how does it feel to be loved by trump?
You tell me! I'm the one with a BA and two MA's. That hardly qualifies as "poorly educated".
how does it feel to be loved by trump?
No, you're flaming flamboyant.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You're also half blinded by ideology.
I don't follow. Do you think the pubs will derail DT ? or perhaps you think Hillary will be indicted.
No, you're flaming flamboyant.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
You're also half blinded by ideology.
You tell me! I'm the one with a BA and two MA's. That hardly qualifies as "poorly educated".
No I can back up everything I say. But I've never met a lefty that can actually debate the substance. So I simply get on their level in hopes they can see the light.
''Substance'' ? you're an act. All you do is post outlandish, ridiculous insults at anybody who disagrees with you. Add in the fact you're almost always wrong and it's REALLY FLAMING.
I'm all about substance. I told you, i simply treat liberals like they treat others. I've man a number of attempts to engage on substance. But liberals can't because substance is not something liberals understand
You are exactly like the far left fringe types who constantly spew rancid insults. You're no better or worse than over the top haters of any stripe.
Put all of you in a sack and shake it, you'd hear, at best, a lot of pointless noise coming from the sack.
Well lets test your theory then. What in my beliefs makes me a "hater" and isn't the very essence of your post hateful? So lets see how you handle substance. You're up
It's your language. You constantly spew hate at what amounts to most Americans.
If you can't see that, you might also have some sort of brain abnormality.
So its my language? My language is a response to the leftist here and everywhere. Do you think telling black ppl that Repubs want to put them back in chains ...bad language.....Or telling blacks hispanics, gays or whatever ur favorite protected class is ...that Repubs want to keep you from I can give you a lot more, But lets start here
You actually post like you'd like to put not only blacks but 40% of whites in chains. Your last post doesn't change the fact most are filled with anger and name calling of well over half the American population. The niche you consider true enlightened Americans might be 15% of those who make up our diverse country.
No I can back up everything I say. But I've never met a lefty that can actually debate the substance. So I simply get on their level in hopes they can see the light.
Ok, everyone take notice. I'm tying to engage in substance and look at the response .....Look I think you probably need to look up what substance means. You need to be specific . Like I did where I gave you a few examples of hateful language.
I have no idea what you're talking about with your last sentence??? Whatever it is, its only you tossing out your unsubstantiated accusations......just exactly like what you accuse me of? So when will the substance part of your debate guess is you'll be like all the other lefties, just do what you accuse others of doing....
You keep posting, yet no substance.
Your only purpose seems to be venting hate and rage.
I think I know who you are....same dummy just another handle. Well there it is for everyone to see. The boob can't back up his charges. No substance just more BS lol
Who do you think I am ?
I'm still waiting for substance.
''Boob'' more little boy name calling, and zero facts.
Better than being humped by a white pug !!!how does it feel to be loved by trump?
Better than being humped by a white pug !!!
No they would not be better. Hillary should be in jail by fall anyway.I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
Here's hoping she nominates a solid candidate for Vice-POTUS.
I think the likelihood she in indicted is very small, but still a real possibility.
I think she has a bit of Nixon's paranoia and they're out to get me syndrome. I don't think she's the devious criminal many make her out to be.
I think the biggest issue with her as POTUS is the certainty the old Clinton enemies would make every day she's in office a drama, that wears thin real quick.
Clinton enemies? Just like with the email server every issue with the Clinton's was created by them, not some vast "right wing conspiracy". Any problems they have are a product of their own arrogance and idea that the "rules" don't apply to them. The Clinton Foundation another prime example of how they've always tried to "play" the system by their own rules.
I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
Lot's of folks will try to find a way to justify voting for someone so low she'd lie standing next to the caskets of individuals who were serving under her. If you think there could be a worse leader than that then heaven help you.
Lot's of folks will try to find a way to justify voting for someone so low she'd lie standing next to the caskets of individuals who were serving under her. If you think there could be a worse leader than that then heaven help you.
I have little doubt Clinton would make a better POTUS than Trump. The Donald does not have the makeup for the job.
Of course I wish somebody like Mark Warner was a choice, but given the options I'll either vote for the Dem. a 3rd party candidate, or I'll not vote for POTUS.
I can't concede that Hil has a better temperment than DT. She has been known to cuss out her subordinates including secret service agents on a regular basis. She threw a lamp at Bill in a fit of anger. All that can be documented. She just hides her temper better than DT
What I do know is that Hil has sold out the country for personal gain. Laundering millions thru the Clinton Foundation from foreign govts by selling influence. Involved in a series of transactions that resulted in USA uranium ending up in Iran and allowing Sweden to violate Iran sanctions for millions.
Her selfish and paranoid behavior in the handling of top secret docs has apparently put covert agents lives in danger and endangered our national security. Then there was the out right incompetence handling Benghazi by not responding to 600 requests for inc security, a cowardly stand down order and then lying about it to the families of the fallen.What I also know is that Hil will enrich herself if she becomes pres.
As for qualifications, the woman has said she doesnt think the private sector creates jobs. Can't get more economically illiterate than that.
She has consistently shown poor judgement naivete' in her Sec of State tenure. So not sure why anyone would vote for her.
Clinton enemies? Just like with the email server every issue with the Clinton's was created by them, not some vast "right wing conspiracy". Any problems they have are a product of their own arrogance and idea that the "rules" don't apply to them. The Clinton Foundation another prime example of how they've always tried to "play" the system by their own rules.
It's one thing to show a temper behind the scenes, many politicians do. It's another thing to display a near complete lack of restraint and statesmanship in public. Trump doesn't have the makeup for the job, and that is a massive understatement.
He seems to be a person who is so instilled with the notion he rules his world, he can't act civil. This and his near sociopathic lack of empathy for others is a recipe for one crisis after another if he becomes POTUS.
He needs to be stopped. Fortunately he is obvious to enough of us he likely has little chance in the general election.
It'seems funny to me that anyone could vote for trump. What an asswipe. His wife will show her ass to anyone who wants to see it. Maybe he get the country to file bankruptcy. He certainly has experience. Just imagine RR standing there in debates and listening to trump. The man is a disgrace to any class of people.I've thought for months I might set this one out. It just came to me listening to Trump today, I can't let him become POTUS without at least casting a vote against him. Not that it will really count, any republican will win Georgia. I'll know I at least cast my 2 cents worth though.
Yeah I already see the responses, Hillary is pure evil and Bernie is a commie. Even if those claims were true, either would still be better than Trump.
It'seems funny to me that anyone could vote for trump. What an asswipe. His wife will show her ass to anyone who wants to see it. Maybe he get the country to file bankruptcy. He certainly has experience. Just imagine RR standing there in debates and listening to trump. The man is a disgrace to any class of people.
I agree on immigration and trade also. The man has money but no class.Trump has issues. He shoots from the hip and lip when he should keep his mouth shut. But I agree with him on immigration and trade. I like Cruz. But I look at Hil and see a woman who is so corrupt that she would be making secret deals with foreign govts behind the backs of the American people. I know that because the Clintons have already done with laundered donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign govts. That strong possibility is worse than anything that Trump has done or said.
I agree on immigration and trade also. The man has money but no class.
Trump has issues. He shoots from the hip and lip when he should keep his mouth shut. But I agree with him on immigration and trade. I like Cruz. But I look at Hil and see a woman who is so corrupt that she would be making secret deals with foreign govts behind the backs of the American people. I know that because the Clintons have already done with laundered donations to the Clinton Foundation from foreign govts. That strong possibility is worse than anything that Trump has done or said.
What kind of ''secret deals'' with foreign governments are you afraid Clinton will make ?
Sure thing, Trump will kick out 14 million immigrants and force Mexico to pay for a 2600 mile fence. All this from a man who can't build hotels without illegal workers.
You people are remarkably gullible.
Trump would make them pay thru trade deals. He has already said he would negotiate. By setting the table with a very strong position, he can then agree to something that would be easier to achieve.
First off both she and Bill are potential blackmail candidates--Hil because she left her emails for the world to see and who knows what she deleted. Bill is subject because of his immorality especially his trips to Orgy Island with Epstein. There was a deal that Hil had to approve that resulted in our uranium ending up in Iran. The Clintons have already pocketed millions from foreign countries who were buying influence so who knows what quid pro quo deals have already been make. . Trade deals, increasing immigration levels from certain countries & Foreign aid, ignoring sanction violations like she did with Sweden during the Iran sanctions.
Matic, I know I won't convince u to not vote for Hil because your mind is made up. Just like my mind is made up to never vote for a Clinton.