4 Minute Video from Fauci

Were you concerned about the protests?

CDC says the infection rate is actually 10x than the number they’re throwing around. This means the numbers are already out there. Increasing testing will illuminate those infections. Most kids don’t even know they have it. The players reporting to campus are required to be tested. This is political BS and everyone knows it.

They had a huge gay pride gathering today in Chicago.

The major hospital in Houston, TX put out an unprecedented statement to refute published reports that were stoking fear. They said their ICU is at normal capacity, and that it was NOT near full capacity due to COVID.

This is infuriating. Total BS.
I knew the protests were going to significantly contribute to this, though what the protesters were protesting was/is 100% justified.

I can tell you that this thing is serious and we better not just blow it off as politics.
Thanks dude. I worry about the mass production of this vaccine if it works as well as you’re saying. And I’ll say the same thing that you said in the ‘wear your mask’ thread, this will likely not be taken well given who it’s about but I appreciate you posting it

Azar has begun mass production of the delivery system for whichever vaccine makes the cut. That began over 2 months ago. Last article I read over 10million already produced on schedule to reach 100 million by spring.
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I knew the protests were going to significantly contribute to this, though what the protesters were protesting was/is 100% justified.

I can tell you that this thing is serious and we better not just blow it off as politics.

Only up to a point were the protests justified. The rioting and looting was not justified and no set of circumstances makes that ok.

I don’t know the extent to which the protests actually drove the increased case volume. We should hope it was hope it was very little if we want to have football this fall.
Only up to a point were the protests justified. The rioting and looting was not justified and no set of circumstances makes that ok.

I don’t know the extent to which the protests actually drove the increased case volume. We should hope it was hope it was very little if we want to have football this fall.
How can anyone with a functioning brain not connect the protests with any increase in infection?
How can anyone with a functioning brain not connect the protests with any increase in infection?

There have been several news stories that claim the protests have had no effect.

I don’t believe that. To me the question is how much. I think that’s very much unresolved.
Just read..... again why I am an independent as I think both far right and far left politics are crazy. We probably can find crazy things/ideas like this on the far right too. My point is I wouldn’t lump all Republicans together because of some radical far right thinking either which the poster did. There are a lot of Democrats against abortion and want to carry guns just like there are republicans that don’t align with all things considered republican. I truly believe “most” people fall closer to the middle on most things and I hate seeing everyone so divided and unable to see facts/data and ideas to discuss and come together.
The media and certain individuals have their own agendas and do not want Americans to unite. We are being played, no matter your party affiliation!
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The media and certain individuals have their own agendas and do not want Americans to unite. We are being played, no matter your party affiliation!

The whole thing about “unity” is that it’s only realistic if people want to unify. I think it’s pretty clear now that a segment of the population doesn’t want that (nor do they want to “coexist”).

That’s why I laugh at the criticism that “Bush/ Obama/ Trump didn’t unify the country.” A whole lot of people reject whatever those Presidents say or do off-hand, just because of who they are. Those three didn’t create the division in this country. They (especially Trump) exploit it.
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The whole thing about “unity” is that it’s only realistic if people want to unify. I think it’s pretty clear now that a segment of the population doesn’t want that (nor do they want to “coexist”).

That’s why I laugh at the criticism that “Bush/ Obama/ Trump didn’t unify the country.” A whole lot of people reject whatever those Presidents say or do off-hand, just because of who they are. Those three didn’t create the division in this country. They (especially Trump) exploit it.
Remember that time Hillary Clinton started an official "Resist" campaign for all her supporters essentially from Day 1 of DT's term? He doesn't help himself in any way, but DT has never had a prayer at "unity" - the game is rigged.
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Just putting this here for those of you who would like to watch it.

I've said it many times, and I will say it again: the mRNA-1273 vaccine by Emory, the NIH, and CDC is going extremely well. One of my primary doctors said "we are seeing 100% success with the production of antibodies thanks to the vaccine." The quotes are there for a reason; I still remember her saying those exact words. It was a huge relief to know our country will eventually defeat this. I have also heard they are already actively preparing for mass production of this particular vaccine.

Please try your best to limit the negativity on this thread. Whether you like Fauci, masks, democrats or republicans, this thread was simply meant to provide a quick update.
That doctor has been an absolute disaster.
The only good thing about the recent resurgence is it will allow for effective testing of the vaccine; that was a serious concern before because of the danger that it would die out before those participating in the trial, such as yourself, could get exposed to it. That seems to be less of a concern now.
So the concern was that the virus spread stopped being a threat to humanity before we developed an unnecessary vaccine. Got it.
The irony, as I’ve observed, is that the vocal anti mask crowd is largely pro life. Have been having a hard time reconciling that in my head.
Study Science more, then. Masks don't protect people from the coronavirus.
The whole thing about “unity” is that it’s only realistic if people want to unify. I think it’s pretty clear now that a segment of the population doesn’t want that (nor do they want to “coexist”).

That’s why I laugh at the criticism that “Bush/ Obama/ Trump didn’t unify the country.” A whole lot of people reject whatever those Presidents say or do off-hand, just because of who they are. Those three didn’t create the division in this country. They (especially Trump) exploit it.
Good lord
So the concern was that the virus spread stopped being a threat to humanity before we developed an unnecessary vaccine. Got it.
No, but I’m unsurprised you missed the point. If the virus numbers drop in the summer, and then pick up in the winter with a vengeance, and if we aren’t able to test the vaccine in the interim, we can’t have an effective vaccine ready if there is a second wave. It would obviously be great if the virus disappeared, but the limited benefit, which I made clear to every sentient being, is that we can now see if the vaccine actually works. You will now move on to knocking down other straw men, because you apparently either can’t or don’t want to grasp fairly simple concepts.
Plenty of research done in this area, thanks! The masks/you protect other people from you. Go ahead and keep spewing the false narrative.
Got a link to the research which shows that?

Because there have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which ALL show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

I don't mind if you want to wear a mask. Its almost a free country, after all. You wearing a mask neither breaks my leg, nor picks my pocket. Just don't spout fake news to justify it. relevant to COVID-19 social policy".pdf
Got a link to the research which shows that?

Because there have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which ALL show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

I don't mind if you want to wear a mask. Its almost a free country, after all. You wearing a mask neither breaks my leg, nor picks my pocket. Just don't spout fake news to justify it. G. Rancourt PhD April 2020 "Masks Don't Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy".pdf

I don’t see any way at all that a mask could reduce or even eliminate respiratory droplets from leaving the mouth or nose of an infected person and entering the surrounding air. You’d need some type of covering over the nose and mouth to accomplish that feat.
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Got a link to the research which shows that?

Because there have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which ALL show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

I don't mind if you want to wear a mask. Its almost a free country, after all. You wearing a mask neither breaks my leg, nor picks my pocket. Just don't spout fake news to justify it. G. Rancourt PhD April 2020 "Masks Don't Work: A review of science relevant to COVID-19 social policy".pdf
A study by a civil liberties association. Probably not worth the paper it’s published on. When I have a min I’ll get something that’s legit.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew. Spewing garbage.
They didn't conduct the research studies. Not a careful reader, I see. So you clicked the links to all those research studies in the link? And you reject em all....because you hate Science?
I’m not reading it because they have an agenda. Good try.