If Trump is nominated, I'll vote for the democrat..

If someone is a corrupt and dishonest as hil, I am afraid she will conclude that she is indeed above the law and we could see a scandal beyond any we have ever had. There is much more upside for Donald as a businessman, problem solver, and leader than Hil.

I see virtually no upside to Trump. Even if he had a plan, nobody would work with him.
An imposter that has less leadership skills than a monkey is already in the White house now. I think Trump scares you so because your 8 year vacation will come to a screeching halt if Trump gets elected.

Right after Trump escorts 14 million people across the southern border, humbles Putin and bends Congress to his will, he can start forcing whites to pick produce, clean toilets and kill chickens.
He is playing people like you.
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Like I said..gullible.
Sure thing, Trump will kick out 14 million immigrants and force Mexico to pay for a 2600 mile fence. All this from a man who can't build hotels without illegal workers.
You people are remarkably gullible.

1.The wall would be for approx 1000 miles. 2. One other thing he can do is put a tax on all money that is wired back to Mexico by Immigrants. 3. His contractors hire workers not Trump. I hired a company to put on a new roof but I don't know whether his workers are legal or illegal. Have u ever seen a CEO hiring the low level workers in their corporation? Also, during the winter in Fla there is a shortage of legal workers because hotels and resorts add people.
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how do you want your " crow " prepared ?

Rubio might could beat Clinton. Other than his being nominated, it'll take criminal charges or bad health to keep Clinton from becoming our next POTUS.
Look at the upside, it'll give you and millions of others somebody to focus your anger on.
1.The wall would be for approx 1000 miles. 2. One other thing he can do is put a tax on all money that is wired back to Mexico by Immigrants. 3. His contractors hire workers not Trump. I hired a company to put on a new roof but I don't know whether his workers are legal or illegal. Have u ever seen a CEO hiring the low level workers in their corporation? Also, during the winter in Fla there is a shortage of legal workers because hotels and resorts add people.

Do you even know how absurd it is to think Trump can/will remove 14 million ( likely considerably more) illegals from this country when he can't even control a few job sites under his management ? He is absolutely pulling your strings. How can you believe he'll do things even Alabama's leaders abandoned after cracking down on undocumented labor virtually shut down key industries in that state ?
Trump is as FOS as they come. He takes pandering to voters to the most ridiculous levels ever.
With the whole truth was posted I'd bet you've hated The Clintons for decades.
The foreign capital has gone into building hospitals and drilling water wells in Africa. I'm sure Hillary won't give the country away.

Now who is being gullible. In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from?
Right after Trump escorts 14 million people across the southern border, humbles Putin and bends Congress to his will, he can start forcing whites to pick produce, clean toilets and kill chickens.
He is playing people like you.
I already have a career (so I do not need to do so),but I will pick up pecans on my farm for profit, but thanks for the suggestion.
I already have a career (so I do not need to do so),but I will pick up pecans on my farm for profit, but thanks for the suggestion.

I'm sure your kids will do their parts and hang chickens on meat hooks while they flop around in anguish and shit all over their clothes.
That and thousands of other jobs is what those devious, lazy Mexicans do every day in this country.

The speeches have nothing to do with donations to the charities.
I'm all for every public servant having a 10 year moratorium on working for government contractors and any other profiteering from their time in office.
I'm sure your kids will do their parts and hang chickens on meat hooks while they flop around in anguish and shit all over their clothes.
That and thousands of other jobs is what those devious, lazy Mexicans do every day in this country.
If I had kids they would be better prepared for life than that, but once again thanks for the suggestion. Jobs such as those got done before the illegal invaders moved in for free goodies from our overtaxed citizens.
The speeches have nothing to do with donations to the charities.
I'm all for every public servant having a 10 year moratorium on working for government contractors and any other profiteering from their time in office.

The exorbitant speech fees were a legal way for the Clintons to sell influence. If u don't believe that u are naive.
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The exorbitant speech fees were a legal way for the Clintons to sell influence. If u don't believe that u are naive.

Carter is the only POTUS in modern history who didn't profiteer off his time as POTUS, and the right hates his guts.
Again, I'm all for moratoriums against profiting off the office, whether it's from joining a defense contractor full time, being on a BOD, lobbying, or leaving office, flying to Japan and taking 2 million from the Japanese as Reagan did less than 2 weeks after leaving office.
If I had kids they would be better prepared for life than that, but once again thanks for the suggestion. Jobs such as those got done before the illegal invaders moved in for free goodies from our overtaxed citizens.

So you have no answers as to who will take the millions of important jobs for menial pay currently being filled by Mexicans and Central Americans.

That puts you in company with leaders in the liberal bastion of Alabama, which completely backed away from enforcing the strictest anti-illegal alien laws in the country after just 4 years because their economy was suffering from an inability to find workers to fill many jobs.
Alabama even went back to work gangs from prisons to pick crops, but their production was a fraction of what those lazy Mexicans had produced. Now it's back to looking the other way, just like Trump has always done on his projects.
So you have no answers as to who will take the millions of important jobs for menial pay currently being filled by Mexicans and Central Americans.

That puts you in company with leaders in the liberal bastion of Alabama, which completely backed away from enforcing the strictest anti-illegal alien laws in the country after just 4 years because their economy was suffering from an inability to find workers to fill many jobs.
Alabama even went back to work gangs from prisons to pick crops, but their production was a fraction of what those lazy Mexicans had produced. Now it's back to looking the other way, just like Trump has always done on his projects.
THe answer would be all the welfare recipients that are the most in history under this administration, they should be forced to work to help pay for their goodies and get off the government tit. I would dig septic ditches before i accept any government handouts , to many people that have no problem leeching off the tax payers and producers of this nation. I have a heart to if they are disabled we can find work for them, it will also improve their self esteem.
So you have no answers as to who will take the millions of important jobs for menial pay currently being filled by Mexicans and Central Americans.

That puts you in company with leaders in the liberal bastion of Alabama, which completely backed away from enforcing the strictest anti-illegal alien laws in the country after just 4 years because their economy was suffering from an inability to find workers to fill many jobs.
Alabama even went back to work gangs from prisons to pick crops, but their production was a fraction of what those lazy Mexicans had produced. Now it's back to looking the other way, just like Trump has always done on his projects.

Temporary work visas are a viable possibility. I hear employers cry about no labor but have they tried raising their wages. Matic, u lampoon Trump for his contractors hiring illegals and then make the case that we need them because there is a shortage of labor. My brother is a builder in Fla and says he can't be competitve without hring illegals. But if they werent there, builders would have to pay higher wages. Illegal immigrants are one big reason why wages have been flat. .
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Temporary work visas are a viable possibility. I hear employers cry about no labor but have they tried raising their wages. Matic, u lampoon Trump for his contractors hiring illegals and then make the case that we need them because there is a shortage of labor. My brother is a builder in Fla and says he can't be competitve without hring illegals. But if they werent there, builders would have to pay higher wages. Illegal immigrants are one big reason why wages have been flat. .

It's a valid issue, but deporting a minimum 14 million people, most of which do menial, but critical jobs is not going to happen. If that's what Trump is promising, he's lying.
I was a contractor through the huge growth years in immigrant labor, so I've experienced the drop in not so much wages, but the price of piece work. I've mostly done a job like an addition at the price I bid, and only got paid if the result was satisfactory. To me that is as pure a bargain as there is.
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It's a valid issue, but deporting a minimum 14 million people, most of which do menial, but critical jobs is not going to happen. If that's what Trump is promising, he's lying.
I was a contractor through the huge growth years in immigrant labor, so I've experienced the drop in not so much wages, but the price of piece work. I've mostly done a job like an addition at the price I bid, and only got paid if the result was satisfactory. To me that is as pure a bargain as there is.

U keep bringing up the deportation of 14MM people. I agree that there will not be an abrupt roundup but I could see gradual deportation, enforcing e-verify, cutting back and keeping track of H1-B & H2-B visas, enforcing the borders, etc. Here is where a lot of people are on Trump. People are willing to overlook many of his negatives because they want an outsider. Someone that will blow up the system in DC where the pols, big business, unions, etc make decisions behind closed doors and what the people want is not even a consideration. There has to be a govt that is for "We the People". Trade deals for the American people. Immigration policy for the benefit of the American people.
Similarly Bernie has a lot of proposals that won't be enacted either and the people for him are looking for an outsider that will blow up the crony capitalism prevalent in DC.
Hil is same old,same old. Thus little enthusiasm for her.