Interesting article on Daniel Martindale in today’s WSJ

It is interesting in that it parallels similarly with USSR propaganda directed at leftwing revolutionaries in the US.
Agree. For those who do not remember, Russia is our enemy and would kill your sons and grandsons if they could.

The idea that any American doesn’t know that or remember that is astounding. And that shows the influence of 1) poor education system and 2) social media
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Trump just flat wrong with his nonsense about Ukraine

If it weren't for the fact that we cozied up with Putin and spouted Russian rhetoric, I would consider agreeing with this approach. The issue is that we have actively taken on the responsibility to end the war. In doing so, we have neglected major allies who likely have a vested interest in pursuing the same goal. This misconception—that we will "win" negotiations and that violence is the only means by which we can effect change—is far-fetched.

Negotiation is great, but why have we seemingly lost our identity and fidelity in achieving it?
You have to keep enemies in your back pocket.
one month in and folks are wanting miracles lol
he has done more in one month than biden and company did in 4 years
the fact that anything he does rubs libs the wrong way
he will never be right about anything according to the left
the chat is a perfect example

NonDawg House bill to end those fake school zone speeding tickets..

If passed ends that crap. House bill 225

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend Article 2 of Chapter 14 of Title 40 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to speed detection devices, so as to repeal all laws relative to enforcement of speeding violations in school zones through the use of automated traffic enforcement safety devices; to provide for conforming changes; to prohibit a local governing body or law enforcement agency from entering into or renewing a contract that provides for enforcement of laws relative to speeding violations in school zones through the use of automated traffic enforcement safety devices; to provide for related matters; to provide for effective dates; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.
