“You should have never started it “

Thats simply promoting Russian propaganda. The threat of Ukraine joining NATO did not start the war and validating that propaganda in no way helps negotiations. In fact, it weakens the position that Russia is the aggressor and should be treated as such.
Still waiting on your proposed solution on how to end this war?

Toronto crash video

That’s not ATC’s job. No way they can make that call. To me it looks like the plane caught a microburst, hit hard, and the main gear failed. I mean, the plane hit hard but I’ve seen aircraft hit hard and bounce back in the air. (There is an FAA AD dealing with CRJ main landing gear corrosion that I posted above.) That’s the theory I’m going with at least.
I think you are correct. A construction project I was on dug up (literally) an old Eastern Airlines jet that had landed so hard it damaged the wings with the landing gear. Neither landing gear failed. It must have been quite a shock to the passengers

“You should have never started it “

They want to see debt that will force other countries to use Chinese currency as the world standard thereby hastening the end of the USA.
I also think Trump will try to formulate a closer relationship with Russia and put China on an island. Putin knows that China is only cozying up to them because China wants leverage over them. China has been doing this to countries around the world....pretend to be their friend, loan them money...only to have ultimate power over that country.

Russia and their citizens have far more in common with the US than with China. Russia does not have the economy or military might they once had and know they would be far better off in an alliance with us than with China.

Why do you democrats want to forever view Russia as an adversary?

I've got a couple of friends up here in Hiawassee who are from Russia, and they still have family back in Russia. They tell me that if you asked ANY Russian citizen, would they rather be more like the US or more like Russia, the response is the US 100% of the time. They despise China.
