On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

You keep saying usury. Student loans in my opinion do not fit that category. Usury is more related to credit card rates.
The issue with higher education is the inflated costs and the bastardization of what qualifies as education these days. It is more propaganda and indoctrination and setting young people up for failure. You can still get a degree without incurring massive debt. It requires restraint and rational thinking which the public schools do not teach. They teach you to follow your emotions and do what feels right. That is the problem and what your continue to push is a symptom of the major problem.
Putting aside the disagreement regarding usury, everything you said after that I agree with 100%.

It does require major restraint and rational thinking, something the majority of people, much less 18 year old kids, have a difficult time with. Which is why I don't believe this is like someone financing a car they can't afford on their salary, these young people who just did what society told them to do and our suffering because of it (Again generally not specifically).

I think where we disagree is the solution to the above problem, we are probably in line on getting the government out of the student loan business and making the colleges underwrite the risk.

We are clearly in disagreement regarding whether the government should forgive the loans they propagandized in entire generation into getting - I propose seizing the endowments to pay the debt.
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