United is dropping from ACA. Only 26% of Americans think fight to defeat ISIS is correct


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Record numbers of illegals are crossing the southern borders right now and it remains porous as ever. Government exchange co-ops are collapsing and the young and healthy are simply refusing to enroll in ObamaCare so premiums are rising and the shock in 2017 will be resounding. And the near 0% rates that have been in effect the entire Obama terms and have propped up his failing domestic economic policy are coming to an end therefore expect more economic chaos.

ACA is degenerating into a complicated, expanded medicaid, twice as expensive as it should have been. A classic case of reaching around your butt to scratch your nose. The effort should have centered around cutting costs by reducing over medication, defensive medicine and costly lawsuits. A simple plan to yes, expand medicaid and pay for it with an on the top of the table tax increase. Without blowing up the finest health care system in the world and the best insurers. United is just the most visible who say the losses are not sustainable. While expanding the power and scope of the most corrupt and out of control government agency of them all, the IRS.

ISIS of course is brought to you by Obama and the democrat party. They own it and the entire blown up middle east plus have not been successful combating their creation. The very idea of an American president going on a world wide tour aimed at promoting over throw and chaos and breathing life in to the radical Islamist war on non-believers. And the southern border is still out of control during this time of an explosion of world wide terror. We are slowly evolving into Brazil.

Now we have the body blow to the economy many have been dreading. The rise of interest rates. 0% was always a game. Growth killing policies that were designed to make billionaires of an elite ruling few putting them and their big government partners in charge to replace the former strength of the mostly republican middle class. While propping up failed domestic economic policy of expanded welfare in lieu of jobs. Insane government spending designed to increase government at the expense of private business and again, the jobs it creates. With the side effect of making a billionaire of a certain soon to be former president of course.

This should be a walk in the park to the WH for the conservatives, but the demographics have been changed. We have immigrated and victimized, radicalized and divided along race, sex, sexual orientation, class, age, nationality. What a mess.
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So much to cover and little time to do it...

The messes you so correctly articulate are a direct result from BO policy; staring with an apology tour, to our immigration policy (or lack thereof), to the Red Line, to Libya and Benghazi, backing the muslim brotherhood, throwing Israel under the bus, removing troops from Iraq, ACA/Obamacare rammed down our throats, Stimulus Bill, Cash for Clunkers, Solyndra (Green Companies), Climate Change, IRS targeting, DOJ selective prosecutions, Veterans Administration, Associated Press, Spying on the media (Atkinson/Rosen), Keystone Pipeline, Fast & Furious, Holder Perjury, You didn't build that, The cop acted stupidly, If I had a son, gay marriage, ten trillion added to the debt, nasa muslim outreach, not to mention his disastrous appointments Van Jones, Mao loving Anita Dunn, Science Czar John Holdren, Steven Chu, & Kevin Jennings, etc etc etc.

Feel free to add to the list.

It will be interesting to see which subject of fcpup's post the resident libs wish to defend. Waiting patiently.
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Record numbers of illegals are crossing the southern borders right now and it remains porous as ever. Government exchange co-ops are collapsing and the young and healthy are simply refusing to enroll in ObamaCare so premiums are rising and the shock in 2017 will be resounding. And the near 0% rates that have been in effect the entire Obama terms and have propped up his failing domestic economic policy are coming to an end therefore expect more economic chaos.

ACA is degenerating into a complicated, expanded medicaid, twice as expensive as it should have been. A classic case of reaching around your butt to scratch your nose. The effort should have centered around cutting costs by reducing over medication, defensive medicine and costly lawsuits. A simple plan to yes, expand medicaid and pay for it with an on the top of the table tax increase. Without blowing up the finest health care system in the world and the best insurers. United is just the most visible who say the losses are not sustainable. While expanding the power and scope of the most corrupt and out of control government agency of them all, the IRS.

ISIS of course is brought to you by Obama and the democrat party. They own it and the entire blown up middle east plus have not been successful combating their creation. The very idea of an American president going on a world wide tour aimed at promoting over throw and chaos and breathing life in to the radical Islamist war on non-believers. And the southern border is still out of control during this time of an explosion of world wide terror. We are slowly evolving into Brazil.

Now we have the body blow to the economy many have been dreading. The rise of interest rates. 0% was always a game. Growth killing policies that were designed to make billionaires of an elite ruling few putting them and their big government partners in charge to replace the former strength of the mostly republican middle class. While propping up failed domestic economic policy of expanded welfare in lieu of jobs. Insane government spending designed to increase government at the expense of private business and again, the jobs it creates. With the side effect of making a billionaire of a certain soon to be former president of course.

This should be a walk in the park to the WH for the conservatives, but the demographics have been changed. We have immigrated and victimized, radicalized and divided along race, sex, sexual orientation, class, age, nationality. What a mess.