To those fans at the game last night

How was the turnout? Nothing was said during the game about Georgia fans but y’all were definitely heard! There was a point late in the game when Texas had the ball backed up in their own territory and it sounded like the home crowd was making noise, that’s how loud y’all were! Great job!

Also, how was your interaction with Texas fans?

Kirby is different

Login to view embedded media Adonai Mitchell's twitter pic has his son wearing a UGA shirt. He was clearly pulling for UGA over Texas. Even the guys who leave the program still have love for UGA and Kirby. This is why...

In the post game presser, Kirby was asked about Beck and his issues. Obvious issues. Issues with throwing the ball to the other team. CKS said "I'm not saying he played perfect, but I saw a 3rd and 4th scramble where he put his life and body on the line and made an incredible play. I saw a guy step up on 3rd down, backed up, lost all momentum, and threw a missile to Arian that changed the course of the game. I think he played pretty good." Kirby had his back.

Kirby is a combination of the hardest working coach and one of the smartest psychological coaches in the country. He adapts his approach to maximize his players' potential. Remember how many times Kirby chewed out Stetson? That worked for Stet. He did the same to Richard LeCounte. Those were great times. But he is smart enough to know that approach will not help Beck. He knows how to work with him to maximize Beck's potential. It's extremely smart -- even better than Nick Saban's approach imo... Saban didn't adapt that. Beck wouldve crumbled under Saban.

It's obvious that Kirby has made some questionable hires recently. He knows it and those will be dealt with this spring. However, we have a head coach that will keep us in the national title hunt every year. That's damn near impossible to do, but he is doing it. I still don't know if this team can make it through the playoffs and win a Natty, but no matter how the rest of this season goes, we've got the best possible coach we can have. Enjoy it because things change. He isn't a lifer. Go Dawgs! 100.

Opinion The Georgia 3-2-1 Report

Three Observations

3. Humility is here

Kirby Smart always says humility is only a week away. This may be his most accurate observation. Ask Alabama. Or Notre Dame.

But then it also seems like some folks are just blessed. They were born on third base against a blind pitcher. They start out rich, get ahead via the right connections instead of merit, never lose against a dealer’s 10, and generally just fall through life upward.

There’s no justice to it. And they are usually from Texas.

Texas fans think they have this game in the bag. The Longhorns expect to score like they were at a Tennessee family reunion. And they may very well. Maybe this is not the week Texas comes back to earth. Maybe this is their dream season. It feels like it. But at some point, the nanny shows up late in more ways than one and the wheels come off.

Ask Georgia.

Georgia feels like it has the speed wobbles right now. The Bulldogs could do no wrong in the regular season for three years. Everyone in the nation hated seeing that G. They forgot the 40-year drought and thought Georgia just got lucky. Now things are bumpy. Still, Smart and company are built for the long haul. They didn’t get here through daddy’s money. They fought for it. And they are focused on the process. That will get them back under control eventually.

Humility is here. Georgia fans feel it. Texas might too after this weekend.


2. Spoiled Rotten

What in the overacted-Matthew-McConaughey-motivational-speech is going on here? I get that Georgia is not the juggernaut it used to be, but it feels like some fans have lost their damn minds. I haven’t seen this much self-loathing since Lady Macbeth did the laundry.

The Bulldogs are not as good as they were. Some of your current starters were beaten out by better teammates. Would you feel better going into Austin with Amarius Mims, Ladd McConkey, Kamari Lassiter and Tykee Smith? Of course. Yet you are playing with some guys they beat out. But it’s not like their replacements haven’t developed and matured. They have and can win you games. But they just aren’t as dominant. Yet.

And that’s why we are spoiled. Having to win games with great but not elite players? Ewww. How do the poors stand this?

We expect to win every game by 30 and when it doesn’t happen, there is a loud vocal minority that screams like an Auburn sheep stuck in a fence. These same folks dog-cussed Stetson Bennett for two years. Now they talk about retiring his jersey. I remember their promises that Kirby Smart would never win a title because he was too stubborn in sticking with a walk-on quarterback. Now those same doubters say Smart is too stubborn in sticking with an inept offensive coordinator. They yell, “Smart won’t play the best players!” while Georgia has more new starters than just about any team in America.

They are gonna cuss Smart this Saturday too. And then one day, years from now, they’ll be on Facebook talking about, “Smart would have never gone 8-4 like this current bastard!”

Kirby has spoiled us. He is the victim of his own success. Georgia landed a 5-star defensive tackle today. The news was greeted warmly, but as an expectation. If you are old enough to have been called out of your room to come change the channel on the TV, you know not to take anything like that for granted. These are the good ole days.


1. The Matchup

Smarter people than me have broken down this contest in every way possible. Coach Donnan had Rece Davis on and the ESPN analyst did a great job pointing out the quarterbacks Texas has faced this season. In a word, meh. Trent had the matchups, Dayne and Brent broke down the film, and Dash did the opposition research while Jed logged injuries and the news coming out of Austin.

I ran down rumors of some things that didn’t happen, some that did, and some that don’t matter. Like apparently Beck traded in his Lambo for a Range Rover? I think that moved the line a couple of points. How healthy is Jared Wilson? Apparently good enough to start. Will we see more Ellis Robinson this week? Not sure but it won’t be for a lack of opportunities in practice.

The only thing I know for certain is that few people are giving the Bulldogs a chance to win. Understandable. But those same people are ignoring the fact that Georgia has been battle-tested. They aren’t going to pee down their leg at the first loud sound. They may have lost at Alabama but the experience gained there may help them win tomorrow.


Two Questions

2. Can Georgia stop Texas?

All week long, the pundit class has cited Texas’ offensive stats, albeit they leave off that the numbers are against sub-par competition. The Longhorns put up 43 points per game on average. The talking heads also mentioned Georgia’s struggles on defense but ignored the fact it took four weeks for a team to score a touchdown against the Bulldogs. Kirby is going to challenge his defense to see if they are man enough. Mykell Willaims will not be limited to just 11 plays like last week. Jordan Hall can play now. The Georgia D-line should be a strength and maybe take pressure off the secondary. Quinn Ewers is elite but not a run threat. Ideally Georgia can get him off his mark and avoid the long ball that is Georgia’s Achilles heel. The Dawgs will come out looking to end the new narrative that they can’t stop anybody,but I’ll still be watching the game through my fingers like a 9-year-old at her first Cabin the Woods screening.


1. How can Georgia attack?

Texas’ defense is No. 1 in the nation. They give up less than a touchdown each game. That seems good. But they aren’t playing a freshman, walk-on quarterback with a peg leg this week. Carson Beck has the big cows nervous. I expect to see him create some plays in space for Dillon Bell, Trevor Etienne, Nate Frazier and Anthony Evans.

The Longhorns have some big linebackers but they are not as fast as what Georgia is used to. So if the Bulldogs can get some perimeter runs and screens going, the offense will move the ball.


One Prediction

We have no idea which Georgia team will show up tomorrow. The optimist in me says Smart has been in this position before. The Ole Miss and Tennessee games come to mind. Georgia wins big games under Smart. And that’s rare for any coach not named Saban. But we also saw this team fall behind 28-0. So they could win by 21 or lose by 21. Neither would surprise me.

I originally wrote “I see Georgia scoring four touchdowns and a field goal. I see Texas scoring five touchdowns and a field goal.”

I changed my mind. Kirby and company pull this off. See you on the Watch Along Show.

P.S. Georgia landed 5-star Elijah Griffin today. They lost 5-star quarterback Jared Curtis earlier in the week. Several players will be deciding on going pro at the end of the season. If the Bulldogs want to keep landing commits, keep the ones that have, and entice some guys to put off the NFL for a year, a good NIL war chest is essential. But you don’t need to personally write a check. Just stop buying Quaker granola bars and get Bulldog Bars instead. Order them directly from Bulldogs Snacks. The fine folks there have already taken care of 12 UGA student-athletes. So it works. Go HERE. You could win a chance to watch Georgia practice.

What are Searles options in regards to E. Greene III ...

I think it goes without saying that he is putting the player at left OT that he believes give us the best chance to win. However, Greene has just been awful with multiple missed assignments and just total whiffs. Has Searles been handcuffed due to Ratledge and Wilson being out, or can he now look at more options with Wilson back and Ratledge hopefully back for Florida. We got to get better at that position especially with Beck having lost confidence and having bad mechanics.
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Some perspective on the reversal

I’m still furious about how that all went down, BUT the fact that the call - being as controversial and as momentous as it was - was reversed, means there’s no asterisk of any kind on this win. No “yeah, but” to it.

Frankly, the only reason this game was close at the end were things WE did to help them: the drops, the picks, the targeting penalties. Above all, the squib kick. Hated that call more; gave me immediate Rose Bowl vibes but with the shoe on the other foot.

I think this team is still learning how to be the best version of themselves, but if we can ever stop losing starters and key players for long stretches due to injury, we can still claim our 3rd natty in four years.

Cannot be stressed enough

Just how much complete & total bullshit it is that the piece of shit officiating crew allows crowd pressure to cause them to change a f-ing non-reviewable call that they watched on the replay board during a 5 minute stoppage because their gutter trash fans are throwing bottles & trash into the field & at our team.

I do not give a shit of you think it was a bad call or not. They literally changed the rules of football during the game to benefit the media/country's preferred team. It was 5 minutes later after seeing the play on the board multiple times (meanwhile bitch ass Sanford stadium doesn't replay controversial calls).

If you thought it's been bad for the past 15+ years with bama getting all the favorable calls, THIS shit is what you will get with Texas in the SEC because they're not good enough to win on their own. They are so brazen that the officials are willing to trash the rulebook during the game to do the bidding of the Texas people.

I will never get past that atrocity. Like Kirby said, they've now set the precedent that crowd lawlessness can change calls.

This place is fun again!!!

God it was awful around here. HBTFD! We have the greatest coach in the land and it’s not even close. Planning to wear my Georgia gear proudly to the airport here in a few and read the vent all day.

Thanks for what you guys do @Anthony Dasher @Radi Nabulsi @JedMay @Trent Smallwood @Dave McMahon and others I missed.

I said it’s great to be a GEORGIA BULLDOG!!

Georgia Bulldogs GIF by University of Georgia
