Tariffs = Higher Prices

Trump speaks - leftists get enraged. Rinse and repeat.
Usually because he a) doesn’t know what he is talking about (see above link which shows he think the exporting country pays the tariff (wrong) or b) he is lying. But, we know the drill - whatever daddy Trump says, you guys blindly believe and defend.

Tariffs = Higher Prices

For those arguing (idiotically) that tariffs won’t increases prices and will “make America great”, here is an email I just received from one of our big suppliers. And guess what I will have to do - raise prices at our restaurants to make up for it!


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Trump speaks - leftists get enraged. Rinse and repeat.

UPDATE Quick note on Kolten...

One of the reasons he's not pitching is Wes did not want three starters on a pitch count this weekend and potentially tax the bullpen.
Charlie Goldstein and JT Quinn will obviously be on one, and he didn't want Kolton making it three, so they're giving him another weekend.
There's still a chance he might get an inning this weekend.

NonDawg Any here make the jump to an EV?

Nevah, nevah, nevah! My next-door neighbor bought one, and on his first trip down to Disneyland, he had to stop in South Georgia to recharge his car for 3-4 hours before he could proceed on to his destination. Plus, the average battery life is 8-10 years and costs $4,500-$5,000 to replace. No, that's not for this guy.
Your neighbor didn’t properly plan ahead with it being his first trip & went to a level 2 charger rather than a fast charger which is only meant for topping off or charging overnight, not intended to charge on the go. A rapid charger can charge from 15% to 80% or so in less than 30 minutes.

How much do you spend on maintenance of an ICE vehicle in 8-10 years? There are no oil changes, spark plug, transmission flushes, etc. on an electric vehicle so that has to go in the cost-benefit analysis in order to get an apples-to-apples comparison.

Epstein Files, part 1 (LINK)

