The Trump Effect - Canada edition Vol 1

Mr Sassy Pants Trudeau has announced they are "cutting back" on immigration.

We basically took the entire in-game experience from Ole Miss last week and improved it!

We were in Oxford and they did a great job using music to keep the crowd up, but also keep the opponents to a point they can’t hear! They occupied every second of that game last week. Only dud was trying to do a fireworks show in a JV stadium that wasn’t tall enough to let the smoke disappear.

Georgia totally changed its use of music, Jumbotron and fireworks to create possibly the best atmosphere for a home uga game ever!

Thankful our AD is willing to adjust and change. It made a huge difference last night!

One more gripe about SEC Scheduling - Bye weeks

If you remember last year MZ had a bye week while we were down in J-ville and came to Athens and flat out gave us fits. Several of us ranted that SEC should not let a team in your own division get a bye week before a game without it being reciprocated. (ie Ga / Florida)

Hold my beer says the SEC office in 2024 too Florida - we will give both Texas and Old Miss bye weeks before they play you late in the season. In fact, we'll make you play a tough cluster of games and give the other team bye weeks. WTH?

I see no logical reason for giving teams bye weeks this late in season. Completely gives teams to much of an advantage. I would argue that a group of 4 SEC Teams should take bye weeks together and each should play each other following the bye week, especially this late in season. Bye Weeks in Sept or early October or not similar to bye-weeks in mid November, Just not fair scheduling by SEC at all and almost looks amateurist........
