
Why did this guy decide to eliminate "Duty, Honor and Country?"

It says it came from MacArthur's speech. The odd part is he signed it with Duty Honor and Country in the message announcing the change.

March Madness pools

Good morning and just wanted to get everyone's take. Which type of March Madness pools do you enter and enjoy? Last year, I did my normal office and friends bracket pools (points increase each round) but added a friend's one where we drafted teams. We had 8 of us and drew out of the hat for picks 1-8. Of course, if you had pick 8, it reversed and you got pick 1 (or 9 overall) in round 2. I'm just curious of any other options that others may do. Now, I can go back years ago when actual calcuttas were the thing and secret venues were used but that was before the boom of the online options. Still I enjoyed it and we'd get together a group to maybe buy a team or two. Also, interested to hear if anyone on here is doing any types of pools that need more players as we have a few who enjoy it but most other succumb to the $10 office pools which is fine. Oh well, would love to hear back from whomever and have a great day!

My pollyanna schedule that would only take place in nowhere land...

- The SEC goes back to the ten team league like it was in 1991.

- We play all the other (9) SEC teams.

- We play Clemson, GT and SC, rounding out a 12 game schedule.

Imagine playing this schedule... every year...

South Carolina
Ole Miss
Mississippi State
Georgia Tech

