On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

Most of these colleges have MASSIVE endowments because they convinced everyone their institution is worth paying exorbitant prices.
I think you just answered your own question as to fraud.

We all know that colleges are run and staffed by his supporters and the teachers union tells him not to touch their bank account.
I hate Biden as much as the next guy but please provide any examples of Republicans daring to touch higher education bank accounts.

I’ve made the suggestion multiple times in here that republicans should seize every endowment to pay off student debt and the reactions on here are telling.

These are 18 year old adults making adult decisions. They should act like adults and pay them back. If it's difficult, then it's just another lesson our education system teaches them.

Brother you can’t saddle the young generation with debt and then subject them to an economy, which by and large prohibits them from paying the debt back. Gen Z was subjected to the highest cost of education, and then sent out into the market place which actively discriminated against young men and is now home to millions and millions of foreign laborers, cost of living increases, and inflation.

That was never part of the promise to millennials or gen z.

Now the question of what individual young men should do in response to being screwed is a different question than what should America do to its help its young men.

Closest free parking to Stegeman for Sat. Game..

Ok I'm cheap.. when it comes to pay to park...former runner...don't mind walking. Anyway, I've been to a half dozen games... I'd get there 45 min-1hr before tip-off and park in the free covered parking behind /below Stegeman ..Well for the Ky game. ..t was full. So, I paid a $10 spot to park off Lumpkin. no big deal but if there is other free parking close by. I'm there.

4 Auburn tickets for sale SOLD

Section CC Row 1 and a Hoke Smith parking pass.
Tickets are on the front row of the upper deck. Perfect for anyone but especially good for kids and/or older fans.
You can stay sit down the entire game and never have anyone standing up in front of you. My season tickets.
Granddaughter has a volleyball tournament at the World Cogress Center or we would be at the game.
Hoke Smith is right by the Steg and easy to get into the game.
Total price for tickets and parking pass is $500
text me at 770 540-9850
