Good Morning Dawg Nation

Happy Hump Day Dawgs!!

Sorry I didn't get to check in again until later yesterday. Girls night was fun.

So glad Walter did well with his surgery @UGA-FAN 49

Hope the PET scan went well yesterday @banjodawg praying for great results

So excited about sweet little Maren @lifedawg our 2nd little boy, Tripp, should be here in the next 2 weeks as well!

Glad you and Mrs @Golden Boy had a good time in the Classic City!

Praying your eye surgery goes well today @JoeDogs

Sorry the news wasn't completely positive on your tests @Mcjones1969
but you can bet your friends here will keep you prayed up for this next biopsy ♥️🙏🏻

Congrats to your daughter on her winnings @bigaluga1 I hope you and Maria have a fantastic time on your vacation!

Praying for all those on LDGMDNOPL
and all the GMDN gang too!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating today 🎉🎉

Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT.....

Go Dawgs ❤️


Since it’s a bye week, I’ll make some observations about the Sanford Stadium experience Vs our peers…

Disclaimer: If anyone who reads this doesn’t care about this topic and just wants to win the game, then you can leave the thread, this is just for fun, I want to win every game too.

First off, our Jumbotron is outdated and small, BUT if they could simply operate the dang thing properly, I could overlook this. I’m not even talking about how lousy they are at replays or screwing up the down & distance or even what team we are playing…. I’m talking about just literally operating the thing properly!
I notice that other stadiums have perfectly timed fireworks after TDs, even grander fireworks after a big win. Perfectly timed music that cleverly is played after a big win. Tennessee had Dixieland Delight ready to go 2 years ago after the Alabama win, Vandy had their stuff after beating Alabama….Yes, even Vandy is hipper than us, lol. Why didn’t we have “The Devil went down to Georgia” right after beating # 1 ranked Tennessee 2 years ago, because we missed the perfect troll since Charlie Daniel’s was a massive UT fan. Our guys are so lazy, they think, ohh, we will do Soulja Boy at the AU game since, you know, all those UGA students remember 2007 like it was yesterday. It’s just stupid.
Don’t mind silly stuff like Karaoke, do mind the same freaking Quiet Riot, Bon Jovi song over & over & over. It’s as if our guys say that worked, let’s beat that dead horse the next 10 years. In conclusion, it’s just terrible all the way around and if it wasn’t for how great the team was, it would feel like getting water boarded at games. What says the vent?

Georgia/Texas media takes: Cubelic

CC: Georgia takes out Texas. Massive game. Huge. Scene was awesome. I've never seen anything like the penalty and reversal. Agree with Kirby in that maybe some really bad precedent was set. I hope that's not the case.

Okay. 30-15. Carson Beck wasn't great, but similar to the Bama game, he can really overcome some bad football and then all of the sudden start playing good football. Etienne can just finagle his way into gaps and get north and south in a hurry. He makes them dynamic. Felt like they could've ridden him a little more than they did. Some of the inside zone stuff was really nice. Texas LBers were being really aggressive and they kind of let them play over the top and Etienne could just wiggle through there. It was good stuff.

Thought the TEs looked better for GA. Better blocking, caught a couple of big passes. But ultimately, every Georgia game has turned into a drop back game at some point and it's just how much of that will we see. But it's fine. We can talk UGA O, but it really doesn't matter because Texas' O is the one that caught hell and UGA's D won the game.

The star of the game was Jalon Walker. There were multiple guys though. Multiple that flat balled in this game, but I thought 11 was out of his mind. Georgia was the more physical and intense team in this game. And I've tried to find ways to describe it and "gritty" is the only thing I can come up with. And I feel like UGA proved "We're a little more rigid than you are". Physicality and intensity was a massive reason Georgia won this game. Everette had the big pick. Starks made some plays. Jackson did some good things before he got ejected. R. Wilson was flying around. Williams off the edge was doing good things. RT for Texas had a long day. LT did not get dominated like some are saying, but the RT was a different story. Damon Wilson was awesome in this game. The way J. Walker closes the space...unbelievable. He was sitting there waiting on Arch to move out of the pocket. Chambliss had a good game. Stackhouse had a couple good plays against the run. I've been saying this all year, Brinson is the guy. Strike and shed, made one play by himself, but he's the guy that lets those LBers run and make plays. He is a massive piece of why they are successful. Aguerro set the edge one time. I'm sitting there thinking it was just like Tykee. He's setting the edge then playing off the ball and tracking this stuff down? That's the kind of stuff this defense can do that not a lot of others can do. And more importantly, that's the kind of stuff not a lot of other people can do anything about. And that's my take away. Georgia proves they're a little more rigid than Texas and I don't think anyone is on Georgia's level there. I don't. I haven't seen it if there is.

The other part is Georgia still has guys where there isn't much you can do about it. There's a couple of things they ran that were pretty crafty. There were some coverage things. A couple of pressure packages. A couple of things they did right before the snap. That's gonna get anybody. DL stems and two backers walk up in the A gap right before the snap. You gotta be pretty advanced to stop that. Unless you've got some kind of quick protection on, that's asking a lot. It's a different front, you can't change the front. When the two backers move up, the center can't take both of them. And if a RB is there to pick up one they twist which is even more of a mind F. And they pulled out a couple of things like that. But let me be really clear when I say this, Georgia won the game because they won one on ones. That's it. Plain and simple. How many Longhorn ball carriers did you see make a guy miss and go for a long gain? Whether it was a TE out in the flat, an RB out in the flat, two RBs out in the flat, one trailing and throw it out like a toss sweep, may have gone for four to six yards at best. That's been going for 16 and 26 against everybody else. And a bunch went for no gain on Saturday. Georgia handled the detachments beautifully. They were aggressive and it cost them a few times with penalties. But I don't care. Georgia was more physical.

I said going in that I was concerned about Georgia's tackles against the Texas edge defenders they had been releasing on people. I thought Simmons might be able to have a good game. I thought Anthony Hill Jr. might be able to have a good game. They didn't have the success out there I thought they would.

Texas was 2 of 15 on third down. Yikes! 1 of 5 on fourth down. Double yikes! Not a great offensive performance from either side but GA out rushed TX 110 to 29. Georgia proved again they just have guys that you can't do much about. It's the one on ones that won the game. There is scheme involved in everything. This wasn't reinventing the wheel. Georgia didn't show a defense like Arkansas did vs. Tennessee two weeks ago or what Auburn showed LSU in 2019 where it was a different scheme. They ran their stuff, dominated the one on ones and won the game.

Tulsi lays it out

For independent-thinkers like myself, there is no home in the Democrat Party. However, there is a home for us in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party of warmongering elite Dick Cheney is in the past. Trump’s GOP is a big open tent party of the people, equality, common sense, and the party that is led by a President who has the courage and strength to fight for peace.

Tonight I stood with President Trump and announced I am joining the Republican Party. President Trump is our best and only hope in this election to lead our country toward a future where every one of us can live in a truly free, peaceful, and prosperous nation. Now is the time for us to stand together, vote for Trump and save our country.

- Tulsi Gabbard

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I wonder how many vote on policy and how many vote on feeling?

I think most Pubs vote on policy. There might be a few who vote because they like Trump but let’s face it, he’s not a likable person. There’s a fine line with him. I respect his toughness and resilience in dealing with all he’s had to endure the last several years but he can come across as crude and crass. But, some people find him endearing because he doesn’t put up with political crap and doesn’t mind ruffling a few feathers when most politicians would just put out a political statement.
On the other hand, what percentage of Harris voters either support her because she’s a woman, black or because they hate Trump? I just don’t see a lot of policy based Dem voters except for some on abortion. Does anyone really vote Dem because they want more government, a roll back of Trumps tax cuts, higher inflation, higher interest rates etc.
It’s amazing to see how both parties have changed in my lifetime. The Dem party was the party of segregation and then passed social bills that basically bought the black vote. Now, over the years the black population is realizing that they’ve been used and held back by big brother.
Dem used to be the party of hard working middle class families. They have now become the party of fringe extreme groups. Dem used to be anti-war and that got JFK assassinated. They’re now the party of the military complex and seemingly look to keep war stirred up around the world. We’re fighting wars in several places by providing weapons instead of troop and I’m sure that’s perfectly fine with the leadership because it supports the Raytheon’s, Lockheed Martins, Northrop Grumman without sacrificing US troops.
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