If the NYC democrat judge and DA unilaterally seize DJT's assets, they will be electing him....

The legal warfare being employed the last couple years has clearly backfired and benefitted Trump. That dynamic will reach another level if they use this absolute farce of a judgement to literally just take the assets of a political opponent. TV coverage of walking into banks and seizing accounts and documents of seized real estate alone will likely give DT a 5 point bump. The fact that this DA is bragging and tweeting about the interest that continues to accrue, and now Biden himself is needling Trump about these judgements shows that they literally can't help themselves - totally shooting their own cause in the foot.

Even if you believe Trump is the anti-Christ, if you value America and the fact that capital invests here specifically because we don't do shit like take the money of political opponents or unpopular companies - you should be rooting against this NYC DA / judge combo.

Humility is truly a week away...

It's not just a football slogan. We faced it against UK and then came home and bounced back.

The next two weeks are huge for the rest of the season. Two road series at UT and MSU, gracious alive. The reality is if we can go 4-4 over that stretch with 2-4 in conference that's treading water but acceptable. If I told you we went 4-4 with losses to Mercer and Ga State, you would take it and sprint into the night.

That said, we must find a way to win on the road. C. Goldstein or L. Finley has to come up with a performance. Bats will score some runs, but we need our best guys, including Kolten and Zeldin to have more success.

There is no way we play as poorly as we did against UK, but that still won't win us a game. We must have clean defense, pitchers throw strikes, and somehow manufacture runs. (Captain Obvious)

We will know what we have with this team after the MSU series. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Go Dawgs

NonDawg Anyone following the Othani story? Loaned his interpreter $4m to pay off a gambling debt then

changed his story yesterday that the money was stolen.....the FBI has been on the bookie for awhile and have the receipts....

the guy says he didnt bet on baseball.....

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Most enjoyable non-championship Dawg seasons..

In my time as a fan, at least, were 1992, 1997, 2003, 2007 of course, and 2023. That 1997 season was so much fun. Went to every single game and as bad as the UT and AU games were, the UF win, the Tech game, and bowl game against Wisconsin, along with my first trip to Oxford for the UM game, were all great. This past season was great, too, and has to be our most successful non-championship season on paper in UGA history. Any other seasons that stand out to y’all?

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Gymnastics program.

Looks like the SEC Championships was another letdown for this program (believe we finished last)? I know there are some ppl on here that have way more in-depth info on the program and what’s going on than me. I’d really like y’all to comment on this thread on what’s going on with the program. Just seems like for the last 8+ years the program has been going downhill.

I hear that Kupets-Carter has (or she had) one of the top recruiting classes coming in. If she already has those girls in, is nothing translating yet for them? How many SEC matches did we win this year? One wasn’t it? Does Yoculan really run everything with the program. Leebern isn’t on the Board anymore right? So he can’t really yield the decision powers he used to have, correct?

What just love some insight from folks who know a lot more than me.

Class of 2026 Defensive Lineman Recruit DAVERIN GERALDS

Any news on this kid? I see a lot of stories on him, but nothing on Georgia recruiting him. Could an offer be forthcoming soon? Thoughts on him as a prospect?

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