ND: Private School

Lots of factors to consider. How good is the private school? How good are your public schools? Will your child thrive in that type of environment? We have one kid in public school and one in private school. We started both of them in private school when my daughter was in 7th grade and our son was in 4th grade. We ended up choosing private school because we could not get an IDP for our son who has autism. Our son is doing fine there. We moved our daughter to public school when she started 9th grade. For a variety of reasons, it just wasn't the right environment for her.
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ND: Private School

Sent 2 to second best public school system in GA. Sent last to private school. Private school 6 days a week and twice on Sunday
No comparison. Found most teachers at public are just there because of time served and waiting to get out. Not a shot at them because they are great but they have to teach what government tells them.Private school prepared my 3rd so much more than public. Public schools are a cesspool of woke BS

ND: Private School

lol..lotta new programs to help with cost

Man as a proud public school retired public school employee this comment sucks
My sister is an administrator in our school system and she told me that they aren't allowed to notify parents if a child in the same classroom as their children has head lice. There are quite a few other things she has told us that reinforce our decision to put our granddaughter in a private school.
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