On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

That is fantastic that you and your wife helped your children pay off their debt. That is what parents are supposed to do.

But, and again, most of Gen Z and millennials don’t have that safety net, good parents willing and able to do so.
defining a parent as good because they pay off a debt is a joke. lots of good parents can’t do that nor should they.

On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.


A pagan who is kind to the poor with no intent to behave in a Christian manner is behaving Christ like in that action regardless of whether he is elect or not.

The instinct by most left wingers that the student loans are a racket and need to be fixed is more in line with Biblical principles than the old “bootstrap” song and dance in my opinion.
it really is shameful what the Obama admin did with loans as a means to subsidize the ACA.

While I think college costs are z ridiculous, I think giving 18 year olds a pass is ridiculous as well. If kids even attempted to do something alternative to the “4 year” experience I could get on board. Juco, working to defray part of the expense while the loan is in deferral are counter to popular culture but are all viable options. Not my job to subsidize somebody else’s kid’s bad decisions.
