Get ready for the coming Eclipse Apocalypse!

Fellers, it’s gonna get dark on April 8th. How can we possibly survive? It’s the scariest event since Y2K.

They are stocking up on food and water in New York. Niagara Falls has declared a state of emergency. I expect the Mississippi River and Okeefenokee Swamp to do the same.

Joementia has signed an executive order naming April 8th “A Day of Transgender Non-Visibility.”

The FDA is rushing approval of a new eclipse vaccine.

Fauci has announced lockdown protocols known as “Two Weeks to Slow the Darkness.”

Pete ButtFudge has declared the eclipse to be racist, because it’s dark.

The Department of Energy is using giant Diesel engine powered fans to produce more wind to turn the wind mills faster to produce more electricity, because you know those solar panels ain’t gonna be working.

The View beyotches have declared all this to be Trump’s fault.

Me? I double checked all my light switches and found my sunglasses. I stocked up on vieenner sausages and Claxton Fruit Cake (that stuff never goes bad) and bourbon for medicinal purposes.

Please share your Eclipse Apocalypse Prep Tips in this thread. Good luck fellers!

NonDawg When do you decide you have adopted a new “team” and how do you announce your new found fandomship?

This has been a challenge for me as an adult. If I didn’t develop my fascination with a team in my youth, I struggle to feel like a “real fan.” I’ve pulled for the Braves since the Andruw and Chipper days. My dad passed on my love for the Dawgs. He worked for the university for 18 years in the 80s and 90s. Those are still the only teams I consider myself a true fan of.

I moved to the Bay Area 10 years ago, just as The Warriors dynasty was gaining speed. I pulled for the Hawks in the Eastern Conference Finals in 2015 but after getting knocked out by Cleveland I began watching The Warriors for the first time. Over the last 10 years I’ve watched many times more Warriors games than any other team in any sport. Mostly because of TV availability and the volume of games. Oh and they were really fun to watch. But even given that, I don’t really consider myself a true fan. Partly because of the timing. My interest in them and the trajectory of their success are just too closely aligned. And I think I have to admit I wouldn’t have watch them had they not been on a historically great tear.

Have you adopted a team as an adult? What were the reasons for it?

NonDawg Iconic scene… watched “The Godfather” this week-end…..

which I think is the best movie of all time, and one scene in particular stands out to me as one of the greatest, most iconic scenes of all time. When Michael Corleone is eating dinner with the dirty cop (McMcloskey) and the Mafia capo (Sollozzo) who wants to start selling drugs in New York, and he needs the support and cooperation of the Corleone family, which was refused by Don Corleone. Decision was made that Sollozzo needed to be killed so a plan was hatched for Michael to kill the dirty cop and Sollozzo during dinner at a restaurant.

A handgun was planted in the restaurant’s bathroom for Michael to retrieve and shoot both of these guys; everything had to go perfectly to pull it off; Michael asks permission to go to the bathroom; he is frisked a second time BEFORE he goes to the bathroom, but not frisked AFTER the bathroom; the gun was where it was supposed to be; Michael retrieves the gun, hides it in his coat pocket and walks back to the table; as soon as he sits down, the frenzied noise begins; Michael waits for the El train, which adds to the frenetic scene, to pass by; Michael’s heartbeat is very high; he is getting more nervous with each passing second; he finally pulls the gun out and shoots both men, killing them; music very loud at this point; he gets up and starts walking out of the restaurant; he forgot to drop the gun immediately, as he was instructed to do, but he does finally drop it before he exits the restaurant; he goes outside, gets in the waiting getaway car; deed done!

The first couple of times I watched this movie, I was almost as nervous as Michael during this scene….such drama and suspense! What iconic scenes in this movie, or any other movie, stand out in your mind?

NonDawg Hilton Head Island Golf

Love getting everyone’s opinions on stuff like this.

The wife and I are headed to Stay at a condo in Harbor Town from This Wednesday to Next Wednesday. Always enjoy staying in that area. I am playing Atlantic Dunes and Heron Point while I’m there. Have any of you played any of the courses in HHI? I’m thinking of playing maybe a 3rd course outside of Sea Pines. Maybe Palmetto Dunes?

What are your favorite courses and dinner spots on HHI?
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Reactions: UGA-FAN 49

Dawgs' goals still attainable

If anyone told me ahead of time that Georgia would escape Knoxville with a win, I would be happy with that. But, man, did Friday's dominant run ruling of Tennessee give me hope that this team just might take the series in Knoxville. On Saturday the Dawgs started taking control again early and I was really getting hopeful. But then the 5th inning happened and Georgia just disappeared for the rest of the weekend. Sunday was just ugly.

It all goes back to pitching, a weakness we all knew could plague this team. Outside of Goldstein, we just do not have a starting pitcher who can consistently go at least 5 innings. What he did Friday was masterful. I think he had only one strikeout but his changeup and ball placement just had Tennessee guessing. With regard to Finley, you can see the potential, but something just isn't clicking. Mracna's ceiling appears to be 3 innings. I've seen enough to say he isn't a weekend starter. I liked him better as a weekday guy. And our bullpen is just too inconsistent to really give me any confidence right now. There is still a lot of baseball left to see improvement and if anyone can do it, Coach Johnson can. Pitching has to get better if Georgia is going have any shot at the post-season because this team is going to have to win games like Saturday. Sunday's outcome just is what it is.

Defense also needs to get better. Errant throws and bad judgement are becoming all too commonplace. This is not something I am used to seeing at Georgia.

The bats are there. These guys can score some runs. But they aren't superhuman as great pitching is still very much a thing in this league.

So, that's my ramble. 14-15 wins is still possible, which means Dawgs still can make a regional, especially with their RPI. This next series vs Miss St is a winnable series IMHO. And then we get Mizzou and Ole Miss at home back to back weekends.
