left, jumps all over it to make it say something it doesn't say. But that's exactly what he meant.
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
With all due respect, I fail to see how the 2 clips provide different context. They are very similar with little to no variation. The 2 seconds in question provide the following: "we will have it fixed so good you won't have to vote again". What does that even mean and how does that change the context in question? Genuinely curious.

I'm sure there are other clips that help but not seeing it here.
The Trump is Hitler theme has been hammered so hard people actually believe he’s actually going fix himself in the WH. And that he’s actually capable of doing so. Get ahold of yourselves.

Guy is just pandering to Christians for one vote because he simply doesn’t care what happens afterwards. He doesn’t care about the party, or the longevity of any particular ideals. Help me get elected, the world will be perfect, and then I don’t care. Disposable.
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With all due respect, I fail to see how the 2 clips provide different context. They are very similar with little to no variation. The 2 seconds in question provide the following: "we will have it fixed so good you won't have to vote again". What does that even mean and how does that change the context in question? Genuinely curious.

I'm sure there are other clips that help but not seeing it here.
I had the same reaction. The only difference is the laughter at the end, which is subtle and doesn't explain enough. Just shows that he was using humor.

To get the right context, you would have to watch several minutes before that. He talks about Christians' history of being notoriously underrepresented at the ballot box. Then talked about how they could have great impact and influence if they were more assertive with their vote. He promised to give them good reason to get out and vote to protect their rights from the attacks Christianity is now under.

Then calling back to his earlier comments about Christians' reluctance at the ballot box, he joked that if they come out and vote this one time, he won't ask them to do it again. Trump used humor to move from a criticism to a call to action.
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This is good context. But this is what's known as a dog-whistle. If he didn't want to say it and have it understood that way, he wouldn't have said it that way. He's no novice.
If he did it knowing there would be backlash, he’s an idiot.

I don’t think he is an idiot though. He just got carried away listening to himself in front of an enthusiastic audience.

Now he has to spend two days playing defense and explaining his context when he could be going after Harris’ immigration record and inflation.
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Yeah, he will start a new reign of terror in his mid-80s.

Under rated post. If he’s too old to run (that’s been the new leftist motto since their dinosaur dropped out) then isn’t he too old to start a dictatorship?
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
Yeah.. I don't get this one at all.. I am hoping he miss spoke not the greatest speaker for sure. I don't think any Republican wants that at all and don't believe anyone would stand for a dictatorship .

Def looks bad for him and Vance has some looney thoughts as well not sure he was the right pick. His take on People with children should have a bigger role when voting, Every person should have the same vote regardless of having 0 or 20 children.
With all due respect, I fail to see how the 2 clips provide different context. They are very similar with little to no variation. The 2 seconds in question provide the following: "we will have it fixed so good you won't have to vote again". What does that even mean and how does that change the context in question? Genuinely curious.

I'm sure there are other clips that help but not seeing it here.
Completely different context from after four more years you won’t have to vote. That is the narrative. People are saying he won’t leave. The we will have it fixed so good you won’t have to vote again changed the context. This is what the media and the left does constantly. This is why it is so dangerous to listen to clips. Jake tapper finally played the whole Charlottesville interview. Quite different than how it was portrayed for years and years.
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.

That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.

We have this thing called the U.S Constitution.

Completely different context from after four more years you won’t have to vote. That is the narrative. People are saying he won’t leave. The we will have it fixed so good you won’t have to vote again changed the context. This is what the media and the left does constantly. This is why it is so dangerous to listen to clips. Jake tapper finally played the whole Charlottesville interview. Quite different than how it was portrayed for years and years.
You're not wrong on your first point, but the 2 videos I responded to don't show a change in context as insinuated in the tweet.

Like I said, I'm sure there are clips that exist to provide proper context. The tweet above does nothing of the sort. That's all.

Are you willing to give joe a pass on his bulls eye comment taken out of context?
Here is the quote from the Orange Jesus himself:

"You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

If Trump gets in, he ain't planning on leaving in four years.
I liked you dim's "bloodbath" narrative better.

For the record, you clowns have already accused Trump is never leaving office leading up to his election in 2016.
Then you clowns said the same thing as he ran for re-election.
Trump left the White House without an issue after you dims stole the election.
Here we are in 2024 and you dims are spewing the same fear/hate mongering narratives once again.

Spin it anyway you want, Trump clearly meant this is his last 4 years and he cannot run for POTUS again.
dims are to fuggin stupid to understand that.

Why won't kumala tell us her plan for AMERICA? You know, the AMERICA she and Joe Biden DESTROYED the last 3.5 years.
All she talks about is Trump and fear/hate mongering.

Nov 5th is going to be GLORIOUS for Patriots.


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