Georgia's own MTG


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
She really is an embarrassment to the state and her district. Given today's release of Meadow's tweets she:
  • Blatantly lied Friday when asked if she had promoted the idea of martial law to Trump.
  • Doesn't know that martial law is spelled martial and not marshall.
  • Used the sentence "I don't know on those things" in reference to how Trump might be justified in declaring "marshall" law. I don't know on those things. Try saying it a few times yourself and see how it feels.
She is a vile, disingenuous troll of a representative who is at best of below average intelligence.

She really is an embarrassment to the state and her district. Given today's release of Meadow's tweets she:
  • Blatantly lied Friday when asked if she had promoted the idea of martial law to Trump.
  • Doesn't know that martial law is spelled martial and not marshall.
  • Used the sentence "I don't know on those things" in reference to how Trump might be justified in declaring "marshall" law. I don't know on those things. Try saying it a few times yourself and see how it feels.
She is a vile, disingenuous troll of a representative who is at best of below average intelligence.

BAH!….sounds the same to me.

She really is an embarrassment to the state and her district. Given today's release of Meadow's tweets she:
  • Blatantly lied Friday when asked if she had promoted the idea of martial law to Trump.
  • Doesn't know that martial law is spelled martial and not marshall.
  • Used the sentence "I don't know on those things" in reference to how Trump might be justified in declaring "marshall" law. I don't know on those things. Try saying it a few times yourself and see how it feels.
She is a vile, disingenuous troll of a representative who is at best of below average intelligence.

She is a rep. The left voted for a vegetable that is running the country into the ground. There isn’t a bigger embarrassment on the planet than him. To make matters worse, the vp isn’t qualified. Did you catch her speech on space? She was damn near quoting yoda. Marjorie is a representative. She isn’t the president or vp. The two highest offices in this country. It isn’t surprising she is being proved to be a little out of her depth. But she is smart enough to have made herself a target. Same way the squad worked from the other side. I at least give her credit that she has made herself into a well known commodity. Below avg intelligence is a pre requisite before you guys consider voting for them.
She is a rep. The left voted for a vegetable that is running the country into the ground. There isn’t a bigger embarrassment on the planet than him. To make matters worse, the vp isn’t qualified. Did you catch her speech on space? She was damn near quoting yoda. Marjorie is a representative. She isn’t the president or vp. The two highest offices in this country. It isn’t surprising she is being proved to be a little out of her depth. But she is smart enough to have made herself a target. Same way the squad worked from the other side. I at least give her credit that she has made herself into a well known commodity. Below avg intelligence is a pre requisite before you guys consider voting for them.
Many held their nose and voted for Biden, who by the way won the election, because of concerns about Trump. Concerns that were entirely validated when Trump and many republicans tried to flip an election they lost. Alternate slates of electors, considering "marshall" law, attempts to hustle Pence away from his duty to certify the results, attempts to replace the AG with someone willing to lie about proof of voter fraud, the list of plans that were discussed and pursued and the number of participants grows every day.

There's a reason Macron's approval rating is around 32% and yet he got 58% of the vote. Le Pen, like Orban, Bolsonaro, Erdogan and of course Putin, is ultimately anti-democracy and as much as the french people dislike Macron, they understand there are larger factors at play. His re-election is a notable victory in the global fight against authoritarianism. Putin's eventual defeat in Ukraine will be an even larger victory in that same fight.

It is no coincidence that Trump has expressed admiration for all of the authoritarian leaders listed above. He would love to have the same power and lack of democratic accountability that they have. That's irrefutable.

If you think near term policy decisions are worth destroying the foundation of our representative republic, I think you are being extremely short sighted.
Here’s an idea, let’s line up the dumbest from each side, and have a jeopardy style contest. Maybe make it family feud style as jeopardy may be well above most. The people decide a floor for representatives lack of intelligence. One by one from ranked dumbest up, they face off until a rep exceeds the floor

We could cut slot of salaries
Many held their nose and voted for Biden, who by the way won the election, because of concerns about Trump. Concerns that were entirely validated when Trump and many republicans tried to flip an election they lost. Alternate slates of electors, considering "marshall" law, attempts to hustle Pence away from his duty to certify the results, attempts to replace the AG with someone willing to lie about proof of voter fraud, the list of plans that were discussed and pursued and the number of participants grows every day.

There's a reason Macron's approval rating is around 32% and yet he got 58% of the vote. Le Pen, like Orban, Bolsonaro, Erdogan and of course Putin, is ultimately anti-democracy and as much as the french people dislike Macron, they understand there are larger factors at play. His re-election is a notable victory in the global fight against authoritarianism. Putin's eventual defeat in Ukraine will be an even larger victory in that same fight.

It is no coincidence that Trump has expressed admiration for all of the authoritarian leaders listed above. He would love to have the same power and lack of democratic accountability that they have. That's irrefutable.

If you think near term policy decisions are worth destroying the foundation of our representative republic, I think you are being extremely short sighted.
This is where we differ. Putin doesn’t try this with trump in office. I have my issues with him too. Several. But he would have been a much, much better choice than Biden. How do I know this. Because everything Biden touches turns to shit. You talk about democracy will. But you don’t actually believe it. You just want your side to be in charge deep down. Liberal beliefs. I have come to realize. I had always thought you were more moderate. But you can’t type what you just did out and believe otherwise. This is simple to see. Biden has governed for no one other than his progressive backers. He doesn’t care about the poor. “Buy electric cars”. He doesn’t care about the middle class. “Pay your people more”. He only cares about the liberal Elites and progressives. He is crushing the poor and middle class. Thru March every American has spent 2000 dollars more than they did last year. Trump didn’t govern to the left, but he was way more towards the middle than Biden. Not everything he did was for the right. I can pull up original socals detailed post explaining this to the letter.

You can’t defend the choice. You voted for a vege. And a woman not qualified to run a lemonade stand. This is indefensible and a fact. I think the election was trumps fault. He is mad because he didn’t stop the widespread possibility of fraud with the covid voting rules when he had the chance. He was over confident. He underestimated the left. The ground game won it along with bad Democrat governing running people off. Coupled with the stupidity to continue to vote left. And he doesn’t know who to blame. This isn’t a good quality for a leader. But he knows what room he is in all the time. Unlike the current president. That makes him the better choice. The energy independence was also a smarter move than Biden has done in his whole career. Slojo Also did nothing but undo things trump had done with eo’s. Which all turned to dog shit. How can you claim he was governing wrong and your decision was right. You can’t unless you have an agenda.

We are stuck with the moron you elected. That is how it works. No matter how bad he is. That is who we have. I am not too short sighted to see that. Still doesn’t mean I wouldn’t wish differently. Like I said, you are on the f’ing titanic. I could tell you it will not end well. You would rather drown than admit you screwed up.

just because trump is an arrogant prick, doesn’t mean he didnt run the country well. His arrogance got him. But you just replaced him with a more destructive, arrogant, closeted bigot with dementia. Whose decision making is less intelligent than a ten year old.

Here is the irony of the whole thing. As dumb as you think Marjorie is, she would be a better president than Biden. How can I say this? Until he gets something right, she can’t be worse.
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This is where we differ. Putin doesn’t try this with trump in office. I have my issues with him too. Several. But he would have been a much, much better choice than Biden. How do I know this. Because everything Biden touches turns to shit. You talk about democracy will. But you don’t actually believe it. You just want your side to be in charge deep down. Liberal beliefs. I have come to realize. I had always thought you were more moderate. But you can’t type what you just did out and believe otherwise. This is simple to see. Biden has governed for no one other than his progressive backers. He doesn’t care about the poor. “Buy electric cars”. He doesn’t care about the middle class. “Pay your people more”. He only cares about the liberal Elites and progressives. He is crushing the poor and middle class. Thru March every American has spent 2000 dollars more than they did last year. Trump didn’t govern to the left, but he was way more towards the middle than Biden. Not everything he did was for the right. I can pull up original socals detailed post explaining this to the letter.

You can’t defend the choice. You voted for a vege. And a woman not qualified to run a lemonade stand. This is indefensible and a fact. I think the election was trumps fault. He is mad because he didn’t stop the widespread possibility of fraud with the covid voting rules when he had the chance. He was over confident. He underestimated the left. The ground game won it along with bad Democrat governing running people off. Coupled with the stupidity to continue to vote left. And he doesn’t know who to blame. This isn’t a good quality for a leader. But he knows what room he is in all the time. Unlike the current president. That makes him the better choice. The energy independence was also a smarter move than Biden has done in his whole career. Slojo Also did nothing but undo things trump had done with eo’s. Which all turned to dog shit. How can you claim he was governing wrong and your decision was right. You can’t unless you have an agenda.

We are stuck with the moron you elected. That is how it works. No matter how bad he is. That is who we have. I am not too short sighted to see that. Still doesn’t mean I wouldn’t wish differently. Like I said, you are on the f’ing titanic. I could tell you it will not end well. You would rather drown than admit you screwed up.

just because trump is an arrogant prick, doesn’t mean he didnt run the country well. His arrogance got him. But you just replaced him with a more destructive, arrogant, closeted bigot with dementia. Whose decision making is less intelligent than a ten year old.

Here is the irony of the whole thing. As dumb as you think Marjorie is, she would be a better president than Biden. How can I say this? Until he gets something right, she can’t be worse.
Will has terminal TDS. It effects his memory something terrible. He can’t remember the support for Mao’s teachings by dims. Castro was a god to most dims recently. Not to mention the fact that the dim party are more and more like the Nazis. We have all heard dim pols call for censorship lately. They also want to take the author parents over their children, just to better indoctrinate them. Just look at the heads full of mush coming out of public schools and universities now. We have almost lost this country due to letting the libs run wild in the education of America. I’m scarred for my grandchildren. We will be the former eastern block if we don’t stop them soon.
Will has terminal TDS. It effects his memory something terrible. He can’t remember the support for Mao’s teachings by dims. Castro was a god to most dims recently. Not to mention the fact that the dim party are more and more like the Nazis. We have all heard dim pols call for censorship lately. They also want to take the author parents over their children, just to better indoctrinate them. Just look at the heads full of mush coming out of public schools and universities now. We have almost lost this country due to letting the libs run wild in the education of America. I’m scarred for my grandchildren. We will be the former eastern block if we don’t stop them soon.
I am too. My daughter just got her masters from uga in education. She wrote 60 or more papers along the way. 80 percent dealt with race. You wouldn’t believe what they were being taught. And it in an environment where you couldnt ever speak up if you didn’t agree. That is scary to me. No one wants to believe this. It is a fact. I am embarrassed of what they are teaching educators here. We all should be. Left or right.
This is where we differ. Putin doesn’t try this with trump in office. I have my issues with him too. Several. But he would have been a much, much better choice than Biden. How do I know this. Because everything Biden touches turns to shit. You talk about democracy will. But you don’t actually believe it. You just want your side to be in charge deep down. Liberal beliefs. I have come to realize. I had always thought you were more moderate. But you can’t type what you just did out and believe otherwise. This is simple to see. Biden has governed for no one other than his progressive backers. He doesn’t care about the poor. “Buy electric cars”. He doesn’t care about the middle class. “Pay your people more”. He only cares about the liberal Elites and progressives. He is crushing the poor and middle class. Thru March every American has spent 2000 dollars more than they did last year. Trump didn’t govern to the left, but he was way more towards the middle than Biden. Not everything he did was for the right. I can pull up original socals detailed post explaining this to the letter.

You can’t defend the choice. You voted for a vege. And a woman not qualified to run a lemonade stand. This is indefensible and a fact. I think the election was trumps fault. He is mad because he didn’t stop the widespread possibility of fraud with the covid voting rules when he had the chance. He was over confident. He underestimated the left. The ground game won it along with bad Democrat governing running people off. Coupled with the stupidity to continue to vote left. And he doesn’t know who to blame. This isn’t a good quality for a leader. But he knows what room he is in all the time. Unlike the current president. That makes him the better choice. The energy independence was also a smarter move than Biden has done in his whole career. Slojo Also did nothing but undo things trump had done with eo’s. Which all turned to dog shit. How can you claim he was governing wrong and your decision was right. You can’t unless you have an agenda.

We are stuck with the moron you elected. That is how it works. No matter how bad he is. That is who we have. I am not too short sighted to see that. Still doesn’t mean I wouldn’t wish differently. Like I said, you are on the f’ing titanic. I could tell you it will not end well. You would rather drown than admit you screwed up.

just because trump is an arrogant prick, doesn’t mean he didnt run the country well. His arrogance got him. But you just replaced him with a more destructive, arrogant, closeted bigot with dementia. Whose decision making is less intelligent than a ten year old.

Here is the irony of the whole thing. As dumb as you think Marjorie is, she would be a better president than Biden. How can I say this? Until he gets something right, she can’t be worse.
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. As I have mentioned before, I was a history major (PoliSci minor) at Georgia so i will admit to potentially viewing things through a different lense. You keep saying the Biden is a total and unmitigated disaster and I'm not seeing it.
  1. He is managing the Ukraine situation quite effectively and he has undone much of the damage Trump did to NATO, but I don't doubt I see that as a much more important than you and others do.
  2. We are very close to full employment.
  3. The bipartisan infrastructure deal was much needed and he got it done when Trump didn't.
Inflation is brutal, no doubt, but that is currently a global phenomenon and Biden is not solely responsible for it. Our monetary policy has been focused on short-term stability to the detriment of long term soundness for a long time. Time to pay the piper but that isn't a Biden or Dem issue.

And sorry, I don't think MTG is both dumb and seditious. The proof abounds.
I guess it's all a matter of perspective. As I have mentioned before, I was a history major (PoliSci minor) at Georgia so i will admit to potentially viewing things through a different lense. You keep saying the Biden is a total and unmitigated disaster and I'm not seeing it.
  1. He is managing the Ukraine situation quite effectively and he has undone much of the damage Trump did to NATO, but I don't doubt I see that as a much more important than you and others do.
  2. We are very close to full employment.
  3. The bipartisan infrastructure deal was much needed and he got it done when Trump didn't.
Inflation is brutal, no doubt, but that is currently a global phenomenon and Biden is not solely responsible for it. Our monetary policy has been focused on short-term stability to the detriment of long term soundness for a long time. Time to pay the piper but that isn't a Biden or Dem issue.

And sorry, I don't think MTG is both dumb and seditious. The proof abounds.
1. He hasn't done shyte about Ukraine. Russia is still there doing their thing.
2. LOL, this is the height of stupidity. Evidently your head is in the sand when you go around to different businesses. Everyone is hiring and everyone is short staffed. Nationwide.
3. The amount of pork in that bill is ridiculous. Dems had control of both house and congress and pushed it through with the help of a lot of money grubbing republicans.
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1. He hasn't done shyte about Ukraine. Russia is still there doing their thing.
2. LOL, this is the height of stupidity. Evidently your head is in the sand when you go around to different businesses. Everyone is hiring and everyone is short staffed. Nationwide.
3. The amount of pork in that bill is ridiculous. Dems had control of both house and congress and pushed it through with the help of a lot of money grubbing republicans.
If you don't think we are playing a huge role in Ukraine, and have contributed mightily to the incredibly effective performance of the outnumbered Ukrainian military, you simply don't understand what's happening there. In fact your comments prove that.

You are correct that we have actually gone past full employment, which depending on your definition is around 5% unemployment, and are in need of an increased labor force. I would argue that is to a large degree the result of monetary policy. What would a republican president have done differently to prevent the overheating of the economy we are currently experiencing?

Yes, a large spending bill has pork. As you rightly pointed out, this is a Washington issue and i doubt Trump would have vetoed the same bill, had he managed to get it through the house and the senate.
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If you don't think we are playing a huge role in Ukraine, and have contributed mightily to the incredibly effective performance of the outnumbered Ukrainian military, you simply don't understand what's happening there. In fact your comments prove that.
You make it sound like biden is doing something to deter Russia from continuing their takeover. He isn't. We are giving military aid. That is something that any President would do.
biden also sent them an extra 800M. Hmmm. I wonder why.

BTW, Trump would not have to be doing it as there would be no invasion.
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I guess it's all a matter of perspective. As I have mentioned before, I was a history major (PoliSci minor) at Georgia so i will admit to potentially viewing things through a different lense. You keep saying the Biden is a total and unmitigated disaster and I'm not seeing it.
  1. He is managing the Ukraine situation quite effectively and he has undone much of the damage Trump did to NATO, but I don't doubt I see that as a much more important than you and others do.
  2. We are very close to full employment.
  3. The bipartisan infrastructure deal was much needed and he got it done when Trump didn't.
Inflation is brutal, no doubt, but that is currently a global phenomenon and Biden is not solely responsible for it. Our monetary policy has been focused on short-term stability to the detriment of long term soundness for a long time. Time to pay the piper but that isn't a Biden or Dem issue.

And sorry, I don't think MTG is both dumb and seditious. The proof abounds.
That makes you, Jill Biden, the people at cnn and msnbc that don’t believe he is a disaster. Or a vege. Or in over his head. Or a border disaster. An economy disaster is coming.
Here’s an idea, let’s line up the dumbest from each side, and have a jeopardy style contest. Maybe make it family feud style as jeopardy may be well above most. The people decide a floor for representatives lack of intelligence. One by one from ranked dumbest up, they face off until a rep exceeds the floor

We could cut slot of salaries

I like this idea. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few Dem candidates:
  • Ilhan Omar, the incestuous anti-Semite who trivialized 9/11 as "some people did something".
  • Hank Johnson, who thinks that Guam will "tip over and capsize" due to overpopulation.
  • Maxine Waters, who openly advocates for violence against GOP representatives, ruined her district and lives outside of it, and is such a miserable bitch that even the Obama administration categorized her as a "perennial malcontent".
I like this idea. Off the top of my head, I can think of a few Dem candidates:
  • Ilhan Omar, the incestuous anti-Semite who trivialized 9/11 as "some people did something".
  • Hank Johnson, who thinks that Guam will "tip over and capsize" due to overpopulation.
  • Maxine Waters, who openly advocates for violence against GOP representatives, ruined her district and lives outside of it, and is such a miserable bitch that even the Obama administration categorized her as a "perennial malcontent".
Your are right that Team Democrat is formidable. Team Republican however is no set of pikers themselves.
  • Lauren Boebert, who had to take the GED multiple times to pass and is often incapable of stringing together two cogent thoughts at a time. Law and order representative with a history of run-ins with the law. Has decided focus on accusing Dems of being pedos and groomers, husband was convicted of indecent exposure involving minors. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Paul Gosar - So hated by his entire family that they have appeared multiple times in campaign ads denouncing him. Claimed covid was nothing more than a left wing ploy to hurt Trump. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • MTG - Another christian moralizer who slept with her gym manager/polyamorous sex guru. Regularly demonstrates a shocking lack of knowledge about the most basic historical events, the US legal system or her job. Blamed western wild fires on space lasers. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Madison Cawthorne, who has lied about his business, lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy, lied about the senate cocaine orgies (shudder), multiple accusations of sexual harassment, loud christian moralizer while being married and divorced in less than a year. Photos have surfaced of MC partying in women's underwear and smoking something that looks suspiciously like a blunt, despite recently voting against decriminalizing pot. I'm not judging the actions, just the hypocrisy. Oh, and he still thinks the election was stolen.

Your are right that Team Democrat is formidable. Team Republican however is no set of pikers themselves.
  • Lauren Boebert, who had to take the GED multiple times to pass and is often incapable of stringing together two cogent thoughts at a time. Law and order representative with a history of run-ins with the law. Has decided focus on accusing Dems of being pedos and groomers, husband was convicted of indecent exposure involving minors. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Paul Gosar - So hated by his entire family that they have appeared multiple times in campaign ads denouncing him. Claimed covid was nothing more than a left wing ploy to hurt Trump. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • MTG - Another christian moralizer who slept with her gym manager/polyamorous sex guru. Regularly demonstrates a shocking lack of knowledge about the most basic historical events, the US legal system or her job. Blamed western wild fires on space lasers. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Madison Cawthorne, who has lied about his business, lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy, lied about the senate cocaine orgies (shudder), multiple accusations of sexual harassment, loud christian moralizer while being married and divorced in less than a year. Photos have surfaced of MC partying in women's underwear and smoking something that looks suspiciously like a blunt, despite recently voting against decriminalizing pot. I'm not judging the actions, just the hypocrisy. Oh, and he still thinks the election was stolen.

Politicians just suck. I can agree there. You remember that guy who was in the Oval Office. I can’t remember his name. He dribbled some stuff on a blue dress. Now we have a guy who dribbles into a blue bib.

I guess it's all a matter of perspective. As I have mentioned before, I was a history major (PoliSci minor) at Georgia so i will admit to potentially viewing things through a different lense. You keep saying the Biden is a total and unmitigated disaster and I'm not seeing it.
  1. He is managing the Ukraine situation quite effectively and he has undone much of the damage Trump did to NATO, but I don't doubt I see that as a much more important than you and others do.
  2. We are very close to full employment.
  3. The bipartisan infrastructure deal was much needed and he got it done when Trump didn't.
Inflation is brutal, no doubt, but that is currently a global phenomenon and Biden is not solely responsible for it. Our monetary policy has been focused on short-term stability to the detriment of long term soundness for a long time. Time to pay the piper but that isn't a Biden or Dem issue.

And sorry, I don't think MTG is both dumb and seditious. The proof abounds.
this damage to NATO you refer to that wanting them to pay their fair share? or keep letting us foot the bill?
Your are right that Team Democrat is formidable. Team Republican however is no set of pikers themselves.
  • Lauren Boebert, who had to take the GED multiple times to pass and is often incapable of stringing together two cogent thoughts at a time. Law and order representative with a history of run-ins with the law. Has decided focus on accusing Dems of being pedos and groomers, husband was convicted of indecent exposure involving minors. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Paul Gosar - So hated by his entire family that they have appeared multiple times in campaign ads denouncing him. Claimed covid was nothing more than a left wing ploy to hurt Trump. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • MTG - Another christian moralizer who slept with her gym manager/polyamorous sex guru. Regularly demonstrates a shocking lack of knowledge about the most basic historical events, the US legal system or her job. Blamed western wild fires on space lasers. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Madison Cawthorne, who has lied about his business, lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy, lied about the senate cocaine orgies (shudder), multiple accusations of sexual harassment, loud christian moralizer while being married and divorced in less than a year. Photos have surfaced of MC partying in women's underwear and smoking something that looks suspiciously like a blunt, despite recently voting against decriminalizing pot. I'm not judging the actions, just the hypocrisy. Oh, and he still thinks the election was stolen.

But see, this is part of the problem. You can never criticize a Democrat politician without a "whataboutism" back to a Republican politician. It's a pretty easy thing to do, and something you'd certainly think an independent (as you claim to be) would be capable of doing.

Hank Johnson is a perfect example. Like MTG, he's a representative of Georgia. He's as dumb as a bag of rocks and didn't know something that the average first grader would know. An independent (or for that matter, anyone with a brain) should be outraged that someone like that represents the state of Georgia - but instead, you only complain about MTG. Why is that?

And if we're going to criticize Boebert for being "incapable of stringing together two thoughts at a time", let's discuss Biden - whom you've praised in this thread. I promise you that for any singular example you can provide of Boebert saying/doing something stupid, I can provide several in turn of Biden saying/doing something stupid.
But see, this is part of the problem. You can never criticize a Democrat politician without a "whataboutism" back to a Republican politician. It's a pretty easy thing to do, and something you'd certainly think an independent (as you claim to be) would be capable of doing.

Hank Johnson is a perfect example. Like MTG, he's a representative of Georgia. He's as dumb as a bag of rocks and didn't know something that the average first grader would know. An independent (or for that matter, anyone with a brain) should be outraged that someone like that represents the state of Georgia - but instead, you only complain about MTG. Why is that?

And if we're going to criticize Boebert for being "incapable of stringing together two thoughts at a time", let's discuss Biden - whom you've praised in this thread. I promise you that for any singular example you can provide of Boebert saying/doing something stupid, I can provide 100’s OF INCIDENTS where BIDEN says something IDIOTIC or UNINTELLIGIBLE. Fify
Your are right that Team Democrat is formidable. Team Republican however is no set of pikers themselves.
  • Lauren Boebert, who had to take the GED multiple times to pass and is often incapable of stringing together two cogent thoughts at a time. Law and order representative with a history of run-ins with the law. Has decided focus on accusing Dems of being pedos and groomers, husband was convicted of indecent exposure involving minors. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Paul Gosar - So hated by his entire family that they have appeared multiple times in campaign ads denouncing him. Claimed covid was nothing more than a left wing ploy to hurt Trump. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • MTG - Another christian moralizer who slept with her gym manager/polyamorous sex guru. Regularly demonstrates a shocking lack of knowledge about the most basic historical events, the US legal system or her job. Blamed western wild fires on space lasers. Still thinks the election was stolen.
  • Madison Cawthorne, who has lied about his business, lied about being accepted to the Naval Academy, lied about the senate cocaine orgies (shudder), multiple accusations of sexual harassment, loud christian moralizer while being married and divorced in less than a year. Photos have surfaced of MC partying in women's underwear and smoking something that looks suspiciously like a blunt, despite recently voting against decriminalizing pot. I'm not judging the actions, just the hypocrisy. Oh, and he still thinks the election was stolen.

As I said, there are plenty on both side that make you wonder about the electorate that voted for them. Maybe they don’t deserve representation
this damage to NATO you refer to that wanting them to pay their fair share? or keep letting us foot the bill?
Trump’ National Security Advisor says Trump planned on leaving NATO. This also explains why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s term.

If you don't think we are playing a huge role in Ukraine, and have contributed mightily to the incredibly effective performance of the outnumbered Ukrainian military, you simply don't understand what's happening there. In fact your comments prove that.

You are correct that we have actually gone past full employment, which depending on your definition is around 5% unemployment, and are in need of an increased labor force. I would argue that is to a large degree the result of monetary policy. What would a republican president have done differently to prevent the overheating of the economy we are currently experiencing?

Yes, a large spending bill has pork. As you rightly pointed out, this is a Washington issue and i doubt Trump would have vetoed the same bill, had he managed to get it through the house and the senate.
Def at full employment now but I do think that would have happened even if I was president.
Def at full employment now but I do think that would have happened even if I was president.
Your comments speaks to the question of how much policy can alter economic trajectory in only a year. I tend to agree with you that non-policy factors would have resulted in high inflation and a tight labor market regardless of who was president.
If you don't think we are playing a huge role in Ukraine, and have contributed mightily to the incredibly effective performance of the outnumbered Ukrainian military, you simply don't understand what's happening there. In fact your comments prove that.

You are correct that we have actually gone past full employment, which depending on your definition is around 5% unemployment, and are in need of an increased labor force. I would argue that is to a large degree the result of monetary policy. What would a republican president have done differently to prevent the overheating of the economy we are currently experiencing?

Yes, a large spending bill has pork. As you rightly pointed out, this is a Washington issue and i doubt Trump would have vetoed the same bill, had he managed to get it through the house and the senate.
so, with Soros and all the globalist saying that Ukraine are the good guys, we should believe that????
I personally don't feel that Biden is in control of anything. In fact, I bet he is dead. All we are seeing now is a movie. Military is in control. I believe they are in Ukraine taking care of the DUMBS and Bio Labs....
Why would the mockingbird media have Rittenhouse, Depp/Heard trials for all to see and not have Maxwell's for all to see... who is complicit in their child sex slave trafficking ring????

just my .02 but nothing else adds up for me.
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Your comments speaks to the question of how much policy can alter economic trajectory in only a year. I tend to agree with you that non-policy factors would have resulted in high inflation and a tight labor market regardless of who was president.
Agree to an extent but with inflation a huge problem was that the current administration denied it was occurring instead of embracing it early. Also, the money printing and focus on green living above all else in a pandemic and a recession is not the best idea. I’m ok with plans for a greener future but trying to pass bills at this to time to fund it is not the answer.

This administration is setting green energy back 20 years due to their excessive progressivism.
Agree to an extent but with inflation a huge problem was that the current administration denied it was occurring instead of embracing it early. Also, the money printing and focus on green living above all else in a pandemic and a recession is not the best idea. I’m ok with plans for a greener future but trying to pass bills at this to time to fund it is not the answer.

This administration is setting green energy back 20 years due to their excessive progressivism.
Exactly my point. Great post. They just don’t give a shit. They only govern for a select few of their constituents. Sadly, they dont even take care of the real people who put them in office. Thanks to fear porn in the media, they are all too afraid to ever vote differently.
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Pubs have built in whataboutism. There is no chance to discuss the topic at hand (MTG), without a whataboutism.
Pubs have built in whataboutism. There is no chance to discuss the topic at hand (MTG), without a whataboutism.
I think we have discussed her on this forum. Many times. She is one of our crazies. Both sides have them. Kind of the point. She just followed the aoc playbook from the other side. Made herself a household name. And a target. Which she is just starting to figure out this can come with a price sometimes.
I think we have discussed her on this forum. Many times. She is one of our crazies. Both sides have them. Kind of the point. She just followed the aoc playbook from the other side. Made herself a household name. And a target. Which she is just starting to figure out this can come with a price sometimes.
Fair enough... it just seemed to immediately turn into a whataboutism. Some in here even praising her for an attempt to destroy US democracy. I swear I'm living in a cartoon sometimes. Hard to believe what I'm seeing.
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Trump’ National Security Advisor says Trump planned on leaving NATO. This also explains why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine during Trump’s term.

Just a WAG here, but wasn’t Trump trying to get other countries/members to pay their fair share….posturing, trying to be fiscally responsible??
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I think we have discussed her on this forum. Many times. She is one of our crazies. Both sides have them. Kind of the point. She just followed the aoc playbook from the other side. Made herself a household name. And a target. Which she is just starting to figure out this can come with a price sometimes.
We have, and I agree that politicians are generally speaking not the most admirable group. I put my list in a different class based on the sedition efforts. No surprise at this point to hear I consider the attempts, and the repeated, multifaceted nature of those attempts, to overturn the results of the election to be a unique and dire threat. That belief informs everything I think about the two parties at this time. I'd have no problem voting for a republican if they would disavow the big lie and come to the table with substantive policy proposals. Right now, that seems unlikely.

Just look at David Purdue's position on the topic. And he is a smart guy, he knows better. Just pandering to the base to the detriment of our state and country.
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Fair enough... it just seemed to immediately turn into a whataboutism. Some in here even praising her for an attempt to destroy US democracy. I swear I'm living in a cartoon sometimes. Hard to believe what I'm seeing.
I think that goes both ways. I never thought I would see a vege run for president and win. And people defend that choice. Smart people too. I feel like I am in the twilight zone. He managed to put us on the brink of ww3. Super quick too. I never thought I would see a vp worse than Dan Quayle. Will, Celtic, you and marmot are not dumb guys. The fact that you can’t see this is mind blowing along those same lines for me. I recognize her as crazy. And she has pushed the envelope to become famous. This was her choice. What comes with it if she crossed that line is on her. Throw the book at her. But this should go both ways. The hatred for trump is hilarious. He is an asshole. So I guess I get it. Combative. But to say this vege is a better option still is akin to knowingly jumping off a cliff. And not just trump. Nearly anyone would be a better option, because he is compromised. Hilariously, he is a vege, and the right prays everyday he staves off this health condition coming so queen cackle lord of space doesn’t get the f’ing job.
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We have, and I agree that politicians are generally speaking not the most admirable group. I put my list in a different class based on the sedition efforts. No surprise at this point to hear I consider the attempts, and the repeated, multifaceted nature of those attempts, to overturn the results of the election to be a unique and dire threat. That belief informs everything I think about the two parties at this time. I'd have no problem voting for a republican if they would disavow the big lie and come to the table with substantive policy proposals. Right now, that seems unlikely.

Just look at David Purdue's position on the topic. And he is a smart guy, he knows better. Just pandering to the base to the detriment of our state and country.
Ok. I will agree the rhetoric has gotten very strong. And isn’t healthy for the country’s future. Perdue is obviously taking one for the trump team. To get the word out. But at the same time will, you have to look at the shear number that voted in that election, the new rules, shenanigans in the middle of the night counting in the atl, along with issues other places. The Dems would be all over this as well if they felt like pubs had an unfair advantage. Just look at the voting laws in Georgia. They were changed and are still better than New York, yet Dems are still crying. And over something simple. Why cry so much, unless they think it hurts their plans. All I am saying. You can admit with all the firsts, it should be looked at. Especially when no one thought Biden would win. That is just common sense. People will poo this from the left. But I am interested in the documentary/movie coming out soon.
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tell me you are not comparing parties?
you scrap from the bottom of the barrel to find anything daily
again trump lives rent free
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Many held their nose and voted for Biden, who by the way won the election, because of concerns about Trump. Concerns that were entirely validated when Trump and many republicans tried to flip an election they lost. Alternate slates of electors, considering "marshall" law, attempts to hustle Pence away from his duty to certify the results, attempts to replace the AG with someone willing to lie about proof of voter fraud, the list of plans that were discussed and pursued and the number of participants grows every day.

There's a reason Macron's approval rating is around 32% and yet he got 58% of the vote. Le Pen, like Orban, Bolsonaro, Erdogan and of course Putin, is ultimately anti-democracy and as much as the french people dislike Macron, they understand there are larger factors at play. His re-election is a notable victory in the global fight against authoritarianism. Putin's eventual defeat in Ukraine will be an even larger victory in that same fight.

It is no coincidence that Trump has expressed admiration for all of the authoritarian leaders listed above. He would love to have the same power and lack of democratic accountability that they have. That's irrefutable.

If you think near term policy decisions are worth destroying the foundation of our representative republic, I think you are being extremely short sighted.
If Trump was president, the war in Ukraine wouldn't be happening. Putin wouldn't have dared.
Fair enough... it just seemed to immediately turn into a whataboutism. Some in here even praising her for an attempt to destroy US democracy. I swear I'm living in a cartoon sometimes. Hard to believe what I'm seeing.
It’s just bad when I think I have to vote for MTG to keep AOC, Bernie, Biden, Watters, Warren etc, radically progressive agenda’s from being stamped through. It’s both sides have to vote for their crazies to try to maintain balance. Term limits is the first step in correcting congressional issues though.
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Fair enough... it just seemed to immediately turn into a whataboutism. Some in here even praising her for an attempt to destroy US democracy. I swear I'm living in a cartoon sometimes. Hard to believe what I'm seeing.

I grew up in her district and after raising my family in the north Atl burbs, I returned to the district when my father's health began failing and my mom and sisters needed help taking care of him. So, even though I'm not a fan, I get why she has support.

Believe it or not, while the folks in the district tend to lead simple lives, they are not intolerant rubes. They are mostly just fed up with how the smart pols have been running the country.

They see pols on both sides of the aisle playing the same grifter games and policies and laws that make no sense for working Americans regardless if they vote Pub or Dem. They want a fighter that advocates for the positions they hold and in their opinion, a ding bat that is on their side is better every day of the weak than another establishment neocon that actually would work to crush a group like the Tea Party. She is simply an extension of the hatred of the uniparty that was the reason for the rise of MAGA.