Trump insults our war dead...again

So, he didn't say what he said? What's your alternative interpretation?

Since video evidence clearly isn't sufficient, here is the transcript of the video.

"I watch Sheldon sitting so proud in the White House. When we gave her the Presidential Medal of Freedom… It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor— it’s actually much better because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.

See above. He literally said, "it's actually much better". Those are his words, and he then explains why it's better.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is in no way equal to the MOH. Being a casino billionaire, talk radio bloviator (Rush Limbaugh), or a football coach (Trump tried to give it to Belichick, who refused it) is in no way an equivalent honor to winning the MOH. Give me a break.

Next, y'all can explain to us how Trump didn't actually say this.

You're being dishonest again. It's already been pointed out in the post you quoted how you made stuff up.
Those two statements do not mean the same thing, especially in the context provided.
a synonym for "better" is "higher quality". And in this case...."much higher quality".

He was doing his typical trump bravado and meant what he said: An award that he gave to a civilian, in this instance because of her health and beauty, was of much higher quality (much better) than the medal of honor, the recipients of which have been shot or killed.

I just can't defend him here even in a context debate. It's a losing battle if you have to argue context
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According to Trump, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor.

“Because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.”

Give enough money (in the case, $138m) to his campaign, and in Trump's eyes you are a greater patriot than those awarded the MOH.

Can we finally acknowledge that John Kelly was telling the truth regarding Trump's comments about our war dead?

I'll look forward to y'all explaining how he didn't actually mean what he said, or it's taken out of context, or he was joking (because the MOH is such a funny topic), or Tim Walz only served 24 years. This will be rich.

military and veterans love trump and hate Biden (the VAST MAJORITY) so whether he did or whether he didnt its a moot point ultimately
a synonym for "better" is "higher quality". And in this case...."much higher quality".

He was doing his typical trump bravado and meant what he said: An award that he gave to a civilian, in this instance because of her health and beauty, was of much higher quality (much better) than the medal of honor, the recipients of which have been shot or killed.

I just can't defend him here even in a context debate. It's a losing battle if you have to argue context
No, he was talking about the conditions and qualifications to receive each award and why the conditions for one is better than the other.

If Biden approached you today and asked if you'd rather have the MoF or MoH, but you have to enlist real quick then get shot and possibly killed to get the MoH, which are you taking?

I personally would take the MoF because it's better for me not to be shot and/or dead. That doesn't mean the MoH is less prestigious at all. But it does mean the MoF is the better deal in the context of comparing the two.

You people pretend like Trump didn't outline the differences between the 2. They are equivalent in the sense that they are the highest honors for their respective classes of eligible people. That's it.
Yeah so much worse than Biden and the dems
Who actually put our soldiers in the ground, like
In Afghanistan. Among which side has more respect from the military, it’s a clear choice.
No bigger insult than watching that POS Biden stare at his watch, wishing he was at his primary home beach house in Delaware, when the remains of the Marines were loaded off the plane….The Marines that were killed in the line of duty during ‘ complete withdrawal debacle in Afghanistan (the remains of the Marines that Biden denied even dying in his pathetic debate performance). ….a true insult!!!
a synonym for "better" is "higher quality". And in this case...."much higher quality".

He was doing his typical trump bravado and meant what he said: An award that he gave to a civilian, in this instance because of her health and beauty, was of much higher quality (much better) than the medal of honor, the recipients of which have been shot or killed.

I just can't defend him here even in a context debate. It's a losing battle if you have to argue context
That is just it. It is like taking what you say and going to the worst possible place with it. I am not saying trump doesn’t try to bring some of that on. He does. But some of the context stuff done to him is ridiculous. It is even used in ads. That is my issue.
Those two statements do not mean the same thing, especially in the context provided.
Ah, I see we are going to engage in a pedantic parsing of words. Ok. I'm game.

I'll update my position. Trump deeply insulted MOH winners by suggesting that the MOH is "equivalent to" the Presidential Medal of Freedom and, for the winners, "it's actually much better" because to win the PMF, it isn't necessary to put your life on the line or die for your country.

Here are a few of the people Trump awarded the PMF to:
Babe Ruth
Elvis Pressley
Edwin Meese
Mariano Rivera
Tiger Woods
Bob Cousy
Lou Holtz
Rush Limbaugh
Jim Jordan

Even suggesting that the PMF is the equivalent to the MOH, much less in any way better, is just the latest in a long list of insults from Trump about the military.
But you have proven to be clairvoyant with your support of Joe. So you don’t count. You clearly saw thru his declining mental health.
You still don't get it. It didn't matter to me. They could've wheeled Joe out on a gurney for that debate, and I would have done whatever I could do to see Trump never saw the WH again. Did I not want to believe he was in decline like many thought? Sure. Remember, I have TDS. And proudly so.
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These are the Marines that the complete dumba$$ Biden denied being killed under his watch..even though the stupid SOB attended the arrival of their dead bodies home…pretty clear by his actions, he could care less, and wanted to be anywhere but there…WHAT AN INSULT!!!
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According to Trump, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor.

“Because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.”

Give enough money (in the case, $138m) to his campaign, and in Trump's eyes you are a greater patriot than those awarded the MOH.

Can we finally acknowledge that John Kelly was telling the truth regarding Trump's comments about our war dead?

I'll look forward to y'all explaining how he didn't actually mean what he said, or it's taken out of context, or he was joking (because the MOH is such a funny topic), or Tim Walz only served 24 years. This will be rich.

If someone is going to claim that Fonald Trump does not say stupid things in public, they’d be wrong. Lol

Luckily, he was ACTUALLY ALREADY PRESIDENT BEFORE so we know what his terms will be like. And it’s pretty darn good.

Also, any time a democrat puts to a quick video on Twitter versus being proud of what Kamala did during her four years as VP is telling.
“it’s actually much better” doesn’t seem that ambiguous to me.

Guess I’m missing something.
Ah, I see we are going to engage in a pedantic parsing of words. Ok. I'm game.

I'll update my position. Trump deeply insulted MOH winners by suggesting that the MOH is "equivalent to" the Presidential Medal of Freedom and, for the winners, "it's actually much better" because to win the PMF, it isn't necessary to put your life on the line or die for your country.

Here are a few of the people Trump awarded the PMF to:
Babe Ruth
Elvis Pressley
Edwin Meese
Mariano Rivera
Tiger Woods
Bob Cousy
Lou Holtz
Rush Limbaugh
Jim Jordan

Even suggesting that the PMF is the equivalent to the MOH, much less in any way better, is just the latest in a long list of insults from Trump about the military.
They are equivalent, as the highest honor that can be awarded in each category (Military & Civilian).

It's telling that you didn't provide the full quote the first time. If it was so "clear", it wouldn't have been necessary.
Ah, I see we are going to engage in a pedantic parsing of words. Ok. I'm game.

I'll update my position. Trump deeply insulted MOH winners by suggesting that the MOH is "equivalent to" the Presidential Medal of Freedom and, for the winners, "it's actually much better" because to win the PMF, it isn't necessary to put your life on the line or die for your country.

Here are a few of the people Trump awarded the PMF to:
Babe Ruth
Elvis Pressley
Edwin Meese
Mariano Rivera
Tiger Woods
Bob Cousy
Lou Holtz
Rush Limbaugh
Jim Jordan

Even suggesting that the PMF is the equivalent to the MOH, much less in any way better, is just the latest in a long list of insults from Trump about the military.
I'm glad you finally adjusted your position because now it's in the realm of a reasonable conversation.

Obviously the MOH is a more prestigious honor given what it represents. Maybe Trump assumed people listening would have common sense to understand what he was saying. He did clearly distinguish between one being for civilians and the other for soldiers and what makes them "equivalent" is that they are the highest honors the POTUS can bestow, yet here we are with people pretending to not understand how that sets the context.

If anything, it's a backhanded compliment to Miriam. He talked about the great sacrifices required for a MOH then snickers while acknowledging all she had to do is show up.

It's really silly to think the clip is enough to validate any negative perception of Trump.

"Get Trump" never rests.
If anything, it's a backhanded compliment to Miriam. He talked about the great sacrifices required for a MOH then snickers while acknowledging all she had to do is show up.

100%. Poorly worded? Yes. Standard Trump. Not worthy of benefit of the doubt, given the full context? Only if you're looking for the worst or being intellectually dishonest.
Let's be honest here. It's just a weird thing to say. I don't even care if he meant exactly what you're saying. It's just not something that most would even think about doing. It's weird.

It's similar to his Hannibal Lecter, sharks and battery boats and Gettysburg Address stuff.

As Old GWB said at DT's inaugural, "That was some weird s***."
It is weird to you and maybe to others. The OP is totally dishonest and should be called out. You only will say what he said was weird. This is what is wrong with this board, our country and our future.
According to Trump, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor.

“Because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.”

Give enough money (in the case, $138m) to his campaign, and in Trump's eyes you are a greater patriot than those awarded the MOH.

Can we finally acknowledge that John Kelly was telling the truth regarding Trump's comments about our war dead?

I'll look forward to y'all explaining how he didn't actually mean what he said, or it's taken out of context, or he was joking (because the MOH is such a funny topic), or Tim Walz only served 24 years. This will be rich.

Utterly biased and off base post.
100%. Poorly worded? Yes. Standard Trump. Not worthy of benefit of the doubt, given the full context? Only if you're looking for the worst or being intellectually dishonest.
Thank you nailed it. Only someone hell bent on looking for something to call Trump out on would come to that conclusion. He has his moments where you do not have to reach very far and this was not it.
It is weird to you and maybe to others. The OP is totally dishonest and should be called out. You only will say what he said was weird. This is what is wrong with this board, our country and our future.

No what is wrong with the country is just blind loyalty. Whatever he "meant" was not clear enough, that objective people may have trouble understanding what the hell he is trying to say.

Why even bring it up?

Sometimes- it is OK to say nothing or just stay on the topic at hand..... ESPECIALLY when previous comments have already been controversial on this topic.
They are equivalent, as the highest honor that can be awarded in each category (Military & Civilian).

It's telling that you didn't provide the full quote the first time. If it was so "clear", it wouldn't have been necessary.
I started the thread by posting the entire video, so I'm not sure what you are referencing.

100%. Poorly worded? Yes. Standard Trump. Not worthy of benefit of the doubt, given the full context? Only if you're looking for the worst or being intellectually dishonest.
Benefit of the doubt? Are we pretending that Trump doesn't have a long history of comments on this topic that suggest a disrespect for our war dead? Who is being dishonest now? I even included a video of one of those "poorly worded" comments later in the thread.

Trump's former COS has confirmed that he personally heard Trump call our war dead suckers and losers. We have the word of Kelly against the word of Trump, and I'll make you a deal. You show me examples of where Kelly has publicly lied, and we can compare it to examples of Trump lying. I'll even agree to limit my search to lies from the last week and I'll still have too much to work with.

You and others give Trump a continual benefit of the doubt that he never earned and certainly doesn't deserve now. Avoiding STDs was my personal Vietnam, Russia, if you are listening, Proud Boys, stand back and stand by, we have proof of rampant voter fraud, yes, I gave back all of the documents. You have an excuse for every single one of them.

But somehow Trump is worthy of the benefit of the doubt on this or any topic. His history of lies, from the small to the outrageous, is extremely well documented but y'all will continue to not just give him a free pass, but insult those of us who don't.

Have a great weekend. I'm going to sign off for the day and go hang with my kids.
You still don't get it. It didn't matter to me. They could've wheeled Joe out on a gurney for that debate, and I would have done whatever I could do to see Trump never saw the WH again. Did I not want to believe he was in decline like many thought? Sure. Remember, I have TDS. And proudly so.
Agreed. But that isn’t what happened. You defended him at every turn. You even did the mental gymnastics with his pay for play scheme. It is all hunter right?

I do get it. I know it is all about trump. He will be gone at worst in four years. I will be very interested to see how this really changes things. I don’t care what Trump is like personally. Democracy statement doesn’t work anymore. That argument waved bye-bye after the coup. Presidents inact policies. They do matter as we have seen.

Here is the thing. Trump hasn’t changed what he is saying. Been pretty much the same. Kamala ran in California. Her views then left of left of left. Now she is trying to become president. What is she saying now? Something very different. What does that say to you?
Ah, I see we are going to engage in a pedantic parsing of words. Ok. I'm game.

I'll update my position. Trump deeply insulted MOH winners by suggesting that the MOH is "equivalent to" the Presidential Medal of Freedom and, for the winners, "it's actually much better" because to win the PMF, it isn't necessary to put your life on the line or die for your country.

Here are a few of the people Trump awarded the PMF to:
Babe Ruth
Elvis Pressley
Edwin Meese
Mariano Rivera
Tiger Woods
Bob Cousy
Lou Holtz
Rush Limbaugh
Jim Jordan

Even suggesting that the PMF is the equivalent to the MOH, much less in any way better, is just the latest in a long list of insults from Trump about the military.
Why do you people sit around and just wait to make stuff up about someone you hate. All of you should find something more useful to do with your time.
I started the thread by posting the entire video, so I'm not sure what you are referencing.

My first post in this thread. You inaccurately summarized the first part of the quote then provided the second half with full text.

Later, when you were called out after someone watched the video, you provided full written context and subsequently changed your argument.

The rest of your post is boiler plate from you that I have little interest in reengaging with you on, because it's either out of context, has been thoroughly addressed with you previously, or is wholly inaccurate.....additionally, when have I ever insulted you?

Have a great weekend & enjoy your kids.
The video with audio is posted in the OP.

The OP is not truthful.

There's no quote in the video where Trump says "the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor".

As a matter of fact, he clearly says the MoF is the highest civilian honor which is the civilian "equivalent" version of the MoH.

So for the OP to blatantly ignore a specific word that clarifies intent to make an assumption of the worst is pretty dishonest.

Trump saying the MoF is "better" was qualified with his comparison of how soldiers have to make great sacrifices to get the MoH while Miriam gets the MoF for being "a healthy beautiful woman".

Reading comprehension has been a problem in US schools for a long time, but listening skills might be even worse. That or we just have too many dishonest people around.

I'll go with the latter since there's also no quote or inference where Trump says "you are a greater patriot than those awarded the MOH".

Why do folks deal in lies?
Dishonesty is a hallmark of the dimocrats
Trump is the one who made the deal with the Taliban that promised full withdrawal by May 1st, 2021 and directly resulted in the release of 5000 hardened Taliban fighters, 4600 of whom were released by August 2020 and one of whom is currently leading the Taliban and the country.
Biden did sway with most of the other things Trump did like on the border etc. , but per you he couldn’t change that???? Trump has already in the past said that was not a firm date and only a fool would have did what Joe did.

Also, you seem to forget, Joe worries so much about the military he forgot allllllll about the 13 that died that day.

You are a shameless apologist for all things dimorat.
Yes... captain von bone spurs, the draft dodger, who insults our wounded and dead soldiers and diminishes the value of the medal of honor in favor of a damn civilian award because civilians aren't "shot up by bullets", has more respect for the military than the guy who...checks notes....had a son who put on the uniform. Clear choice for sure...

We weren't leaving Afghanistan unscathed. I fear the damage would have been worse with trump at the helm given his propensity to NOT LISTEN TO ADVISORS. We have seen that on display recently.
I will take the man who kept us out of any new wars, started bringing our men and women home. Made awesome improvements to the VA and showed many times he cares for our soldiers. Stupid comments and mean tweets don’t hurt as much as dead soldiers and giving billions of dollars in cash and weapons to our enemy.
That is just it. It is like taking what you say and going to the worst possible place with it. I am not saying trump doesn’t try to bring some of that on. He does. But some of the context stuff done to him is ridiculous. It is even used in ads. That is my issue.
It’s all they have Their side is so useless they have to lie and twist and make things up. Worse, they obviously think we are as stupid and wouldn’t see through their lies. Why else would anyone post anything so blatantly false.
You still don't get it. It didn't matter to me. They could've wheeled Joe out on a gurney for that debate, and I would have done whatever I could do to see Trump never saw the WH again. Did I not want to believe he was in decline like many thought? Sure. Remember, I have TDS. And proudly so.
Oh we get it. We know exactly.
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No what is wrong with the country is just blind loyalty. Whatever he "meant" was not clear enough, that objective people may have trouble understanding what the hell he is trying to say.

Why even bring it up?

Sometimes- it is OK to say nothing or just stay on the topic at hand..... ESPECIALLY when previous comments have already been controversial on this topic.
That is part of what is wrong. I think utter disdain is what allows someone to come to that conclusion. Blind loyalty on both sides causes people to look for ways to twist someone’s words to their worst possible meaning and act like that is the truth and was meant.
What the biggest problem I think that rules both sides is that they see a situation and make a judgement using their bias and even a limited view of the whole situation to frame it how they want. They then defend it vehemently like it is 100% true. The issue is that it is partly true and maybe even distorted truth to result in a desired outcome. None of us have the total truth about any of these situations and we should be willing to debate and learn from each other. That does not happen because people post inflammatory partial truths and act like you are an idiot to disagree.
Either way, it's just weird.
Or the old thing that already got beat?

The problem is that selling it as the current thing doesn't seem to be working, so keep doing it.
What? ABC, nbc, and cnn would back the brinks truck up do to a 3 hour interview with him tomorrow. The anchors there would stab someone to do that interview. I don’t think the selling is the problem.
If you mean just calling him weird, well it's true. This started way back. Maybe current, but been so for a loooooong time.

GWB at the 2017 inaugural "That was some weird sh**". 😂

The whole way he said that, equating the two awards and then like "Hey! You didn't have to die!" I mean, very normal way of giving out this honor.
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What? ABC, nbc, and cnn would back the brinks truck up do to a 3 hour interview with him tomorrow. The anchors there would stab someone to do that interview. I don’t think the selling is the problem.
You're not doing well right now anywhere and your GOAT can't talk about the things that matter because well, they're not really about him. I'm sorry.

"They're being very mean to me and they want to put me in jail." These are the important things for the GOAT.
You're not doing well right now anywhere and your GOAT can't talk about the things that matter because well, they're not really about him. I'm sorry.

"They're being very mean to me and they want to put me in jail." These are the important things for the GOAT.
What are you talking about. The only poll worth a shit says he is ahead at the moment. You guys need to be ahead 5 points to win.
What are you talking about. The only poll worth a shit says he is ahead at the moment. You guys need to be ahead 5 points to win.
Rasmussen is very right when the Republicans out perform expectation.

They are very wrong when Republicans underperform. They never predict underperformance.

It's not "the only one worth a shit". It's like saying "I'm good at predicting a Georgia win because every time Georgia wins, I predicted it. "

Take a look at their red wave predictions. They also had Trump within 1 percent of Biden in the popular vote and missed it by almost 4 points.
Rasmussen is very right when the Republicans out perform expectation.

They are very wrong when Republicans underperform.

It's not "the only one worth a shit". It's like saying "I'm good at predicting a Georgia win because every time Georgia wins, I predicted it. "
Same way you were on top of Joe’s mental state. Now we are promoting the worst of all time. How could I ever doubt you.

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