Perspective from a recently fired probationary federal employee...

40% of the people in this country simply hate the government and the people in it without any thought whatsoever that there may be many who are dedicated to serving their country through a job they love. The way jobs are being cut now without any vetting or plan that makes sense is simply a reflection of their attitudes and the people they have empowered.

The government needs trimming based on merit, but that takes too much time and effort. The angry mob wants its gratification quickly. Sorry you were caught up in it.
What you just said applies just as much, even moreso, in the private sector. Once corporate takeovers happen whole departments and more get eliminated. The best and worst employees get treated the same. I know from personal experience as does almost everyone who’s ever worked for a company. But for years the federal bureaucracy has been isolated from the economic ups and downs that those in the private sector faced. Part of why DC residents (including those lobbying for more money) have higher average incomes, exceeding the level of every other state by a wide margin. Not sure this is about an angry mob as much as a government with a 36 trillion dollar debt that most acknowledge but no one seems to want to take any action to even put a small dent in it.
