ESPN says we backed into the SECCG

Per ESPN “Texas has a chance to avenge only loss of 2024 against a Georgia team that backed into the SEC title game.”

Not sure that headline could have been worded any more disrespectfully. It's ESPN, but still surprising they'd put something that disrespectful in a push notification. Guess Kirby calling them out for doubting us last time we handed Texas their ass wasn’t enough.

The perception from the media really appears to be that we were lucky to beat Texas a few weeks ago. A Texas team whose best win is an ok Texas A&M and Vanderbilt. (Not to mention a fan base trashier than the crap they throw on the field.)

Maybe Texas is elite. But maybe they’ve just been beating up inferior competition. But we’re the class of the SEC, and have the opportunity to prove it tomorrow. Article link below.

Another Defensive Battle?

If an elite kid waits until the last minute

We now all know what that means. They are waiting on the last minute bag that someone will drop every time. Not sure how many times we have to see this scenario play out for people to get it. Don’t care what he tells folks about “NIL not being the most important factor.” It 100% always is in this type of scenario. Rant over.

Kids aren’t choosing

The days of kids going to their dream school is obsolete, for the most part. Kids aren’t really choosing anymore, the parents and agents with their greed and the NCAA with its lawlessness are making these choices.

This is the beginning of the end for collegiate sports based on loyalty, pride, commitments and character. We are getting to we it up close

Prayer Request What a week.

Ive returned to worm this week and im thankful. However we are still behind one month on the house as welll as electxity amd water. Totalling about $2000. I know this is december Nd a terrible time to asl for more help. So many were so amazingly genetous last month. But i am desperate and must ask one last time.

Thank you for considering a donation.

My electricity is $337 and has to be paid by 7pm today. Water is $155 and i have until tomorrow at 7pm. Rent is $1100 and due tomorrow by noon.

this will get us back to even and stable.

You can give at the following

Or via venmo or cash app

