We will know by Friday, January 24, 2025 how Trump's presidency is going to go

He certainly did say it and many of his supporters revel in it.

Lets take a look at the dictator checklist and check in at 6 months and see how many he completes:

- Eliminate your enemies by ruining their political careers or putting them in prison
- Attack or control the press
- Expand your power by acquiring new territory
- Place people around you who will only tell you what you want to hear and who are 100% loyal
- Challenge the results any election that does not go your way
- Purge anyone in the military who does not explicitly agree with your direction, either in public or private
- Demonize and dehumanize any person or groups of people who disagree with your viewpoint
- Reach favorable deals and empower other dictators on the globe
Nope, you got it wrong. No need to go any further.
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