Good Morning Dawg Nation

Them Dawgs is HELL!!!

Still true on Monday!!

It's back to the grind for many of us, but I'll be walking a little taller at the office today. Might even have my chest puffed up a little, right @Scdawg524 ?

I feel like this is just what the doctor ordered for our team. They needed a confidence booster and boy did the make one for themselves Saturday night. I still feel like Beck and the receivers need one too....just doesn't seem to have the confidence in them that we all know he had with BB and LMc. Hopefully that changes vs UF

Praying for all those on LDGMDNOPL
and all the GMDN gang too!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating today 🎉🎉

Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT.....

Go Dawgs ❤️


"Culture reveal" moments

watching the replay of Bama's idiot WRs got me thinking about moments captured on screen that showed the whole world the reality of a team's culture.

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It's great to see Bama on the decline. They won't be competitive at our level for much longer.

Otoh, 2 of my UGA favorites:

1. UGA @ SC 2004

We were supposed to be all-world that season. We quickly figured out that we weren't. Early in the year we headed to Williams-Brice and found ourselves down 16 - 0 quickly. The stadium was going crazy, we'd lost every ounce of momentum, and the reality of watching National Champ dreams die with a loss to a lousy South Carolina team was setting in.

Then the camera pans to the UGA sideline and Thomas Davis is performing a religious revival with the entire defense huddled around him and not a coach in sight. SC doesn't score again the rest of the day and we survive 20 - 16.

That's the kind of shit you can't fake. Total culture reveal. The foundation was strong that day.

2. UGA @ SC 2022

(This one still cracks me up)

We absolutely curb-stomped them all day and were on the cusp of completing the shutout, but on their final drive Daniel-Sisavanh bit on a fake and gave up a TD. As he walked back to the sideline Kirby was so disgusted he wouldn't even look at him. Every player on our sideline treated him like a leper and kept their distance. The poor dude sat at the end of the bench alone with tears in his eyes, reeling in shame.

What kind of batshit crazy team cares so much about their shutout that they're all repulsed in the final seconds of a 48 - 7 victory?

One that has the guts needed to claw back and steal a game they had no business winning exactly 15 weeks later.

Add to the thread... what are other great "culture reveal" moments? Pro-UGA and anti-rival examples are welcome.

Trump asks why Lincoln didn't settle the Civil War similarly to his criticism of Ukraine to a 10 year old...WTF😳

“Lincoln was probably a great president,” he added. “Although, I’ve always said, why wasn’t that settled? You know? I’m a guy that– it doesn’t make sense. We had a Civil War."

“Yeah,” Trump replied before pivoting to a completely different topic. “But you could almost say like, why wasn’t that– as an example, Ukraine would’ve never happened and Russia if I were president.”

Oh this is just the message to turn out the black vote for Harris. Thank you Trump. Lol
  • Haha
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NBC started it. Fox News continues it. It's a mirage. Trump is the emperor with no clothes....

I want to apologize to America. I helped create a monster.
For nearly 25 years, I led marketing at NBC and NBCUniversal. I led the team that marketed “The Apprentice,” the reality show that made Donald Trump a household name outside of New York City, where he was better known for overextending his empire and appearing in celebrity gossip columns.
To sell the show, we created the narrative that Trump was a super-successful businessman who lived like royalty. That was the conceit of the show. At the very least, it was a substantial exaggeration; at worst, it created a false narrative by making him seem more successful than he was.
In fact, Trump declared business bankruptcy four times before the show went into production, and at least twice more during his 14 seasons hosting. The imposing board room where he famously fired contestants was a set, because his real boardroom was too old and shabby for TV.
Trump may have been the perfect choice to be the boss of this show, because more successful CEOs were too busy to get involved in reality TV and didn’t want to hire random game show winners onto their executive teams. Trump had no such concerns. He had plenty of time for filming, he loved the attention and it painted a positive picture of him that wasn’t true.


At NBC, we promoted the show relentlessly. Thousands of 30-second promo spots that spread the fantasy of Trump’s supposed business acumen were beamed over the airwaves to nearly every household in the country. The image of Trump that we promoted was highly exaggerated. In its own way, it was “fake news” that we spread over America like a heavy snowstorm. I never imagined that the picture we painted of Trump as a successful businessman would help catapult him to the White House.

I discovered in my interactions with him over the years that he is manipulative, yet extraordinarily easy to manipulate. He has an unfillable compliment hole. No amount is too much. Flatter him and he is compliant. World leaders, including apparently Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, have discovered that too.
I also found Trump remarkably thin-skinned. He aggressively goes after those who critique him and seeks retribution. That’s not very businesslike – and it’s certainly not presidential. This week, he threatened to use the National Guard against Americans who oppose him, calling them the “enemy from within.”
I learned early on in my dealings with Trump that he thought he could simply say something over and over, and eventually people would believe it. He would say to me, “‘The Apprentice’ – America’s No. 1 TV show.” But it wasn’t. Not that week. Not that season. I had the ratings in front of me. He had seen and heard the ratings, but that didn’t matter. He just kept saying it was the “No. 1 show on television,” even after we corrected him. He repeated it on press tours too, knowing full well it was wrong. He didn’t like being fact-checked back then either.
Exaggerating ratings is one thing, but spreading falsehoods about relief work of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, about immigrants eating cats and dogs, about the deadly COVID-19 pandemic, about him winning the 2020 election or countless other lies is far more dangerous.

I also learned from working with him that he has questionable judgment. At the wrap party for “The Apprentice” season three, he pitched an idea for the upcoming season. He told me we should make a team of Black players compete against white players. My first thought was: WTF?! I tried to get through to him by speaking the language he understands: money. I explained that sponsors wouldn’t want to be associated with a show that pitted races against each other. But he could not understand why this was such a bad idea. (And, no, we did not use his idea.)

While we were successful in marketing “The Apprentice,” we also did irreparable harm by creating the false image of Trump as a successful leader. I deeply regret that. And I regret that it has taken me so long to go public.

Now America is facing a critical choice. Should this elderly, would-be emperor with no clothes, who is well known for stretching and abandoning the truth, be president again?
I spent 50 years successfully promoting television magic, making mountains out of molehills every day. But I say now to my fellow Americans, without any promotional exaggeration: If you believe that Trump will be better for you or better for the country, that is an illusion, much like “The Apprentice” was. Even if you are a born-and-bred Republican, as I was, I strongly urge you to vote for Kamala Harris. The country will be better off and so will you.

Austin women ain’t nothing to write home about…

most of them all tatted up, short and swarthy…but the Formula One wives/girlfriends are prime!

Went to eat at Comedor last night that a friend recommended and these ladies asked if I was there for the private Porsche event and let’s say I didn’t deny that I was.

They had a fantastic setup and about half a dozen drivers came by. Women there looked like models. Stunning.

Don’t understand why these girls are so into F-1 racing…
