Lots of friends headed back to work today, plenty still off for vacation too. Whatever your situation may be, make these last 2 days the best ones of 2024! Maybe Laura will have some ClemSons nuggets for us later...
So, I just gotta tell y'all I have the most amazing SIL (she's actually my ex SIL but I still love her and she still loves me/Noah's mom) who has gone above and beyond to make my daughters wish for her best friend's gift, dream come true!! Y'all remember me asking about pics/ideas from the UGA/GT game for a memento from the last game her dad watched with them.... well, she has made it happen, got signatures and all the works. When we get everything framed and done I'll show Y'all a picture! So excited!!
Praying for all those on the LDGMDNOPL and the GMDN gang too 🙏🏻
Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating (with Erajh) today 🥳 🎉
Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT!!
Go Dawgs ♥️