This is why people vote for Trump.

All I hear is me me me me .

Normalizing insanity is what this is, and it makes normal people look at Democrats like they have lost their freaking minds.

That was my point, which in my mind I thought was pretty obvious but many have Trump Derangement Syndrome , so their brain is broken.

I find it interesting that we discuss stuff on here all the time that has literally nothing to do with us personally , but tampons for junior high and high school kids is ok because it doesnt effect me. Wtf?
Well....the one place we can be selfish is the ballot box. You get to vote your way and I will vote mine.

I'm not normalizing anything. I'm agnostic to it because there are issues WAY more important to me than tampons.

It's Minnesota's issue right now and I don't live in Minnesota. So I literally can't do anything about it. If the initiative came up in Georgia and it's on the ballot I'm probably voting against it due to it being fiscally irresponsible, not because of how it makes me feel.
You must be traumatized from all the badness from the Orange Man! The country is falling apart and the world is burning and right now nobody is running the country but Trump hurt me.

Your folk chose the orange man. Your folk didn't have to. And now your folk are losing. It is what it is. If your folk lose this time will they pout like last time and say someone cheated or accept defeat with humility. learn from it and not put this kind of candidate up for POTUS again?
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Your folk chose the orange man. Your folk didn't have to. And now your folk are losing. It is what it is. If your folk lose this time will they pout like last time and say someone cheated or accept defeat with humility. learn from it and not put this kind of candidate up for POTUS again?
You have a daughter? Want some tranny in her bathroom w his dick out?
I haven't gone into girls' bathrooms, but just from the movies, seems they have stalls only. Do they walk around outside of the stall naked? Just asking. Can honestly say I haven't seen dudes walking around with their pants down in men's'bathrooms. I'm just one person, but haven't seen it.
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I haven't gone into girls' bathrooms, but just from the movies, seems they have stalls only. Do they walk around outside of the stall naked? Just asking. Can honestly say I haven't seen dudes walking around with their pants down in mens' bathrooms. I'm just one person, but haven't seen it.
Burning Fran Healy GIF by Travis
Question: How many trans people do you know? How many do you see every day of your life?

It's so much fear man. For what? Much energy wasted here.
Everything Dems worry and bitch constantly about- we are righteous and great.

" The Orange Man said bad words and Russia Russia Russia"
" The Orange Man and Elon are bad and we must sue them because they hurt our fee fees"

Everything Repubs worry about- you guys are so fearful and waste so much energy!

You see the double standard here?

Oh and btw, I work in downtown Savannah and SCAD is right around the corner, and by my count I see at least 5 trans folks a day, since you asked for a number.
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Everything Dems worry and bitch constantly about- we are righteous and great.

" The Orange Man said bad words and Russia Russia Russia"
" The Orange Man and Elon are bad and we must sue them because they hurt our fee fees"

Everything Repubs worry about- you guys are so fearful and waste so much energy!

You see the double standard here?

Oh and btw, I work in downtown Savannah and SCAD is right around the corner, and by my count I see at least 5 trans folks a day, since you asked for a number.
The Orange Man is the reason Democrats believe they can win. Most Democrats who believe it is really important to have a Democrat in office are probably thankful for Orange Man.

But me? I'd rather just not have the drama and have two regular candidates from both parties, which probably would mean we'd have a Republican in the White House. But, you went with Orange Man. Price you pay.
But me? I'd rather just not have the drama and have two regular candidates from both parties, which probably would mean we'd have a Republican in the White House. But, you went with Orange Man. Price you pay.

This we can agree on.
I support Harris because Trump publicly asked Russia to help him win by releasing things they had hacked (not saying he colluded with them, so please stop going there), publicly took the Russian side over our own intelligence before the world, said he just walks up and grabs women by their vaginas, slept with a Playboy model right after his wife had given birth to his son, ran a fake university and scammed people, took credit for helping a charity when he gave absolutely nothing to it, tried to "quid pro quo" Zelensky for help in winning a second term, tried to get his veep to put us in a Constitutional crisis, tried to get Arizona and Georgia Republicans to help him steal the election, and sat on his butt for three hours watching people he called to Washington attack the Capitol and did nothing. There's more, but I'll stop there. Has not one thing to do with feelings.
You don't like Orange Man, we get it. What do you like about Harris? Tell us why we should vote for Harris.
1: people's lack of hygiene personally affects me. As someone with a chronic illness...i would appreciate it if everyone would wash their hands after doing their business.

2: tampons in men's bathrooms does not personally affect ones that don't utilize their availability. Other than their "feelings".

3: it's not my idea and I don't live in Minnesota so this "sick idea" literally doesn't affect all. My life hasn't changed between pre-tampon Tim and post-tampon Tim.

4: as one poster put above, I can actually get on board that it's a waste of tax payer money. Thats a debate worth having. But "it's sick" or "it's the mindset" or "it wasn't that way when I was growing up" are weak arguments in my opinion and are more personal feelings rather than substantive rebuttals.
good that you want people to have good hygiene…I would hope everybody does. Tampons in the boys rest room, gtfoh imo and you’ve made your tampon opinion clear…it’s idiotic to me, but as they say everybody has one.

Next question

See...not hard and my world didn't end when asked...

Again...what harm is this tampon issue causing?
In a vaccum you are right....who cares? But it is one of 100 things that are symptomatic of an all encompassing death of common sense that seemed to begin with the pandemic. Like men in womens sports, etc.

Next question

See...not hard and my world didn't end when asked...

Again...what harm is this tampon issue causing?
It is undermining truth. There are men and there are women. I don’t care what someone says they identify as if it does not impose on other people and put others at harm. This feeds the delusion and affects other people.
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I like Harris because I haven't seen her do those things I listed.
Still sounds like a dislike for Trump more so than a like for Harris. So, you agree with her policies? If so, please enlighten us on what she stands for since she will not tell the rest of the American public.
Still sounds like a dislike for Trump more so than a like for Harris. So, you agree with her policies? If so, please enlighten us on what she stands for since she will not tell the rest of the American public.
It's definitely a dislike for Trump more than a like for Harris. Honestly, I don't understand you guys. Potimus Willie gets mad about this because I tell him the truth like I do you. I'm not voting on policy. I don't disagree with her on all of her policies, but it's not even something I'm invested in that much.

It's just that's I know it's policy and if it's not good and the people want something different the next time, they can vote her out and she won't claim she won before it's at least called by a major network. She won't make false claims about machines and dead voters and mules and such. And she won't ask Walz to hold up the certification. It's a pretty low bar, but as long as I'm confident in that, my support is hers.

Now if I felt the same about the nominee from the other side, I'd start looking at policy. But that's just not the case.
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Your folk chose the orange man. Your folk didn't have to. And now your folk are losing. It is what it is. If your folk lose this time will they pout like last time and say someone cheated or accept defeat with humility. learn from it and not put this kind of candidate up for POTUS again?
But will they burn cities?
I haven't gone into girls' bathrooms, but just from the movies, seems they have stalls only. Do they walk around outside of the stall naked? Just asking. Can honestly say I haven't seen dudes walking around with their pants down in men's'bathrooms. I'm just one person, but haven't seen it.
And the ones w showers?
I have 2. But not sure how to make the leap from "tampons in boys bathrooms" to "trannies w dicks out in girls bathrooms".

Seems like separate issues...

The connection is both are ok to the retarded libs.

Next question

See...not hard and my world didn't end when asked...

Again...what harm is this tampon issue causing?
I’ll give another try…because tampons in boys restrooms is another delusional idea by Dems trying to normalize their idiotic thinking. That’s all I got…if you disagree and or want to take up for such foolishness, have at it.
Why is the tampon thing such a big deal? Honestly?

I'm more grossed out/sickened by the dudes who go to the bathroom and don't wash their hands.
First of all, a man who thinks he’s a woman doesn’t bleed no matter how much he believes he’s a woman. So we are taking money from hard-working taxpayers to provide tampons for people who don’t need them. And you don’t have a problem with that?

If I had an uncle who served in the war and thought he was still there and went around shooting at people, I wouldn’t encourage him. Yet if my son thinks he’s a girl, I’m supposed to encourage him to cut off his balls and change his whole life? There’s no science that says this works, it’s sick and you are not helping any
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First of all, a man who thinks he’s a woman doesn’t bleed no matter how much he believes he’s a woman. So we are taking money from hard-working taxpayers to provide tampons for people who need them. And you don’t have a problem with that?

If I had an uncle who served in the war and thought he was still there and went around shooting at people, I wouldn’t encourage him. Yet if my son thinks he’s a girl, I’m supposed to encourage him to cut off his balls and change his whole life? There’s no science that says this works, it’s sick and you are not helping any
streaming will ferrell GIF
It's definitely a dislike for Trump more than a like for Harris. Honestly, I don't understand you guys. Potimus Willie gets mad about this because I tell him the truth like I do you. I'm not voting on policy. I don't disagree with her on all of her policies, but it's not even something I'm invested in that much.

It's just that's I know it's policy and if it's not good and the people want something different the next time, they can vote her out and she won't claim she won before it's at least called by a major network. She won't make false claims about machines and dead voters and mules and such. And she won't ask Walz to hold up the certification. It's a pretty low bar, but as long as I'm confident in that, my support is hers.

Now if I felt the same about the nominee from the other side, I'd start looking at policy. But that's just not the case.
I guess that's why I/we can't understand. Every election is the most important election in your life. You can't afford to say "oh well, we will get it right next time". Next time may be too late. I would recommend reviewing the political views of both candidates and voting on policies, not so much whether you like the person or not. Just my take.
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First of all, a man who thinks he’s a woman doesn’t bleed no matter how much he believes he’s a woman. So we are taking money from hard-working taxpayers to provide tampons for people who need them. And you don’t have a problem with that?
you missed future responses from me, where I actually stated that I would not vote for it if it was on the ballot in Georgia for that specific reason (fiscally irresponsible). it’s actually one of the better arguments in this entire thread rather than “it’s weird“.
good that you want people to have good hygiene…I would hope everybody does. Tampons in the boys rest room, gtfoh imo and you’ve made your tampon opinion clear…it’s idiotic to me, but as they say everybody has one.
Everyone want to calm down now? Tampons aren't in in boys bathrooms.

Well....the one place we can be selfish is the ballot box. You get to vote your way and I will vote mine.

I'm not normalizing anything. I'm agnostic to it because there are issues WAY more important to me than tampons.

It's Minnesota's issue right now and I don't live in Minnesota. So I literally can't do anything about it. If the initiative came up in Georgia and it's on the ballot I'm probably voting against it due to it being fiscally irresponsible, not because of how it makes me feel.
So you aren't worried that some schools are now literally teaching elementary school children that males can have menstrual cycles? You don't worry that some school systems will now tell your child to feel free to explore their gender identity without notifying the parents that their child appears to be sexually confused? Do you feel like Pols that are willing to screw around with prepubescent boys and girls minds about sexual orientation is the leaders you wish to support?

I can remember when libs wanted schools to teach our kids the 3 Rs and to leave social issues to the parents. Now those libs want schools to feel free to indoctrinate kids without parental knowledge. Amazing.
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Again...why care how another individual wants to identify?
Don't care one bit how an adult chooses to identify. Of course I'm not going to endorse the idea that Rachel Levine is a woman but I wish him the best in his personal life. What I strongly oppose is Rachel Levine and or state ran schools teaching prepubescent children that men can have menstrual cycles and that is what tampons in boys bathrooms enforces.

The science on male/female is settled and teaching elementary school children anything but scientific facts is indoctrination. I would hope you would want your children and grandchildren to understand the science rather than the politics of gender.
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