
Well here are some factual problems with your post:

1) "Trump and Vance ambushed Zelensky"

Zelensky wasn't ambushed, he was the aggressor. He began lecturing Vance when Vance was asked a question about Putin. That is what kicked the whole debacle off. You can say his point is valid, I get it - but prior to that the tone of the meeting was very gracious from all involved. It was Zelensky that broke diplomatic protocol.

2) "This has been the plan all along."

Wrong, Trump wanted a peace deal. Part of the peace deal was the mineral deal. A lot of effort had been put into that. Everything else was negotiation. That includes the (pointless) UN vote. Earlier today, Trump literally extended sanctions on Russia. That's actual policy. Now did Trump insult Zelensky recently? Absolutely, because Zelensky was showing his ass then too. But Trump also laughed off his comments yesterday "did I really call Zelensky a dictator? I can't believe I would." Now that may infuriate you - I get it - but that is what Trump walking comments back looks like.

3) "Even the stupid comments about Zelensky's attire"

That was a media question, that was not from Trump or Vance.

4) "All with not a single word about Russia or Putin."

Trump explicitly addressed this. "You want me to say really terrible things about Putin and then say, 'hi, Vladimir. How are we doing on the deal?' It doesn't work that way. I'm not aligned with anybody. I'm aligned with the United States of America, and for the good of the world."

5) "I'll wager that we will end all aid, and it will lead to what will likely be an end to the NATO alliance within two years."

You could be right about this. If so, the blame is with Zelensky for the way he acted. It was objectively stupid. He placed his ego ahead of his cause, that's a basic failure of leadership.
Exactly. Trump wants peace and ran on peace. This was the opposite of what he wanted.

NonDawg Any here make the jump to an EV?

Honestly don't think you'll regret it. When I bought mine back in October 2023 it was running around the same price as the ICE version of the F-150. Truly did it more for economics than anything & I've been tracking what we used to spend on gas vs. what we spend now. The net is about $800 a year in savings from my old 2006 Dodge Ram- that's taking into account EV charging, increase to electricity bill for the Level 2 charger I have installed here at the house, & the EV surcharge that Georgia charges to try to make up for lost fuel revenue. That isn't taking into account oil changes, brakes, & other maintenance so actually the savings are even higher than that so far. I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole yet until I get an apples-to-apples comparison of replacing the brakes & tires on the Lightning, as I'm expecting those will be more expensive.

I'm hoping for significant savings beyond what your getting. Once I pull the trigger I'll have to see how the real world example compares to my calculations and let you know.

I currently have a 2018 RAM Rebel (off-road trim package) with the V8 HEMI. I average 17 mpg and use it as my daily driver. But I have a LONG commute... drive from Athens to either Gainesviile, Toccoa, or Braselton each day. I've looked at my gas spending over the months and on average I fill up 6.3 times per month at an average cost currently of around $68.50 per tank. So my fuel cost per month is $431.55 at near 150 gallons per month.

By calculations I should be able to come close to cutting that monthly fuel bill in half or better even. We live about a mile from the natural gas power plant just north of Athens near the intersection of Hwy 441 and Hwy 334 and enjoy some of the cheapest electricity rates in the country at just 0.09 cents per kilowatt hour. Of course these calculations are all on paper so I'm curious to see how it works out in the real world and if I can come close to this.
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Blame for the Ukraine war…

More wacko nonsense from this guy.

How exactly does Chat pick which liberal democrats you’re going to listen to?

Like what did RFK Jr. and this guy do that you were like “yeah I’m going to believe everything they say”.

since clearly no one knows who Sachs is, he is the biggest believer in climate change and green energy we have. Are we also now believing everything he says about that and supporting Biden’s Green New Deal? Or are we just picking statements that confirm what we already want to believe?
Well, everything he says here is true so I guess there is that. He is totally a liberal hack but what he says here is no different from what many conservatives and military leaders have been saying. Which parts are you arguing to be untrue or just that I am sharing info from a lib?

If I’m Zelenskyy, I’m calling China to see what they might offer as far as protection for mineral rights deal.

Since they already control 70% of them, that would be an extremely shrewd move. What would we do then? Would Donald still be seen as master negotiator? I would do it just to make Trump administration sweat for how he was treated yesterday. Gain a little more leverage in the deal, but that’s just me. Hope a good deal can still be worked out, but I think Donald relishes being a bully, and we all know what happens to the bully in every movie, they usually get punched in the face……, and it’s everybody’s favorite part of said movie. Rest of the wold will be enjoying the downfall of this great nation for foreseeable future.
Of course. This nonsense from Trump, where he surrenders and cries mommy and gives Russia everything they could want in a settlement, only help China and Russia.

I thought he was some expert negotiator who have leverage over Putin?

Blame for the Ukraine war…

For those that want to place 100% of the blame on Russia, this is a good explanation to how we got here.

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More wacko nonsense from this guy.

How exactly does Chat pick which liberal democrats you’re going to listen to?

Like what did RFK Jr. and this guy do that you were like “yeah I’m going to believe everything they say”.

since clearly no one knows who Sachs is, he is the biggest believer in climate change and green energy we have. Are we also now believing everything he says about that and supporting Biden’s Green New Deal? Or are we just picking statements that confirm what we already want to believe?

If I’m Zelenskyy, I’m calling China to see what they might offer as far as protection for mineral rights deal.

China would end up owning Ukraine in two years because zelezsky wants all the aid to have no strings attached. China doesn’t do those deals.
Would be like a mouse making dinner reservations with the cat.

Foreign Policy Anyone? On the eve of World Peace again….

Totally unrealistic given the fact that Putin is willing to continue to sacrifice millions of his own people to save face.

We make peace with our enemies. Not our friends. Time to save lives.
So you know what Putin is willing or unwilling to sacrifice? How exactly? And what Putin is willing or unwilling to sacrifice is determined by what price he feels he will have to pay to get what he wants.

Trump is making it exceedingly clear that the US is not going to offer much resistance or any at all to Putin achieving what he wants.


Would you rather lose everything? There is no hope for Ukraine. They have zero chance of winning and only survive because of benevolence you just spit on, in the home of your sugar daddy, while rolling your eyes, sighing, and interrupting your benefactor.

The arrogance was astounding, as highlighted by the diplomat's clear embarrassment and the quick apology on twitter.
You completely ignore the very intentional and provocative language that Trump and his administration have directed toward Zelenskyy and Ukraine since taking office. It’s entirely unprecedented and, as I’m sure you know, diplomacy and international relations are involve direct and indirect messaging.

All of the Trump administration messaging sends a very clear picture regarding a realignment with Russia. Trump’s rhetoric, Vance’s Munich speech, multiple statements from Hegseth, the U.N. vote and yesterday’s debacle. The diplomatic messaging is clear.

So it’s not like Zelensky came to the WH with a great feeling about the relationship. He determined that he needed to reply to what has been an endless stream of negative messaging and signals. That’s not an unreasonable position on his part.

Foreign Policy Anyone? On the eve of World Peace again….

The United States leadership, both Republican and Democratic, has a history of conveniently forgetting some of our agreements to other nations in years past. Is this what happened after the January 1994 U.S-Russia-Ukraine summit?
Either way IMHO Russia can never be trusted.

"The U.S.-Russia-Ukraine accord—which one of Clinton’s top aides called “the crowning achievement of the summit”—can be looked back at as a betrayal of Kyiv in one sense. Clinton and Yeltsin did promise Ukraine “full guarantees of security, as a sign of friendship and good neighborliness.” The two leaders also reaffirmed “the obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state,” including Ukraine.

Later that year, at a conference in Budapest, the U.S., Russia, and Britain formalized those security assurances to Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan (the latter two former Soviet republics had also given up the nuclear weapons on their territory), in exchange for their signing of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty."

The Truth About Ukraine’s Decision to Give Up Its Nukes in the ’90s


Putin became “invincible” early on in this war when your weak Biden Admin refused to give the weaponry Ukraine requested when Ukraine still had a fighting chance …your post is describing events that is disgustingly happening every day in Ukraine and has for months now. The illegal killing by Putin has been going on for years now, and will continue. Supporting all the more reason for a cease fire …but hey, for the sake of your narrative, let’s pretend these events have just now started happening 🫣

Still waiting on your brilliant opinion on how this drawn out war should end? And how Ukraine can have the upper hand on negotiations. You seem to imply that with your rhetoric. Do you propose we just march right into Russia and put Putin on trial for war crimes? Or continue to throw unaccounted for billions of dollars at a war Ukraine can’t win? Have yet to read ANY TYPE of solutions from you, much less a sensible one, just the everyday TDS Trump bash fest, and your stale same ole RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA and Putin Putin Putin cries.

This would be funny if so much and so many lives were not at stake. Every advantage the democrats and misguided reps stated has turned for the opposite.

They said this would ruin the Russians financially. They said the Russian military was inept and wouldn’t be able to carry out any military operations against the world power of UKR. They told us sanctions would have the Russians on their knees begging us to lift them. They told us kicking them out of Swift would paralyze the Russian’s banking and monetary system. We would gain such valuable info on their military tactics and capabilities and they’d learn nothing from
Our systems.

Could go on but suffice it to say that every one of these statements not only proved to be incorrect but actually had the opposite effect.

They were waving their UKR flags and celebrating the bravery of a cokehead leader who was placed in by the west and quickly became a dictator, suspending elections, killing reporters, banning non-state own media, conscripting every possibly body into the military, and restricting pretty much every aspect of UKR life. But according to them this was NEEDED for DEMOCRACY.

The only thing this war accomplished was to make Russia MORE resilient, allow Zelenskyy access to stupid amounts of unaccounted for money, kill many many people, and allow Russia to take and occupy more geographical area than ever before.

I stated at the beginning of this nonsense that it would end in the fashion and it will.

Just glad we have a strong president using logic to guide our direction in this now.
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