On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

Do you realize how many college students get these loans and just live off them, all while earning or trying to get meaningless degrees.... they get the most money they can so they can have an apartment, not have to work, and still go party and live the college life. Then you have the people that go to private colleges or expensive schools to major in marketing, business management, philosophy, art history, fine arts etc... How many kids have went to D3 schools just to play sports in college and then graduate with a degree and $100,000 in debt that degree cant pay off. My taxes should not go to bail these people out of the debt they accrued because of their choices. We have too many situations as i have mentioned to try and take the moral/religious high ground saying we should help the younger generation... College can open doors but even when i went I was under no delusion that once i graduated i was going to have this great career waiting for me.
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Can someone explain Title 9 to me like Im 5 ?

Basically it means that university-provided benefits must be distributed equally between men and women based on the percentage of the overall student population.

Hence if you have a 53% female student population, female athletes must get 53% of the benefits. The bulk of benefits are scholarships, and as others have pointed out, its why UGA has an equestrian team (with a ton of scholarships, BTW), and why there is no men's soccer team or gymnastics team. It's also why there are more softball scholarships than baseball scholarships.

It's also why there is a CCC, which is technically not a university-provided benefit. As the line between NIL and pay-for-play becomes more blurred, Title IX potentially becomes more of an issue.

Also Title IX covers a lot more issues in education, that have nothing to do with sports, such as how educational institutions deal with sexual harassment, etc.
Sure, but what "benefits". The football team still receives greater "benefits" as the equestrian team. So that is the grey area.

Revenue sharing will be a key area for debate.

Absolutely agree on the CCC which is why I have been puzzled that the Title IX challenges are being viewed as a threat to traditional NIL as opposed to the revenue sharing (a fight I always saw as inevitable).

On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

So you are now creating a whole new generation of victims. This is a bunch of crap. I live my life based on Personal Responsibility. You are where you are in life based on the decisions you have made throughout your life. I was the last of four kids with a single Mom(Father died), so I had to pay for the majority of my College. Did I go out and run up loans? No. I worked full-time and went to school also. If I could not afford a full load, I didn't take a full load. It took me 5 and a half years to get my degree(going year round, so I went to college basically twice as long as normal- 22 Quarters vs 12 ), but I got it not owing a single dollar. It is a person's responsibility(another decision) to get a degree in something that will earn them a living. With every decision, there is a easy road and a harder road. It is not other peoples responsibility if these students decided to take the easy road.
Holy hell. I agree with you. Ladies and Gentlemen, hell is freezing over and pigs have wings.

On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

Sure, this is a point of disagreement between me and my fellow right wingers on this board. I’ll try to summarize as briefly as I can. *ended up not being that brief*

Our entire educational system/ societal structure (whatever you call it) teaches young people from the time they are 3 to the time they are 18 that if they want a slice of the American dream they must go to college. Going to college is expensive and saddles people with at minimum thousands of dollars of non dischargable debt but America tells its youth not to worry about that because of the promise of the American dream.

But due to a number of reasons, that is rarely true in 2025. Graduating from college no longer secures fulfilling employment which allows young people to purchase a home and start a family (there are exceptions obviously I’m just talking about the general rule). Instead they will be working for a soulless corporate entity, making the same wage their father did 30 years ago when rent, gas, groceries etc has all risen by 300%.

It’s fraud and it’s usurious and if we as a society don’t want millions and millions of young people saddled with debt they will never pay off something has to be done.
Repaying your debts can be found numerous places in the Bible. For example Exodus 22:14 "If a man borrows anything of his neighbor, and it is injured or dies, the owner not being with it, he shall make full restitution". There are countless other examples. On society telling kids they should go to college, that's a different conversation that we likely agree on. I don't think everyone should go to college, and it's not necessary for success. However, if you do go to college and take out loans you are responsible for paying them back. It's the same concept of buying a house. Owning your own home is also part of the American dream, but you don't hear lenders saying they should forgive home loan repayments. Tighter underwriting standards for student debt would go a long way, but like anything, you have to be accountable for your actions.
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