Why supporting Ukraine matters

Yeah, he's also the POTUS of rapist, murderers and gang members. At some point, you have to make a decision about right and wrong. So, if you have a motorcycle gang that meets at a house in your neighborhood and terrorizes the residents, after about 100 attacks on innocent neighbors and their children, you want the cops to eliminate the threat even if it means a bunch of biker kids will be placed in foster care.

The bottom line is if the people of Gaza want to live in peace and take advantage of the generosity of the world and build neighborhoods instead of terror tunnels and bombs, all they have to do is stop attacking their neighbor. At that point, you can start with moral equivalence but as long as they conduct unprovoked offensive attacks universal condemnation is warranted.

I'm not from Gaza, so I could be wrong... but the people of Gaza didn't attack Israel. Hamas did.... and the US gave the green light to do what is needed to fight Hamas.

I am sure some of the Gaza population is fearful of Hamas as well.

You think Israel should just have a blank check to kill indiscriminately until it sees fit? The United States have backed Israel during this conflict. I think the administration is trying to find a solution, but it's tough.
perhaps those in Gaza should do something about Hamas, however, when 80% support Hamas perhaps they are complicit
I'm not from Gaza, so I could be wrong... but the people of Gaza didn't attack Israel. Hamas did.... and the US gave the green light to do what is needed to fight Hamas.

I am sure some of the Gaza population is fearful of Hamas as well.

You think Israel should just have a blank check to kill indiscriminately until it sees fit? The United States have backed Israel during this conflict. I think the administration is trying to find a solution, but it's tough.
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I'm not from Gaza, so I could be wrong... but the people of Gaza didn't attack Israel. Hamas did.... and the US gave the green light to do what is needed to fight Hamas.

I am sure some of the Gaza population is fearful of Hamas as well.

You think Israel should just have a blank check to kill indiscriminately until it sees fit? The United States have backed Israel during this conflict. I think the administration is trying to find a solution, but it's tough.
The terrorists in Gaza, not Israel, is responsible for all the deaths of the civilians. They hide their weaponry and themselves in heavily populated civilian areas, schools, hospitals etc. Israel cannot afford to stand idle and allow them to operate. So not Israel is NOT indiscriminately killing any civilians. They are targeting and killing terrorists who just slaughtered over 30 American citizens
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The terrorists in Gaza, not Israel, is responsible for all the deaths of the civilians. They hide their weaponry and themselves in heavily populated civilian areas, schools, hospitals etc. Israel cannot afford to stand idle and allow them to operate. So not Israel is NOT indiscriminately killing any civilians. They are targeting and killing terrorists who just slaughtered over 30 American citizens

And so did ISIS and the Iraq insurgency (hiding within civilian populations). Israel still has to find a way to change that narrative. I think doing so will solve some of the issues. What is the end game? I believe that is mostly where the international push back is coming from
I'm not from Gaza, so I could be wrong... but the people of Gaza didn't attack Israel. Hamas did.... and the US gave the green light to do what is needed to fight Hamas.

I am sure some of the Gaza population is fearful of Hamas as well.

You think Israel should just have a blank check to kill indiscriminately until it sees fit? The United States have backed Israel during this conflict. I think the administration is trying to find a solution, but it's tough.
I'm not going to look it up but I seem to remember Hamas getting around 85% support in Gaza. Of course Hamas runs the madrassas and teaches children to hate early and that is extremely unfortunately but as discussed in my link above, the Palestinians have been offered land for peace on 5 occasions and turned it down every time. The Gazans and their supporters here continue to chant from the river to the sea. That literally means wipe Israel off the map.

It's really simple. Israel has been attacked by ground forces and missile strikes since their inception. They have taken land during war times and returned it for peace but Hezbollah and Hamas simply regroup and attack again. When Israel decides to strike military targets, they literally telegraph their attacks in order for civilians is to evacuate. There simply can not be blame placed on Israel for going after the perpetrators of terror attacks even if they create collateral damage in the process. If the Palestinians wanted peace, the ONLY thing they must do is stop attacking. It's really no more complicated than that.
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I'm not going to look it up but I seem to remember Hamas getting around 85% support in Gaza. Of course Hamas runs the madrassas and teaches children to hate early and that is extremely unfortunately but as discussed in my link above, the Palestinians have been offered land for peace on 5 occasions and turned it down every time. The Gazans and their supporters here continue to chant from the river to the sea. That literally means wipe Israel off the map.

It's really simple. Israel has been attacked by ground forces and missile strikes since their inception. They have taken land during war times and returned it for peace but Hezbollah and Hamas simply regroup and attack again. When Israel decides to strike military targets, they literally telegraph their attacks in order for civilians is to evacuate. There simply can not be blame placed on Israel for going after the perpetrators of terror attacks even if they create collateral damage in the process. If the Palestinians wanted peace, the ONLY thing they must do is stop attacking. It's really no more complicated than that.

Oh wow... 85% is a lot.
Ok- lets move to the other view (side) and look at it from this angle. President Biden is the President to ALL. This includes our Palestinian-American citizens who see Israel as using a "heavy hand" in its response to HAMAS (Fucc Hamas btw) and it's goal to indicate the terrorist organization.

Many innocent citizens. Women. Children. All have been killed and for the most part, the US has stood by Israel and it's right to defend itself.

I think the protests have started mainly due to no end game for the citizens that are suffering and the international world is loosing patience for an endless war that has taken many innocent lives.

I think the President is trying to balance the United States unwavering support of Isreal with the need to reduce the senseless killings and its causing problems on both sides.
If Hamas releases the hostages it would end.
I'm not from Gaza, so I could be wrong... but the people of Gaza didn't attack Israel. Hamas did.... and the US gave the green light to do what is needed to fight Hamas.

I am sure some of the Gaza population is fearful of Hamas as well.

You think Israel should just have a blank check to kill indiscriminately until it sees fit? The United States have backed Israel during this conflict. I think the administration is trying to find a solution, but it's tough.
US did not give the green light. The put so many stipulations once it was reported by the Palestinians the civilians were being killed. The US put restrictions on how they should conduct their own operations. All the while the reported figures are exaggerated and/or put right lies. They set up base in schools, hospitals and any other civilian area to maximize damage if attacked. They only care about the end game and not about the people.
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The Republic of Georgia just passed a law that media companies and non-gov organizations in their country must declare themselves agents of foreign interest if those entities are funded by more than 20 percent by foreign powers, a consequence the USA withdrew 95 million dollars in assistance today, appears the Republic of Georgia doesn't want to be in the middle of a power struggle between Russia and the west
I’m fine helping to support Ukraine some, what I don’t understand is why Democrats won’t do the same for Israel who’s a much better ally to US than Ukraine has ever been. Make it make sense…
Democrats have been supporting Israel long before it was popular with the new republicans. How many of trump’s cult hate Jews. Go back and look at the marches in charlotte and see what the slogans were from the people that trump called good people.
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Democrats have been supporting Israel long before it was popular with the new republicans. How many of trump’s cult hate Jews. Go back and look at the marches in charlotte and see what the slogans were from the people that trump called good people.
You don’t know what you are talking about. The issues at matches in Charlotte were demostration by the
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This is an outstanding explanation of the historical context of the war and why ensuring that Putin does not win is in our best interests.

Yeah, duh.

The USA cannot allow Russia to win this war. There was a time when Republicans, and all red-blooded Americans, knew that we want communist Russia to lose every military engagement they have. All of them. For those who have forgotten, think about it as if the Florida gators were a country.

We have some people who hate Democrats so bad, they’re actually believing the nonsense that comes out of Donald Trump‘s mouth. Read that sentence again, it’s not a joke. We must support Ukraine.
Democrats have been supporting Israel long before it was popular with the new republicans. How many of trump’s cult hate Jews. Go back and look at the marches in charlotte and see what the slogans were from the people that trump called good people.
You don’t know what you are talking about. The Democrats will lie and tell you what you want to hear to get elected and then if elected they will go back to a socialist party. All they want is power, money nd dictate what you can and can not do. Do you not know that Trump rightfully move the capital of Israel back to Jerusalem? Trump knows they are our allies and you must nit have taken history in school. Oh, I forgot that the schools are all liberal now. Feel bad for our future and my grandchildren. Open your eyes and mind
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Yeah, duh.

The USA cannot allow Russia to win this war. There was a time when Republicans, and all red-blooded Americans, knew that we want communist Russia to lose every military engagement they have. All of them. For those who have forgotten, think about it as if the Florida gators were a country.

We have some people who hate Democrats so bad, they’re actually believing the nonsense that comes out of Donald Trump‘s mouth. Read that sentence again, it’s not a joke. We must support Ukraine.

It is in everyone's best interest for this thing to reach a diplomatic solution as soon as possible. You can't allow your hatred for Russia cloud the fact that total victory over Russia in a border war they feel is in their best national security interest may require a cost nobody wants to pay.

Yeah, I'd like to kid myself into thinking Ukraine can win a defensive war of attrition but that is closer to fantasy than reality.
A large majority of the Isreali population want Bibi GONE !
So? The entire US wants Biden gone. That is why his own party just tossed him aside. You don’t hear Bibi calling for Bidens ouster. Its not Biden or Schumers or anyone here’s place to call for a regime change for an ally’s democratically elected leader
It is in everyone's best interest for this thing to reach a diplomatic solution as soon as possible. You can't allow your hatred for Russia cloud the fact that total victory over Russia in a border war they feel is in their best national security interest may require a cost nobody wants to pay.

Yeah, I'd like to kid myself into thinking Ukraine can win a defensive war of attrition but that is closer to fantasy than reality.
Do you have a great point, but Russia gets weaker as a country the longer this goes on. This war has already killed their top 200,000 troops. Imagine having The best 20% of your military dead in less than a year. Imagine having 40% of your military equipment blown up in less than a year and you’ve basically gained nothing.

Inflation in the country is insane, and this makes them weaker in China’s eyes. This is because China knows virtually. Nobody else will treat with them Iran and North Korea a little bit but their economies. Also suck.
It is in everyone's best interest for this thing to reach a diplomatic solution as soon as possible. You can't allow your hatred for Russia cloud the fact that total victory over Russia in a border war they feel is in their best national security interest may require a cost nobody wants to pay.

Yeah, I'd like to kid myself into thinking Ukraine can win a defensive war of attrition but that is closer to fantasy than reality.
History provides a very clear indication of what happens when you appease someone like Putin. It never works.

parts of NYC look like a third world country yet you want to poke around 6,000 miles away and waste billions in a hopeless war. Why?
You obviously don't spend much time in NYC, or you haven't been there since the early 90's.
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You obviously don't spend much time in NYC, or you haven't been there since the early 90's.
It isn’t quitr Dinkins level yet. But the City has been getting pretty bad again the last 8-10 years or so. All the progress made by Rudy and Bloomberg was completely wiped out by Wilhelm
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History provides a very clear indication of what happens when you appease someone like Putin. It never works.

I'm not talking about appeasing Putin. I'm talking about a diplomatic off ramp before this thing evolves into WW3. When you can tell me how total victory is achieved and if you are willing to put American lives on the line to push Putin back within the Russian borders and destroy his war machine, then we can talk. Outside of that, you're simply promoting a fantasy solution.
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This is an outstanding explanation of the historical context of the war and why ensuring that Putin does not win is in our best interests.

We’ve seen what a defeated Russia looks like when they splintered. Boris Yeltzin.. Russia is in no threat, as in zero, of being defeated by UKR.

Funny how the dems openly loved a commie Soviet Union in the 80’s, and now claim they are a threat. LOL. Clockwork
We’ve seen what a defeated Russia looks like when they splintered. Boris Yeltzin.. Russia is in no threat, as in zero, of being defeated by UKR.

Funny how the dems openly loved a commie Soviet Union in the 80’s, and now claim they are a threat. LOL. Clockwork
Did you watch the video? Your post suggests not.
I think most anyone committed to freedom wants Putin to lose. The question is are we willing to pay the price and take the actions that would be required to ensure Putin loses a border war that he sees as a national security priority? Iows, Russia isn't going to be defeated without Ukraine and her allies engaging in offensive strikes on a massive level.

Another factor is there are regions that Putin wants where many of the residents are sympathetic to Russia somewhat like S. Vietnam so politics/diplomacy is more likely the correct path rather than hoping for total victory. Of course, we would all love to see Putin disgraced and a new leader helicoptered in with an adoring crowd throwing rose petals at his feet but that appears to be closer to a fantasy than a real possibility.
It’s relatively inexpensive to keep him bogged down though. We don’t need to defeat him and certainly not depose him.
It’s relatively inexpensive to keep him bogged down though. We don’t need to defeat him and certainly not depose him.
True but we are playing with fire. The ME is a powder keg. Russia has nukes and the ability to create a lot of mischief around the globe with cyber attacks. China is waiting to pounce and the Ukrainian people are being brutalized while Putin is taking ground daily.

Russia has taken about 25% of Ukraine and proposed a cease fire. Pushing them off of that land for the purpose of declaring a total victory isnt happening using the current defensive strategy.

We can keep spending and watch Russia methodically take more ground. We can go all in and put more treasure into Ukraine and likely American lives or start looking for an off ramp. Imo it is time to start looking for ways to end this war.
I think most anyone committed to freedom wants Putin to lose. The question is are we willing to pay the price and take the actions that would be required to ensure Putin loses a border war that he sees as a national security priority? Iows, Russia isn't going to be defeated without Ukraine and her allies engaging in offensive strikes on a massive level.

Another factor is there are regions that Putin wants where many of the residents are sympathetic to Russia somewhat like S. Vietnam so politics/diplomacy is more likely the correct path rather than hoping for total victory. Of course, we would all love to see Putin disgraced and a new leader helicoptered in with an adoring crowd throwing rose petals at his feet but that appears to be closer to a fantasy than a real possibility.
Putin would just rather slowly win and watch us inflate ourselves silly with all the money we are giving Ukraine. He doesn’t care about taking casualties. He is just ok dragging this out and letting the US continue to throw money into a bottomless pit.
If you don’t love billions of American tax dollars being used to slaughter Europeans and provoking Russia into a hot war do you even love America?
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