UPDATE Just waking up to see the tragedy. We are OK….praying for folks here….stunned ….

Heard tons of sirens night. Thought nothing of it.
Praying no Dawg fans involved

I don’t know about QB’s driving Lambos,

tattoos, TikTok or any of that but I’m happy to take my chances with a pick-up driving, cow owning, humble leader. I think the team is going to play out of their minds for Gunner. If we don’t win I’ll be very sad but at this point I think leadership and team chemistry just might override arm talent. We will see. Take us home Gunner. Much respect.

**** StuDawg's Semi-Official What are we Eating/Drinking on Gameday NYD Edition ****

Now with even more black eyed peas.

Ok get the picture...its time for the collards and corn bread. So here we go...

Braised pork loin
Fried chicken
Hog Jowls

Black eyed peas
Hoppin John
Rice and gravy
Corn Bread

Red velvet cheesecake

Boiled Peanuts

Nattys and Tropis

Brown liquor for the Win.

@Single Barrel Dawg

Happy news for today

So my grandfather passed away in May after a short battle with Parkinson's. As you can see by my handle i am a PGA of America member and a Head Golf Professional at a club. My grandfather got me started playing golf and took my to my first of many Dawg games!! So, visited my mom last night for a late Christmas and my mom, aunt, and uncle decided i should have his 1962 UGA class ring. The man wore it as far as i know from the day he got it until the day he took his last breath. It was a pretty emotional moment receiving it almost as much as giving his eulogy. Nothing better could happen tonight than to get a big win!! Go Dawgs!!

Statement from Josh Brooks

Statement from J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics Josh Brooks

“Our prayers are with everyone involved in this horrific event, and we are here to support them in any way possible. As a native Louisianian, I know how special this place is. The people of New Orleans and this entire community are resilient and will remain strong during this time of healing.”

Great story on kelvin banks jr and his mom.

I have had other friends parents pass where doctors couldn't figure out what happened to them. I have 2 friends right now are have been fighting symptoms for years and they still have no idea what is wrong. The facts that they put his mom in hospice and a chance encounter with a person who explained his symptoms to a relative who realized that is exactly what was happening to Monica saved her live. Toxins leaking from her gall bladder. She is so much better and it was such a touching story.

Notre Dame fans. The truth about them….

I was in south bend in 2017.
I have never met nicer, sweeter, more accommodating fans. The trash talk was akin to foreplay prior banging your freshman year girlfriend or your 25 year old
Mistress when you’re 40.

Add to that the beautiful campus and I became a notre dame defender.

Great people. Hard to not like them.

We’re going to commit sodomy on them tomorrow, but it’s not personal
