Trump insults our war dead...again

According to Trump, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor.

“Because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.”

Give enough money (in the case, $138m) to his campaign, and in Trump's eyes you are a greater patriot than those awarded the MOH.

Can we finally acknowledge that John Kelly was telling the truth regarding Trump's comments about our war dead?

I'll look forward to y'all explaining how he didn't actually mean what he said, or it's taken out of context, or he was joking (because the MOH is such a funny topic), or Tim Walz only served 24 years. This will be rich.

Typical for a draft dodging POS.
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Ok. Best wishes to Mr. Lippharddt. What if I told you he was a registered Democrat? Does that change anything?

Or that he said THIS in reference to Walz?

I'm not sure you can champion the first statement and not also embrace the second.

EDIT: I actually agree that Trump's statement was both asinine & flippant...but, that's far from your direct accusation that it was "insulting our war dead".
This MOH winner (and very successful capitalist) disagrees.

What's ironic here? I got news for you. You need to understand what primaries are and how nominations work. It's not what you think.
Yeah get’em KC. You know everything and we should all be thankful someone as thoughtful as you ud here to keep us straight. LMBO ROFLMBO

You need to save all your post. One day you will grow up and they may be a reminder not to do drugs.
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This MOH winner (and very successful capitalist) disagrees.

Ok, so an NBC/MSNBC analyst who also did work for the Cobert Report, quoted by 'Occupy Democrats' is providing commentary uncolored by political leanings?

I've already stated above that Trump's statement was asinine & flippant. But, you continuing to link/quote commentary from people & organizations with a political bone to pick is making my point for me.
Ok, so an NBC/MSNBC analyst who also did work for the Cobert Report, quoted by 'Occupy Democrats' is providing commentary uncolored by political leanings?

I've already stated above that Trump's statement was asinine & flippant. But, you continuing to link/quote commentary from people & organizations with a political bone to pick is making my point for me.
Does the criticism from Vets of Foreign Wars make any difference to you?
Are you kidding me? I've heard him described as the best POTUS of people's lifetime. This ain't new. Heck, you think he's the person you need right now. You've said it. If she's the worst of all time, why is he struggling right now?

I think that is pretty self explanatory. Lots of Dems and independents out there. You voted for and supported a smooth brain like you were blind. This is just another hold my beer moment from your voting block.
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Why do you do this? Do you actually want to have legitimate discussions? Or just deflect w/ sarcasm and low-brow trolling?

You've independently noted that both zinger & I keep "missing your point" & vice versa. Maybe it's not us? You've self-admitted to never wanting to talk politics & now you spend a lot of time sniping from afar.

When you're ready to have a serious discussion, let me know.
He only wants to have a real discussion when he thinks he holds upper hand.
My bigger point in all of this is arguing that stuff doesn't amount to a hill of beans because I'm not voting on that stuff. I might be more concerned with it if I was choosing between Haley or Rubio and Harris. But I'm not. It is what it is. The reason I don't talk about that stuff is because in this election, it doesn't mean anything for me. I know you guys do because you want to pretend you nominated Reagan Jr. But you didn't.

Of course a lot of what you're saying is overreaction, but it's not even worth pointing it out because I'm not changing and neither are you.
The left and some on the right now will not call out their party or candidates on the BS they are allowing to pander to small factions of the parties. If nothing is said then we are all complicit. That is what most people are missing and doing nothing about. It starts by calling out the insanity and standing firm on the things that matter. The Republicans are only slightly better but the Dems totally pander or ignore the insanity. The Democratic Party is the most splintered I have ever seen it in my lifetime. The only thing holding it together is the hate for Trump. What most are missing is that the destruction that is being caused by the efforts to prosecute and oust him at all cost has caused great harm to the Democratic Party. Once the election is over, win or lose, these cluster of small groups who have been pandered too will devour those at the top. Much like what we say at The NY Times and other media outlets.
Ok, so an NBC/MSNBC analyst who also did work for the Cobert Report, quoted by 'Occupy Democrats' is providing commentary uncolored by political leanings?

I've already stated above that Trump's statement was asinine & flippant. But, you continuing to link/quote commentary from people & organizations with a political bone to pick is making my point for me.
When you can find one person who hates Trump and will parrot what the left wants that makes it so. Just like General Kelly. His word is greater than anyone else’s.
This is amazing everyone wants to believe something so they sift it through their desired outcomes and poof, we have the absolute truth.
Does the criticism from Vets of Foreign Wars make any difference to you?
There is this thing of taking a step back and looking at the total picture. Then making a decision. Everyone runs with what they want to believe. What if 5 MOH say the opposite? What would you do then? Everyone is too damn emotional. Common sense has gone out with the Braves chances of winning the World Series.
There is this thing of taking a step back and looking at the total picture. Then making a decision. Everyone runs with what they want to believe. What if 5 MOH say the opposite? What would you do then? Everyone is too damn emotional. Common sense has gone out with the Braves chances of winning the World Series.
This is so true. You can likely find a 1000 or more vets at his rallies. It is like you said a political ploy to turn any veteran voters they can. Democrats have never been considered supportive of the military. We could ask the question of them, why do you support a candidate the majority of vets do not? Democrats have proven to only care about veterans when it is time to vote

My donation list looks like this. I donate to animal shelters. The commercials get me. I have donated to the military more than any other cause. Probably twenty different causes. And I have donated to the local police and st Jude’s hospital. Never one political donation. Well, of course, uga.
The Pubs had other choices. They chose a loser. That's on them.

As usual, off topic deflection. The Dena have started the wars, outside of bush, who was a dem for all practical purposes. About to get us deeper now.

Point is, if your party’s candidates are responsible for burying soldiers, I’d stay quiet about others words.
As usual, off topic deflection. The Dena have started the wars, outside of bush, who was a dem for all practical purposes. About to get us deeper now.

Point is, if your party’s candidates are responsible for burying soldiers, I’d stay quiet about others words.
I am not sure what logic he was using in making that statement. The Democratic Party covered up the mental state of their candidate and then realized it was so bad they could not move forward with the charade and replaced him with the worst VP ever, at least that I have seen. Everything she was in charge of turned to crap or you cannot account for the money allocated for it. She makes Biden and Trump look great.
Anything but Trump is what he
I am not sure what logic he was using in making that statement. The Democratic Party covered up the mental state of their candidate and then realized it was so bad they could not move forward with the charade and replaced him with the worst VP ever, at least that I have seen. Everything she was in charge of turned to crap or you cannot account for the money allocated for it. She makes Biden and Trump look great.
Some people will vote for anything to keep Trump out of office. They are just so scared he is going to clea
I addressed that above. He also blasted Walz for his "stolen valor". Nobody seemed to care what he had to say, then.
A vet has the right to blast another vet if he wants, especially one who has been in battle. Silly for Vance to do it when the guy he is defending constantly used his daddy's money and influence to avoid serving at all.

The thing in all of this is Republicans used to say they were the "pro military" party. Either have little to say about or in some cases strongly defend Trump's remarks. Imagine if a Democrat had said any of the things.
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A vet has the right to blast another vet if he wants, especially one who has been in battle. Silly for Vance to do it when the guy he is defending constantly used his daddy's money and influence to avoid serving at all.

The thing in all of this is Republicans used to say they were the "pro military" party. Either have little to say about or in some cases strongly defend Trump's remarks. Imagine if a Democrat had said any of the things.
If you can’t say anything nice about someone then don’t say anything at all.
A vet has the right to blast another vet if he wants, especially one who has been in battle. Silly for Vance to do it when the guy he is defending constantly used his daddy's money and influence to avoid serving at all.

Trump never campaigned or tried to score political points by blatantly lying about military service. That's the entire point.

The thing in all of this is Republicans used to say they were the "pro military" party. Either have little to say about or in some cases strongly defend Trump's remarks. Imagine if a Democrat had said any of the things.
Strawmen are a sure sign of a losing argument.
Trump never campaigned or tried to score political points by blatantly lying about military service. That's the entire point.

Strawmen are a sure sign of a losing argument.
I really don't care if I lose an argument. Don't know who is keeping score. Most of this stuff is pointless. Would like to get back to normalcy at some point, but conservatives are hell bent on burning it all down and going another way.

Was talking to a friend the other day and he said he was trying to explain to his kids that this is not a normal POTUS election. One is a freshman in college, one is a junior in high school, one is a freshman in high school. Their third one he said where they had some idea of what it is and they still haven't seen a normal one. Will we get back there? I do not know. For whatever reason, when others try the Trump way, it doesn't work for them. There is that hope.
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A vet has the right to blast another vet if he wants, especially one who has been in battle. Silly for Vance to do it when the guy he is defending constantly used his daddy's money and influence to avoid serving at all.

The thing in all of this is Republicans used to say they were the "pro military" party. Either have little to say about or in some cases strongly defend Trump's remarks. Imagine if a Democrat had said any of the things.

I really don't care if I lose an argument. Don't know who is keeping score. Most of this stuff is pointless. Would like to get back to normalcy at some point, but conservatives are hell bent on burning it all down and going another way.

Was talking to a friend the other day and he said he was trying to explain to his kids that this is not a normal POTUS election. One is a freshman in college, one is a junior in high school, one is a freshman in high school. Their third one he said where they had some idea of what it is and they still haven't seen a normal one. Will we get back there? I do not know. For whatever reason, when others try the Trump way, it doesn't work for them. There is that hope.
Wow conservatives want to burn down what?
You seem to be confused. The radical change and desired to burn everything down is from the left.
Are you honestly being serious?
Wow conservatives want to burn down what?
You seem to be confused. The radical change and desired to burn everything down is from the left.
Are you honestly being serious?
Not at all. Republicans worked really hard to stop the peaceful transfer of power, to give the POTUS the right to do any illegal thing he wants without being held accountable (could come back and bite later), seem to be all in on getting rid of the Dept. of Education which has been operating for near half a century. That's among many other things. Seems like a go back in time and start all over plan to me. How far? Except of course giving the POTUS more power and less checks and balances. The very thing we didn't want at the start of the Republic.
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According to Trump, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor.

“Because everyone who gets the Congressional Medal of Honor, they’re soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets or they’re dead. She gets it and she’s a healthy beautiful woman.”

Give enough money (in the case, $138m) to his campaign, and in Trump's eyes you are a greater patriot than those awarded the MOH.

Can we finally acknowledge that John Kelly was telling the truth regarding Trump's comments about our war dead?

I'll look forward to y'all explaining how he didn't actually mean what he said, or it's taken out of context, or he was joking (because the MOH is such a funny topic), or Tim Walz only served 24 years. This will be rich.

Please save your politics for another site. I come here as an escape. Go dawgs. Go Republican Party.
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Not at all. Republicans worked really hard to stop the peaceful transfer of power, to give the POTUS the right to do any illegal thing he wants without being held accountable (could come back and bite later), seem to be all in on getting rid of the Dept. of Education which has been operating for near half a century. That's among many other things. Seems like a go back in time and start all over plan to me. How far? Except of course giving the POTUS more power and less checks and balances. The very thing we didn't want at the start of the Republic.
If that was working really hard to stop the peaceful transfer of power they are more inept than any organization in the world. If that was the goal that is true. It was not the goal of the party and might have been sliver of a goal of a few. The vast majority, and I mean vast majority, were there to protest the shadiness for a lack of a better word of how some the election processes were changed and how votes were counted. There were many more things that happened during the 2020 election than have ever happened before. That leads to skepticism and doubt which was understood in my opinion. I think there needed to be a peaceful protest to say election integrity is important and safeguards should be in place. Things got out of hand by a small percentage of people who were there. Yes it was wrong no doubt , yes some need to pay for what they did. I believe there were people not involved with Trump or the Republican Party who helped incite people as well.
Your second statement if factually incorrect. I assume you mean the SCOTUS ruling, which does not say what you said. Exaggeration, not reading the ruling thoroughly or out right lie I am not sure.
The department of education is one of the worst federal departments we currently have. Can you name things that they have done that are noteworthy. This where there should be little done at the federal level and more done at the state and local levels.
Biden has done more things that are outright authoritarian than Trump ever did.
Does the criticism from Vets of Forei

Not at all. Republicans worked really hard to stop the peaceful transfer of power, to give the POTUS the right to do any illegal thing he wants without being held accountable (could come back and bite later), seem to be all in on getting rid of the Dept. of Education which has been operating for near half a century. That's among many other things. Seems like a go back in time and start all over plan to me. How far? Except of course giving the POTUS more power and less checks and balances. The very thing we didn't want at the start of the Republic.
Vapors much? LOL

Hmmmm, dims want to restructure the supreme court because their lam brain ideas get slapped around regularly.
Dims have weaponized the DOJ
Dims want to do away with the electoral college

Yoi are blind to the truth.
I will take the man who kept us out of any new wars, started bringing our men and women home. Made awesome improvements to the VA and showed many times he cares for our soldiers. Stupid comments and mean tweets don’t hurt as much as dead soldiers and giving billions of dollars in cash and weapons to our enemy.
I addressed that above. He also blasted Walz for his "stolen valor". Nobody seemed to care what he had to say, then.
They gave him a mulligan and he sliced his second shot, bounced the ball off the cart and hit himself in the nads.

Getting the answer to this question right should have been as easy a win as exists in national politics, he almost certainly knew the question was coming, and he still couldn't pull it off.

They gave him a mulligan and he sliced his second shot, bounced the ball off the cart and hit himself in the nads.

Getting the answer to this question right should have been as easy a win as exists in national politics, he almost certainly knew the question was coming, and he still couldn't pull it off.

I'd give him a shovel but he's doing a good enough job digging this hole himself...

If you are are losing. Period.
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Trump never campaigned or tried to score political points by blatantly lying about military service. That's the entire point.

Strawmen are a sure sign of a losing argument.
Ok, we have a new event to discuss. Instead of leading the witness, I’ll let you do your own research. This seems a confirmation of the accusations I made in this thread, but perhaps you disagree.

I’ll note that this isn’t just reporting from NPR. Arlington National Cemetery confirmed they filed a report.

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Ok, we have a new event to discuss. Instead of leading the witness, I’ll let you do your own research. This seems a confirmation of the accusations I made in this thread, but perhaps you disagree.

I’ll note that this isn’t just reporting from NPR. Arlington National Cemetery confirmed they filed a report.

He was there. Neither Biden nor Harris were. No matter how biased you are, that's a bad look especially since the Ds are already viewed as anti-military and lie all the the time abt Afghanistan.

Here's a Q for you. Why is Biden allowed to immediately remove his name from the ballot in all 50 states but Mich is refusing to remove RFK from the ballot at his request? Weird.
He was there. Neither Biden nor Harris were. No matter how biased you are, that's a bad look especially since the Ds are already viewed as anti-military and lie all the the time abt Afghanistan.

Here's a Q for you. Why is Biden allowed to immediately remove his name from the ballot in all 50 states but Mich is refusing to remove RFK from the ballot at his request? Weird.

He was there. Neither Biden nor Harris were. No matter how biased you are, that's a bad look especially since the Ds are already viewed as anti-military and lie all the the time abt Afghanistan.

Here's a Q for you. Why is Biden allowed to immediately remove his name from the ballot in all 50 states but Mich is refusing to remove RFK from the ballot at his request? Weird.
Absolutely fair question. I don’t know the answer, because there are 50 sets of election laws, designed to decentralize the process and inhibit tampering and interference.

Are you seriously quoting CNN? And are you seriously questioning Trump's bona fides on this issue when you support Obama/Biden/Harris?

Your knee. Take it.
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Are you seriously quoting CNN? And are you seriously questioning Trump's bona fides on this issue when you support Obama/Biden/Harris?

Your knee. Take it.
Yes and definitly. CNN was reporting on Biden attending the dignified transfer of the thirteen service members killed under his watch. It’s an event, that happened, even if it was CNN doing the reporting.

Trump stoped attending the events at Dover for over two years because the father of a dead soldier expressed anger at his leadership.

Arlington has a strict policy regarding photography and political events. Yesterday was simply the latest insult from Trump. His history is well established.
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Yes and definitly. CNN was reporting on Biden attending the dignified transfer of the thirteen service members killed under his watch. It’s an event, that happened, even if it was CNN doing the reporting.

Trump stoped attending the events at Dover for over two years because the father of a dead soldier expressed anger at his leadership.

Arlington has a strict policy regarding photography and political events. Yesterday was simply the latest insult from Trump. His history is well established.
Okay, but Biden said at his debate nobody died under his watch.

Which is it?