Clay Higgins and Ohio Haitians

Except they are not here illegally. So, if legality is not the issue, must be racism.

I'm pretty sure if 10,000 Swedish chicks got dumped in your backyard you wouldn't mind a bit...even if illegal.
I'd keep one, maybe two and send the rest back if I had to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical insurance and cash for running around money. At my age, I'm not sure I could handle one but would be willing to give it a shot. 10K fugetaboutit.

Clay Higgins and Ohio Haitians

Yeah right......appreciate the migrants. The citizens raising holy hell at the City Council meetings dont seem appreciative. Like ,, at all.
So is that five citizens raising hell at City Council meetings? Ten? Fifty? Do you know that those people represent the opinions of the majority of citizens in Springfield, and if so how do you know that?

Or maybe, as is the case in so many instances these days, the people raising hell at these City Council meetings are a very loud minority of people who like to whine about and blame others for their circumstances instead of taking ownership themselves.

I see a lot of confidence

on the Bama boards, and almost zero concern. Contrast that with post after post on here from sissy fans that have been fooled by a bad game against Kentucky, and listen to too many podcasts from guys that have been fooled as well.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but these Dawgs are hell. WE are the best program in the nation. WE are the ones with back-to-back natties and 1 single loss since then.

Do we have a Bama problem? Or do we have a Nick Saban problem? I think that’s looking for an excuse. We have no problem other than playing a great team that has been at the top of college football, until now, for over a decade. Have a loss to Bama? Yeah, get in line. So does the rest of the country. But, let’s not perpetuate the chasing of ghosts and keep building Bama up to be this unbeatable behemoth. It’s just simply not true.

They are nothing more to us, this week, than the next team on the schedule. I’m not ignoring their dominance over us (and the rest of CFB) through the years. They’ve absolutely owned us and you can’t deny that. But just because something has been, doesn’t mean it will always be.

The chipping away of the Alabama dynasty continues this weekend. Beating them once won’t convince us, nor anyone else that the witch is dead, so stop acting like our rivalry rides on this game. But we can make a big statement this weekend and I expect that’s how it’ll unfold.

All the pieces come together this weekend. Not in perfection (there will be some ugly), but in a complimentary way and we put the world on notice that we are coming for that title.

Dawgs get a defensive/special teams score
ETN scores two (with 107yds)
Carson throws 1 (24/30 for 210)
Woodring knocks 2 through (41yds and 23yds)
I think we land 5 sacks
Dawgs 34 -27
