For Sale: 4 FLORIDA vs UGA in Lower Club Level - Section 12 - Row X /// Note: other 12 tickets have Sold

For Sale: FLORIDA vs UGA - 8 tickets remain for sale:

4 tickets in Club Section 12 - Row X - Seats 1,2,3,4 @ $490 per ticket

Long time seller on Dawg Trade and member on Dawg Vent. Plenty of references are available. Can take Venmo, Paypal, Cash or Check. Located in Jefferson.

Call or text me at 706-340-2925 if you have questions. Thanks and Go Dawgs!

Link to Jacksonville stadium seat viewer

Note: other 12 tickets have Sold

Horns want the OrangeBlood mods to go after Kirby....

"It was supposed to be our night and he was mean" Horn:

Mods- Push the issue on Kirby​

Yes everyone knew we would be fined. Truly a crazy time in stadium history.

Why isn’t the media going after Kirby? Literally every hard game he’s chewing out the refs the entire game. Cry baby isn’t the word. He does it all the time.

Kirby can shove opposing players and not get fined or anything? He just had to say, I thought it was another coach.

Kirbspiracy Horn: Did Kirby tap in to communication system thus Texas pulled the cord so both staffs in dark?

"They should call you Longheifer" Horn: Oh please, like a coach yelling at, and working officials is anything new. Get thicker skin. We would look so soft for crying about that.

"I'm just a Rivals site MB mod" Horn: How do we push the issue?

Whitney Horn: You just have to really believe


"Stop procrastinating" Horn:
You know, push the issue

"Kirby ruined the whole spectacle. Everything!" Horn:
I think Kirby also unplugged the plug on the halftime concert yesterday. WTF was up with that?

Not Wooderson Horn: OP what are you smoking? What ever it is I don’t want any

"He should've been fired, then we would still be no. 1. So unfair" Horn:
I REALLY wish the Msu QB retaliated and pushed Kirby back, and then a bench clearing incident occurred.

Then the SEC and ncaa couldn't just gloss over it.

People get fired for this type of thing.

"With YouTube, TikTok, etc, we can get the word out. Then Sankey has to do something. Make him pay for raping us Saturday" Horn:
You can push the issue by creating viral content. Whether by being funny or serious in doing so. Articles or YouTube video calling out his constant crybaby antics. Asking how he wasn’t fined for pushing another teams player.

Ask the SEC about fining that clown for his post game comments. Ask about all the off the field incidents etc.

Golden opportunity for a content creator/writer.

Good Morning Dawg Nation

Happy Hump Day Dawgs!!

Sorry I didn't get to check in again until later yesterday. Girls night was fun.

So glad Walter did well with his surgery @UGA-FAN 49

Hope the PET scan went well yesterday @banjodawg praying for great results

So excited about sweet little Maren @lifedawg our 2nd little boy, Tripp, should be here in the next 2 weeks as well!

Glad you and Mrs @Golden Boy had a good time in the Classic City!

Praying your eye surgery goes well today @JoeDogs

Sorry the news wasn't completely positive on your tests @Mcjones1969
but you can bet your friends here will keep you prayed up for this next biopsy ♥️🙏🏻

Congrats to your daughter on her winnings @bigaluga1 I hope you and Maria have a fantastic time on your vacation!

Praying for all those on LDGMDNOPL
and all the GMDN gang too!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating today 🎉🎉

Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT.....

Go Dawgs ❤️


Since it’s a bye week, I’ll make some observations about the Sanford Stadium experience Vs our peers…

Disclaimer: If anyone who reads this doesn’t care about this topic and just wants to win the game, then you can leave the thread, this is just for fun, I want to win every game too.

First off, our Jumbotron is outdated and small, BUT if they could simply operate the dang thing properly, I could overlook this. I’m not even talking about how lousy they are at replays or screwing up the down & distance or even what team we are playing…. I’m talking about just literally operating the thing properly!
I notice that other stadiums have perfectly timed fireworks after TDs, even grander fireworks after a big win. Perfectly timed music that cleverly is played after a big win. Tennessee had Dixieland Delight ready to go 2 years ago after the Alabama win, Vandy had their stuff after beating Alabama….Yes, even Vandy is hipper than us, lol. Why didn’t we have “The Devil went down to Georgia” right after beating # 1 ranked Tennessee 2 years ago, because we missed the perfect troll since Charlie Daniel’s was a massive UT fan. Our guys are so lazy, they think, ohh, we will do Soulja Boy at the AU game since, you know, all those UGA students remember 2007 like it was yesterday. It’s just stupid.
Don’t mind silly stuff like Karaoke, do mind the same freaking Quiet Riot, Bon Jovi song over & over & over. It’s as if our guys say that worked, let’s beat that dead horse the next 10 years. In conclusion, it’s just terrible all the way around and if it wasn’t for how great the team was, it would feel like getting water boarded at games. What says the vent?
