RFK Jr - Damning assertion on Biden Administration

First it was TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Then we got ED (Elon Derangement)

Now is it RFKDS (RFK Derangement Syndrome)

Not to mention, the sheer ignorance of the US electorate in foreign affairs by the average American is astonishing. But if you get your news from the captured media, you get what you deserve.
We have people quoting and using clips and information from sources operating out of compounds and basements. Our commitment to credibility and fact-checking is poor. We cry "fake news" while being led astray by the very same entity. Oh, the irony.
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Trump just flat wrong with his nonsense about Ukraine

If it weren't for the fact that we cozied up with Putin and spouted Russian rhetoric, I would consider agreeing with this approach. The issue is that we have actively taken on the responsibility to end the war. In doing so, we have neglected major allies who likely have a vested interest in pursuing the same goal. This misconception—that we will "win" negotiations and that violence is the only means by which we can effect change—is far-fetched.

Negotiation is great, but why have we seemingly lost our identity and fidelity in achieving it?
The major allies who contribute so little? We are alone, except Australia

RFK Jr - Damning assertion on Biden Administration

First it was TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Then we got ED (Elon Derangement)

Now is it RFKDS (RFK Derangement Syndrome)

Not to mention, the sheer ignorance of the US electorate in foreign affairs by the average American is astonishing. But if you get your news from the captured media, you get what you deserve.

Trump taking a hit in polls released this morning

It appears the American people are fed up with the extremes in both parties. The Democrats may stir up enough people on Trump to get a President elected, but they are is serious trouble in the House and Senate.
The progressives cost the Democrats the election ( not to mention a pathetic candidate) by continuous support of illegal immigration, men in women's sports, teaching gender identity and sexual orientation to grammar school students ,etc. Now, against Party strategists advice they are screaming about the waste and fraud being uncovered and that is pointing the finger right at the party on being the ones to blame for this. It appears talks are under way in the DNC for a split with the progressives; that would be the best thing the Democratic Party has done in years.
The far right wingers are doing no favors for the Republican Party and Trump going off the deep end on his admiration of Putin is not helping matters. The best thing the Republican could do is split from the far right wingers. You have never lived until you have to deal with some of the moronic Sovereign Citizens like we do in enforcement out this way.
It would be a glorious day for this country to see the far left and the far right disappear from the political landscape. Probably very wishful thinking, but at least the Democrats are talking about it.

THIS!! What happened to a dang moderate around these parts?!
