If Trump is nominated, I'll vote for the democrat..


National Champion
Feb 7, 2016
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.

OPERATION TROJAN HORSE exerting its influence on you all. "I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED!"
You just like to agitate, I wonder if you even have a belief system.

I do so like to stir up the waters of the Lunatic Fringe Fever Swamp and rattle the monkey cages where rolo, jenkins creek, jett, and 1966 are being held.

As for politics, I'm waiting in vain for the Second Coming of The Kingfish, Huey Long! Every Man A King.

As far as my belief system, I'll quote the great John Lennon...

"God is a Concept by which we measure our pain
I'll say it again
God is a Concept by which we measure our pain

I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in I-ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in Tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in Mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in Yoga
I don't believe in Kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles

I just believe in me, Yoko and me, and that's reality

The dream is over
What can I say?
The dream is over
I was the dreamweaver
But now I'm reborn
I was the walrus
But now I'm John
And so, dear friends,
You'll just have to carry on
The dream is over"
Care to expand on that thought ?
I'll expound even further....LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL! This board is eat up with little dimmies. Ones who can't bring themselves to admit they are anchored to a pair of the 3 worst candidates ever put forth in any election. So the mean old R's made me go crazy and vote for Hillary. Just LOL!
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I do so like to stir up the waters of the Lunatic Fringe Fever Swamp and rattle the monkey cages where rolo, jenkins creek, jett, and 1966 are being held.

As for politics, I'm waiting in vain for the Second Coming of The Kingfish, Huey Long! Every Man A King.

As far as my belief system, I'll quote the great John Lennon...

"God is a Concept by which we measure our pain
I'll say it again
God is a Concept by which we measure our pain

I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in I-ching
I don't believe in Bible
I don't believe in Tarot
I don't believe in Hitler
I don't believe in Jesus
I don't believe in Kennedy
I don't believe in Buddha
I don't believe in Mantra
I don't believe in Gita
I don't believe in Yoga
I don't believe in Kings
I don't believe in Elvis
I don't believe in Zimmerman
I don't believe in Beatles

I just believe in me, Yoko and me, and that's reality

The dream is over
What can I say?
The dream is over
I was the dreamweaver
But now I'm reborn
I was the walrus
But now I'm John
And so, dear friends,
You'll just have to carry on
The dream is over"
I and others here feel reasonably sure you are already in your safe place. Securely locked away in pleasant surroundings but allowed your 'pute to share your "thoughts" and release the demons. BTW, what alternative magazine did you tear that page out of. Is that to be your eulogy or on your head stone? Have a nice day. (Cheap entertainment is the Chat if you only take it in moderation)
I and others here feel reasonably sure you are already in your safe place. Securely locked away in pleasant surroundings but allowed your 'pute to share your "thoughts" and release the demons. BTW, what alternative magazine did you tear that page out of. Is that to be your eulogy or on your head stone? Have a nice day. (Cheap entertainment is the Chat if you only take it in moderation)

It's the lyrics to a song.

My headstone epitaph will read: He spent his entire life "on scholarship".
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
The media has you programmed son. If you truly believe either of those two are better than Trump you need to start checking out the land prices in Australia.
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
I despise Trump too, but you sound like a moron. A communist is "better than Trump". You deserve to be ruled.
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I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
That's what good about America everyone can have an opinion. I for one couldn't vote for either Democrat and can't see how anyone who understands how this country became the greatest Nation in the world
in a short could vote them
Clinton is OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; It's happening right before your eyes. She will get nominated and then get indicted.
The democratic party goes down in flames. There will be nothing left but a few EBT cards and Obama phones LOL

Get some popcorn and sit back and watch the train wreck. Must-see TV
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Clinton is OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; It's happening right before your eyes. She will get nominated and then get indicted.
The democratic party goes down in flames. There will be nothing left but a few EBT cards and Obama phones LOL

Get some popcorn and sit back and watch the train wreck. Must-see TV

LOL you have a lot to learn about politics. Do you really believe AG Lynch or any US Attorney is going to indict Hillary Clinton?
I'll expound even further....LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL! This board is eat up with little dimmies. Ones who can't bring themselves to admit they are anchored to a pair of the 3 worst candidates ever put forth in any election. So the mean old R's made me go crazy and vote for Hillary. Just LOL!

Is your assertion I'm using The Donald's self serving arrogance to allow myself to vote for a Dem ? If so I think I made it clear I can't abide my not as much as voting against a man I think would be the worst POTUS in our modern history.

We only have the choices we have, I'm not a petulant child.
Clinton is OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; It's happening right before your eyes. She will get nominated and then get indicted.
The democratic party goes down in flames. There will be nothing left but a few EBT cards and Obama phones LOL

Get some popcorn and sit back and watch the train wreck. Must-see TV

Here's hoping she nominates a solid candidate for Vice-POTUS.
I think the likelihood she in indicted is very small, but still a real possibility.
I think she has a bit of Nixon's paranoia and they're out to get me syndrome. I don't think she's the devious criminal many make her out to be.
I think the biggest issue with her as POTUS is the certainty the old Clinton enemies would make every day she's in office a drama, that wears thin real quick.
That's what good about America everyone can have an opinion. I for one couldn't vote for either Democrat and can't see how anyone who understands how this country became the greatest Nation in the world
in a short could vote them

I understand Teddy Rossevelt and the original progressive movement. More importantly, I understand why that movement was critical in the growth of this country. Republicans today seem clueless about that important dynamic and how it's playing out again today.
I despise Trump too, but you sound like a moron. A communist is "better than Trump". You deserve to be ruled.

You clearly ARE a moron, I think most educated readers understand the intent of that sentence and not to take it too literally.
You clearly ARE a moron, I think most educated readers understand the intent of that sentence and not to take it too literally.

I also agree with C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity when he writes:

"I feel a strong desire to tell you–and I expect you feel a strong desire to tell me–which of these two errors is the worse. That is the devil getting at us. He always sends errors into the world in pairs–pairs of opposites. And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is the worse. You see why, of course? He relies on your extra dislike of the one error to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them."
The media has you programmed son. If you truly believe either of those two are better than Trump you need to start checking out the land prices in Australia.

I'm absolutely certain I'd rather take my chances with either Dem. than to turn the executive branch over to Trump. The spirit of this country will come through an administration of either Clinton or Bernie, but Trump is truly dangerous to our way of governance. He sees himself as superior and I don't think he respects the process enough to resist attempting to govern as an autocrat.
I also agree with C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity when he writes:

"I feel a strong desire to tell you–and I expect you feel a strong desire to tell me–which of these two errors is the worse. That is the devil getting at us. He always sends errors into the world in pairs–pairs of opposites. And he always encourages us to spend a lot of time thinking which is the worse. You see why, of course? He relies on your extra dislike of the one error to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them."

In matters of sin and behavior we always have choices in all directions, not so in politics. You make the best choice among very limited options.
I and others here feel reasonably sure you are already in your safe place. Securely locked away in pleasant surroundings but allowed your 'pute to share your "thoughts" and release the demons. BTW, what alternative magazine did you tear that page out of. Is that to be your eulogy or on your head stone? Have a nice day. (Cheap entertainment is the Chat if you only take it in moderation)

It's cheap to invoke ''others'' opinions when stating your own.
Try letting your thoughts stand on their own, it takes a bit more backbone.
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You clearly ARE a moron, I think most educated readers understand the intent of that sentence and not to take it too literally.

DMatic, I always took u as a democrat so your supporting Dems doesn’t surprise me.

Our country is 240 years old much younger than the European countries. So in a relatively short amount of time, we have far surpassed them in GDP, innovation, and military power. We have saved their bacon in several world wars. The USA has been the lone super power for several decades. Why? 90% tax rates? The highest EFFECTIVE tax rates were in the 70 percentile range. Remember after world war 2, we had no competition like we have today. Europe was rebuilding which helped keep our economy strong .

I think the success of the USA has been our free market system/ competition, our freedoms,& less barriers to achieve success. Our freedoms are gradually being beaten down by political correctness. Salaries and the economic recovery has been stagnant in the last 8 years because of increased regulation, increased taxes, immigration and the ACA.
DMatic, I always took u as a democrat so your supporting Dems doesn’t surprise me.

Our country is 240 years old much younger than the European countries. So in a relatively short amount of time, we have far surpassed them in GDP, innovation, and military power. We have saved their bacon in several world wars. The USA has been the lone super power for several decades. Why? 90% tax rates? The highest EFFECTIVE tax rates were in the 70 percentile range. Remember after world war 2, we had no competition like we have today. Europe was rebuilding which helped keep our economy strong .

I think the success of the USA has been our free market system/ competition, our freedoms,& less barriers to achieve success. Our freedoms are gradually being beaten down by political correctness. Salaries and the economic recovery has been stagnant in the last 8 years because of increased regulation, increased taxes, immigration and the ACA.

I know 20th century history as well as most, far better than many.
I see our issues as a nation far differently than you do, and I'm comfortable I see things closer to as they are.
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
Dear Facebook...
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
Trump is a scuzz, but you would vote for HILLARY?
I know 20th century history as well as most, far better than many.
I see our issues as a nation far differently than you do, and I'm comfortable I see things closer to as they are.


Since u have a deeper understanding of how progressives have contributed to the success of the country historically starting with Roosevelt and extending to the current president, please enlighten me with your viewpoint.
The Democrats could run a ham sammich, no mayo, and it would easily defeat any of the Konservativ Klown Korps currently running for president.

A ham sandwich no mayo would be a smarter more honest a likable candidate than anyone currently running for the Marxist party
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
You wont need to...