Credit where credit is due.... Scott Howard....

I doubt there has been a bigger Scott Howard basher than myself... plenty who are probably as big, but none bigger. So I can say this and its an honest assessment and not a frosting covered Disney take.

But I heard two of Scott Howard's calls yesterday morning on SiriusXM and I didn't throw up in my mouth... not even a little. That alone is reason to rejoice.

In fact, to take it a huge step further... I actually LIKED THE CALLS which is something I never thought I would ever see myself type about Scott Howard.

They weren't instant Larry Munson-like all-time classics, but they were good genuine excitement, clear concise words, painting an unmistakable picture of what was happening... no scripted one-liners... I didn't have to get out my Seinfeld Episode Encyclopedia to understand the meaning of what he said... I didn't cringe so hard that I resembled a California Raisin.

This is ALL I've ever asked for in a radio announcer. You don't have to be Munson... Just relay the excitement of the moment and give me a good picture in words of what is going on.

The two calls were...

Dan Jackson's forced fumble
2. Frazier's winning TD

I have no idea how the rest of the game went... maybe he was horrible at the rest still... But on the two biggest plays were actually good, enjoyable calls.

Perhaps he gave up in the first half like the rest of us and wadded up his list of prepared scripted one-liners and burned them, forcing him to just be himself... a genuine Radio guy and UGA fan relaying the moment as he saw it.

Whatever the case... great calls Scott... Thanks!

Georgia V Texas

Who has the edge on Saturday?

Healthier team? I’d say Texas

Who wants it more? Push - UGA wants to avenge their SECCG loss last year and Texas wants to avenge their loss to UGA this year.

Better coaching? Kirby is the best HC in the country but assistant wise I give this a push.

Who wins the LOS? Push - UGA DLine should attack Texas OLine and pressure Ewers. Given our dinged up OLine, Texas will do the same.

Secondary - I give it to Texas. Our WRs don’t scare anyone. Maybe our TEs can step up big.

X-factor: For Texas, it’s Arch. If they can’t score with Ewers, Arch can come in and give us problems. Ours might be Dwight Phillips or Sacovie…not really sure.

Final Prediction: 🤷🏼‍♂️ both teams score between 20-27 and it will come down to turnovers and penalties.

Couple of points after rewatching the Tech Game

1. Mentioned several times but the spots in the first quarter drive where we were stopped on 4th down were atrocious. On 2nd down #11 dives and at most is 1 foot from first down, they mark it 1 yard back. We rush to the line, Tech does not have anyone over the ball so Beck is going to easily sneak for first down and refs stop the clock because chain crew thought it was first down. WTH. We run a good play on 3rd down and get within a foot and refs mark it again a yard short. The 4th down call by BOBO was poor as we had our center trying to block a DL over the guard, very difficult and he made the play.
2. We rotated DL like crazy, # 95, # 94 # 55 and # 44 all saw playing time.
3. Tech got over 65 yards on 3 busted plays in the first half, i almost threw the remote on the rewatch.
4. Play that almost did us in (14 point swing most likely) was the Lovett fumble late in 2nd quarter. Poor effort by # 5 in blocking and poor effort by # 8 in ball security.
5. Wilson is probably our best OL, really played well the entire game.
6. #10 and #32 get lost looking inside way to much.
7. 2nd game in a row we went forward and rotated the WR's down to the #6 and #7 guy. Good to see Tuggle and Speer get reps.
8. No holding calls on tech - WTH,
9. Techs left starting tackle is going to the portal, looked like he played solid.
10. Beck is VERY talented, makes some WOW throws then bounces 2 or 3. SMH.

Rewatch was very frustrating, we shot ourselves in foot numerous times on offense in first half - dropped passes, fumble, and poor spots almost did us in. Team played MUCH harder down the stretch and in overtime than first half for sure.
